Brotherhood of the Blade is a semi casual guild that is looking for one healer and potentially one dps for one of our 10 man raids. Our guild has been raiding since the days of Molten Core and was created on day 1, in addition to that we were around in Dark Age of Camelot before WoW was around, so to say we provide a stable environment really carries some weight to back it up.

We are currently running at least 2 10 man groups but the group I lead is in need of one healer we would prefer a monk, will also accept a very good resto druid. We raid Thursdays from 10pm to midnight eastern and then Saturday night from 9pm to somewhere in the midnight to 1 am range, basically whenever we get tired, sometimes we use Sundays as a cleanup night to finish off any normal modes we have left after progression the other nights.

We have been two healing everything up until this point and Shek'zeer is proving harder to 2 heal than anything up until this point, we were already looking for a healer but now we need to kick it in to high gear.

We would like someone who can make 90%+ of raids, it is understandable that you may have to miss raids due to real life but right now we have exactly 10 people so if we get 2 more that will put us at 12, we can't really afford to have people regularly missing raids as we then have to cancel them. So we aren't recruiting you to ride the bench either.

I hate copy and paste recruitment posts and this was all of the top of my head so if I missed anything or rambled I apologize.

You can find me on RealID at : chuckleslove#1877 we can discuss the finer details if you would like at that point.