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  1. #1

    Did anyone else fail at picking a main for MoP?

    Disc Priests dont even show up on any WoL logs unless you look like 10+ pages deep and that was my favorite spec to play. But no one wants me in PuGs and no guilds on my server want them so since that class is useless I went to my backup plan. Well it seems Ret paladins are just as horrible. I finally found the first Ret pally sitting at 608th place on Stone Guard.....608th place for the first one? Doesnt that mean that the world's best Ret pally is actually horrible if he let 607 other classes out perform him? So with Rets being terrible as well as Disc I guess I will play something else until Disc and Ret both get some buffs.

    I mean whats the point of playing classes you enjoy if you cant enjoy playing them because no one wants you in raids?

  2. #2
    You are projecting your own insecurities and inadequacies onto the classes you play so that you don't have to look inwards and consider your own failings at this game.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Festisio View Post
    You are projecting your own insecurities and inadequacies onto the classes you play so that you don't have to look inwards and consider your own failings at this game.
    I fail to see how this relates to his question in any way

    He's pointing out that his 2 favorite specs are also considered th least played class for raiding, and its making it hard for him to find a raiding spot.

  4. #4
    I didn't. I fucking LOVE my 2h Frost DK.

    The damage is awesome and I've always loved my class.
    Quote Originally Posted by Princess Kenny View Post
    Avocado is a tropical fruit , south seas expansion confirmed.

  5. #5
    Meh things get changed quite easily though, I played an enhancement shaman for 4 years as main and things would literally change from patch to patch just play what you enjoy.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Festisio View Post
    You are projecting your own insecurities and inadequacies onto the classes you play so that you don't have to look inwards and consider your own failings at this game.

    Instead of trolling go read WoL parses. It doesnt take a genius to figure out both the specs I enjoy blow ass. Because of that Im not even being given a chance. It would be one thing if people werent inviting me to raids because someone had raided with me before and said I was fail cause I couldnt follow fight mechanics and always died. Im not even being given a chance to prove myself. People say LF healer in trade chat. I respond and get invited. Then they see white in their raid frames and kick me. Same happened when I was on my Ret. Its actually to the point where people in trade say "LF 1 healer no priests" or "LF 2 more DPS no Rets"
    Last edited by Lilly32; 2012-10-07 at 04:15 PM.

  7. #7
    I used to have a main. But then the account-wide-everything came.

    Now i dont play anymore.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Flimsy View Post
    Meh things get changed quite easily though, I played an enhancement shaman for 4 years as main and things would literally change from patch to patch just play what you enjoy.
    Thats why I got them both to 460 ilvl so I can at least do LFR with them and get some gear while leveling a new class. If they get buffed I will still have some decent gear from LFR and will be able to jump into real raids.

  9. #9
    Rets get a huge damage boost when they get their 4 set. So instead of crying already about how bad they are this tier....actually get through the tier.

  10. #10
    If you choose the class you want to play, based on how others are performing on World of Logs, then you're a fool.

    Play what you enjoy. I've always played classes I've enjoyed, even when they're below par, or when the guild doesn't need any more of them! I pay to have fun, not to compete for some stupid rankings.

    World of Logs has really gone the way of Gear score. Far to many people are concerned about it, rather then just enjoying themselves...

    Edit: Oh, and the whole "No-one wants these classes" argument is literally the silliest thing I've heard all week. There are people out there looking for these classes, these classes are performing just fine. If you stop getting so worked up over rankings, and became a really good Retribution Paladin / Discipline Priest you would get invited to these guilds.
    Last edited by Hyve; 2012-10-07 at 04:41 PM.

  11. #11
    If you enjoy it play it, unless you're competing for world firsts it likely won't make as big of a difference as you think it does. You will always be better at playing a class you enjoy rather than one you feel obligated to play because it's flavour of the month. A good player of a class will be able to compete with average players of other class. Beside that the fortunes of classes can change with every patch, there's no point changing to play fotm when Blizz is just as likely to nerf it in an upcoming patch. Trust me, I've stuck with being an enhancement shaman for 8 years :<

  12. #12
    I have a rogue.



  13. #13
    Still his fault cause he didn't research beta numbers.

  14. #14
    I was the same main all through my wow playing days - ups and downs of Blizzards FotM strategy. If you are having a bad time with your main, you did not fail to choose correctly, it is MoP that has failed you. Haha to the DK saying his dps is fine.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by slime View Post
    I was the same main all through my wow playing days - ups and downs of Blizzards FotM strategy. If you are having a bad time with your main, you did not fail to choose correctly, it is MoP that has failed you.
    Not every class can be on top. There has to be someone at the bottom at some point. Why does it matter? In PvE as long as the boss dies, who cares what ranking you got on it (As long as you're contributing to your maximum potential). Now in PvP, that is a totally different matter.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyve View Post
    Not every class can be on top. There has to be someone at the bottom at some point. Why does it matter? In PvE as long as the boss dies, who cares what ranking you got on it (As long as you're contributing to your maximum potential). Now in PvP, that is a totally different matter.
    Hey im not saying it's wrong or right, and I did mean from both pve/pvp perspectives. I'm just saying it has always been this way and this doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. Also, your attitude about pve dps "not mattering" as long as the group succeeds is very altruistic and is rare now adays in this me me me society - look at me me me and my dps dps dps. EPIC DEE PEE ESS.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilly32 View Post
    Instead of trolling go read WoL parses.
    reading WoL ...
    after only few days of raids ...
    when still most guild didnt show them ...
    normal fights ...

    since theres lot of disci priests on WoL ...

    since it was pretty obvious that monk will top everything (blizzard only failed with monk dps ...) - just like DK at the begining.

    Yeah It doesnt take a genius to figure out that:
    You are projecting your own insecurities and inadequacies onto the classes you play so that you don't have to look inwards and consider your own failings at this game.
    is the only correct answer in this topic.

    Just like 99% other threads "this spec is OP / this spec needs buff"

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilly32 View Post
    Disc Priests dont even show up on any WoL logs unless you look like 10+ pages deep and that was my favorite spec to play. But no one wants me in PuGs and no guilds on my server want them so since that class is useless I went to my backup plan. Well it seems Ret paladins are just as horrible. I finally found the first Ret pally sitting at 608th place on Stone Guard.....608th place for the first one? Doesnt that mean that the world's best Ret pally is actually horrible if he let 607 other classes out perform him? So with Rets being terrible as well as Disc I guess I will play something else until Disc and Ret both get some buffs.

    I mean whats the point of playing classes you enjoy if you cant enjoy playing them because no one wants you in raids?
    The only way I can respond to this is find a new guild that will accept you for the class/spec you play. I know this sounds a bit meh but its true. An example would be if you were in our guild you would be raiding regardless of what you play, we operate strictly on taking the player over the class as I am sure a number of guilds also do.
    I played Ele/Resto back in t11, they were painful days for resto especially, did it affect my raiding, no way did it and is the same for all of our members. Just because disc isnt in a great place right now doesnt mean you cant raid at all on it, and if anyone moans quite frankly I know what I would tell them.

    If a change of guild isn't an option for you then maybe change to holy for a bit while you wait for some disc improvement?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lilly32 View Post
    I mean whats the point of playing classes you enjoy if you cant enjoy playing them because no one wants you in raids?
    Again, it is simply not true that there isn't ANY guild out there that would accept you, maybe just expand your search a little?

    Mind if I ask which I forgot before, what type of raiding are you after? Hardcore servers firsts or the average realm raiding guild?
    Last edited by Kesandri; 2012-10-07 at 04:52 PM.
    Keeping everyone happy is impossible.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyve View Post
    Not every class can be on top. There has to be someone at the bottom at some point. Why does it matter? In PvE as long as the boss dies, who cares what ranking you got on it (As long as you're contributing to your maximum potential). Now in PvP, that is a totally different matter.
    Except the gap between the top classes and the bottom classes is unacceptable. Its one thing if the gap was 2-3k DPS but for Ret Paladins its a 40k-50k DPS difference. How the hell do you compete when everyone else in the raid is doing 80-100k DPS and you are doing 50-60k DPS? You wont be because you wont be raiding.
    Last edited by Lilly32; 2012-10-07 at 04:51 PM.

  20. #20
    Actually I wish I leveled my disci first instead of my mage. I could now be farming herbs with a flying mount while they spawn like crazy. Instead I'm stuck with tailoring/enchanting. Other than that, I love being a mage.

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