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    ***Genesis needs you!!***

    Guild Name: Genesis
    Faction: Horde
    Realm: Stormreaver
    Realm Type: PvP
    Realm Timezone: CST
    Raid Times: Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday at 9 p.m CST

    Genesis is a fresh new guild that was started a week prior to the release of MOP. We already have enough to run our own 10 man but we want to put our focus into 25s. Our guild plans on being a top guild on server come next content release patch. We are currently accepting all apps regardless of class/spec/experience at this moment in time. Please read below for more information if you think you maybe interested.

    -Having near perfect attendance is a must. People have RL things that come up but tell us ahead of time. Your attendance will effect your raid spot,spot in guild and position when it comes to receiving loot.

    -You must have wide amount of knowledge about your class. We want players who keep up to date with their class from patch to patch. Players who are always trying to get better raid in and raid out.

    -Always being focus regardless of if its trash or a boss. Once we start the raid then you should be 100% focused on the task at hand.

    -Your attitude will play a role just like your attendance. Getting along with guildies is a must or you won't be around long.

    -Being able to take corrective criticism or having the ability to listen to someone trying to help you who may have more experience with your class or mechanic is a must. You will never improve if you can't listen to anyone because of your ego.

    -Communicating with guildies in raids and outside raids is key. Inside raids because maybe you have a certain responsibility or have to call something out. Maybe you've done the content that we are progressing through and have a suggestion. As far as outside of raiding goes you need to understand each other as people before raiding so everyone is friends and cool with each other so stupid drama doesn't take place mid raid. All guildies should be close and get along with one and another so the guild progress as fast as possible.

    Contact Info

    GM - Brewtastic
    Officer - Musebreaks
    Officer - Martok

    Please apply at gnsguild.enjin.com if you're interested. If you would like more info or have any questions please log on and whisper one of the officers above.

  2. #2
    100+ views no apps nice

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