1-Speed of Light. The unbridled thrill of freedom, run speed, and jumping jumping jumping! See ya later DK. 1 min cooldown, 8 second sprint, not too shabby. I couldn't do Pursuit of would feel like I was sacrificing something every time I used Holy Power.

2-Repentance. But its a tough call. Ummm...if you take the 30 second HoJ then you feel like you have to be within 20 yards of the enemy at all times to get the benefit. and about lets retire judgment altogether, regain the GCD, and use that prime real estate key binding for something else? Not Burden of Guilt and Not Fist of Justice frees up a lot of range worries. In the rear with the gear.

3-Sacred Shield. The word on the street is it may be glorious again so I'm down with that.

4-Unbreakable Spirit. At least for BGs. Holy paladin + arena = glutton for punishment anyhow. Good combo with tier 5...

5-Divine Purpose. Have to do it. Passive Holy Power generation rules over everything in the long run.

6-Holy Prism. Because of Pink Floyd and our class color is pink so QED.