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  1. #1

    Healer with easy learning curve to step in pvp

    Hey, I was a pve player mainly didnt pvp at all except getting conquest gears for pve at start of expansions/patches. As pve takes so much time some of our members couldnt keep it up, we stopped raiding and want to focus pvp on which is way more flexible with playtimes imo. Problem is despite im very comfortable with any class in pve i just cant do the same in pvp.

    I dont care if a class is fotm or greatly underpowered, I just want to pick a class with easy learning curve no matter how bad it is currently. My main caster will be a mage which is my main, melee will be a dk, both are 90 and heard these two are pretty easy to play. I cant decide which healer to pick, have the following classes currently, can also level a monk with heirlooms. What would you suggest?

    Priest - 90 / Did some bgs/arenas with her last week, shadow seemed fine actually found easier than my mage which I've been playing for 3 years. Cant say the same for disc, it was stressful.

    Paladin - 85 / Tried at 85-89 bracket tought that would give me an opinion about class, got stomped by high levels.

    Shaman -85 / Same as paladin.

    Druid - 83 / Played as feral so far as i dont have leather int heirlooms. So dont have any idea.

    Again I want to pick a class with easy learning curve not fotm.

  2. #2
    Shaman and Priest would be the hardest, you have to know how to fake cast. Druids have to fake a lot less but paladins have to cast the least. Basically paladin would be the easiest healer till you get higher up and have the awareness to death and ground cc. Paladins are the easiest healer to cc sac is dispel able and any decent player takes it off instantly. Disc Priest are just bad and unless your a multi glad, I wouldn't waste the time but if you want to roll shadow that's another story. Shamans get reelzed atm and have to fake a lot, they are not the best healer for a beginner but when you get good at shaman it pays off. Druids are fun Starshipx farms to rank 1 in a couple of hours so, they aren't bad. I have heard monks are awful and haven't done much mist arena can only take so much.
    Last edited by worsthitmanNa; 2012-12-03 at 08:16 AM.
    You're right except for 2 things.

    1. My name is spelt "God" not "Loucious-sama".
    2. I'm not a man, because man is inherently flawed. I am in fact a being so far beyond your comprehension that archaic constraints like flesh, blood, time and consequently, gender, have no meaning to me.

  3. #3
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Hpal is definitely the easiest to play, highest passive mitigation means you are least likely to get blown up in a stun - the most get-out-of-cc-free cards (aura mastery to avoid silence, bubbles out of stuns/cc, trinket) - the fewest casts means the least likely to get locked out of heals, and the most effective instant cast healer means you aren't being penalized for only instant casting. Combined with lots of ways to get out of melee or otherwise turn off enemy damage dealers - HoJ, Blinding Light, Repentance, Speed of Light - and the learning curve on Hpal is really quite easy compared to the other classes, who are often worse off on all these counts, and need to also manage their offensive abilities at the same time to be successful (offensive dispels, CCs and kicks).
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  4. #4
    Holy Paladin or Resto Druid

  5. #5
    Thank you, leveling my paladin to 90. Having to cast less often can make huge difference for me, that was the answer i was looking for. I mean explaining how class works instead calling x class is too stronk.

    I have another question about 3v3 team with paladin. My little brother, me and one of my best friends planning to do 3s. My brother has fairly good arena experience at least more than two of us (1.9k with his dk, and 1.8k with his disc priest at cata) . My friend picked rogue as he usually plays assasin style classes at other games, but he struggles so much with rogue (he started playing wow 2 weeks after mop release). Do you think he can perform better with a warrior? I think rogue is a bit complex for a starter.

    Also just realized how hard is pvp compared to pve, at least for me. I could play a class to near to its full potential in a week of practice in pve, in pvp i cant even perform mediocre with my 3 year old main.

  6. #6
    Not true casters wreck H paladins, even elemental shamans can make a paladin bubble in a couple seconds but they are something blizzard put in the game as a joke so no worries.

    ---------- Post added 2012-12-03 at 08:12 AM ----------

    Rogues aren't in a good spot right now, even multi glads struggle with them warrior is a much better class atm.
    You're right except for 2 things.

    1. My name is spelt "God" not "Loucious-sama".
    2. I'm not a man, because man is inherently flawed. I am in fact a being so far beyond your comprehension that archaic constraints like flesh, blood, time and consequently, gender, have no meaning to me.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Darcyn View Post
    Thank you, leveling my paladin to 90. Having to cast less often can make huge difference for me, that was the answer i was looking for. I mean explaining how class works instead calling x class is too stronk.

    I have another question about 3v3 team with paladin. My little brother, me and one of my best friends planning to do 3s. My brother has fairly good arena experience at least more than two of us (1.9k with his dk, and 1.8k with his disc priest at cata) . My friend picked rogue as he usually plays assasin style classes at other games, but he struggles so much with rogue (he started playing wow 2 weeks after mop release). Do you think he can perform better with a warrior? I think rogue is a bit complex for a starter.

    Also just realized how hard is pvp compared to pve, at least for me. I could play a class to near to its full potential in a week of practice in pve, in pvp i cant even perform mediocre with my 3 year old main.
    I would say have your friend stick with the rogue. Despite what the state of PVP is right now, you need to have a longer-term view of the game. Rogues will definitely be buffed and be super strong at the end of expansion, just like every other expansion before it.

  8. #8
    Tbh all healers are about equally hard to play - if ppls tell you that holy pallies are easy, then you'll be up for a surprise runing into double caster+heal all with different CCs. You'd better take a look over skillsets and decide what you feel like toying with, also you need to consider what classes your partners will be runing becouse if it's your brother and close friend ditching them won't work and picking wrong heal for composition will either handicap you greatly or force someone on your team to reroll (gone through that couple of times - me and bro traditionally made bad decisions on start of every season).

    Also a word of advice - don't pick priest, they're in a bad shape atm and you'll be in for painfull expirience.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Darcyn View Post
    My friend picked rogue as he usually plays assasin style classes at other games, but he struggles so much with rogue (he started playing wow 2 weeks after mop release). Do you think he can perform better with a warrior? I think rogue is a bit complex for a starter.
    I find the rogue class most fun, but for PVP the warrior is easier to get to grips with. For someone new to both PVP and WoW in general, I'd def recommend a warrior over a rogue. Redirecting combos onto a new target with anticipation up isn't rocket surgery but it's more involved than just turning around and aoe stunning whatever target is infront of you. You have more self buffs to keep track of and prioritise on a rogue (SnD, sanguinary vein, feint, even recuperate) while the hardest part I found with PVPing on a warrior (stance dancing) has been heavily simplified.
    Stormscale Horde EU |

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dcruize View Post
    I find the rogue class most fun, but for PVP the warrior is easier to get to grips with. For someone new to both PVP and WoW in general, I'd def recommend a warrior over a rogue. Redirecting combos onto a new target with anticipation up isn't rocket surgery but it's more involved than just turning around and aoe stunning whatever target is infront of you. You have more self buffs to keep track of and prioritise on a rogue (SnD, sanguinary vein, feint, even recuperate) while the hardest part I found with PVPing on a warrior (stance dancing) has been heavily simplified.
    We discussed a bit, he doesnt want to quit playing his rogue but going to level a warrior. We have plenty of time until next season so not gonna be a problem.

    I searched forums to get some information about setups, i think tsg is suitable for us. General opinion is it can be pretty good with average skills as far as I read. Would you suggest any other comps for starters?

  11. #11
    Both rogues and priests are alot better off now. Neither are nowhere near " unplayable unless multi glad". Personally i would recommend a shaman, I have priest/druid/shaman heals and I found that nice to learn on. Fake casting is a crucial part of playing any caster, even all three of those, so you need to get it down regardless. Besides that its mainly using grounding well and CD management. ( positioning,cc, ect will need practice with all these).
    shamans are also in a really good spot right now.
    Last edited by Myci; 2012-12-03 at 12:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    Life Lesson #1 - People are terrible.

    Don't let it get to you. It'll only spoil your own personal enjoyment if you do.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Myci View Post
    priests are nowhere near " unplayable unless multi glad"
    Actually they are, becouse atm they're inferior to any other healer so you've to heavily outplay other team healer and let your team carry you. It's nowhere decent state to be in and for unknown reason all disc got this patch was mana regen buff (that really fixed them in pve though).

    P.S. Dunno about rogues, been busy rerolling moonkin to play them much.

  13. #13
    monks are much worse in arena imo. The mana was one of the biggest problems. Their output is still behind, but they are viable
    3 of the top 10 teams on cyclone are RMP. Im definately not recommending it this season for what hes asking, but I think its foolish when people have that mentality of your a rouge/priest this season? Not doing rbgs/arenas with you xD lol
    Last edited by Myci; 2012-12-03 at 01:17 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    Life Lesson #1 - People are terrible.

    Don't let it get to you. It'll only spoil your own personal enjoyment if you do.

  14. #14
    So what i understand is Fake casting, positioning and cd management are all must do with any healer. And each have its special things plus these three.

    Monk is definetly not my class, i just couldnt like them. You said priest needs to cast more often that leaves me more chances to make a mistake. I think shaman needs much more involving than any other healer they have so much cooldowns to manage, and like 353254x totems to worry about. Shapeshifting and using bear,cat abilities seems like somewhat mandatory to play druid at maximum potential plus they are a hot class and that requires higher prediction on incoming damage and swaps. These all leaves me paladin. Seems like they have less things to worry about.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Myci View Post
    monks are much worse in arena imo. The mana was one of the biggest problems. Their output is still behind, but they are viable
    3 of the top 10 teams on cyclone are RMP. Im definately not recommending it this season for what hes asking, but I think its foolish when people have that mentality of your a rouge/priest this season? Not doing rbgs/arenas with you xD lol
    Dunno what're you smoking but on eu Cyclone there's 1 rmp in top 30 whille on my BG that's traditionally swarmed with cleaves there's not a single disc priest setup in top 40. Actually i'm sure disc is in dire situation on almost every BG, but cba to check more then i did. Tbh your opinion is subjective, but arena ladders don't agree with you.

  16. #16 is a nice way of checking every battlegroup at once. 14 RMPs 2.2k+ worldwide.
    Stormscale Horde EU |

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyaldee View Post
    Dunno what're you smoking but on eu Cyclone there's 1 rmp in top 30 whille on my BG that's traditionally swarmed with cleaves there's not a single disc priest setup in top 40. Actually i'm sure disc is in dire situation on almost every BG, but cba to check more then i did. Tbh your opinion is subjective, but arena ladders don't agree with you.
    soar, nest level beats, and dont focus rogue on cyclone Im not really sure what we are disagreeing on, i just think that a good player can push decent rating on a priest this season. Also that they are better after the patch, since mana was a big issue. I agree they are in a bad spot. Hes aiming for next season either way, and for all we know they could be the best then from an over buff.

    @ the op - I guess my opinion is to try and start with a stronger healing class. You might be glad for all the extra cds/tools. Struggling to learn all the cds and time them properly> struggling to survive without them. Im not saying paladins are a bad choice, but as others have said suffer against caster cleaves. Right now i see demo-fmage-ele dmg/burst > most. Compared to melees feral-war ( kinda dks, but they lack cc and imo defense.).
    Definitely play one that works best with whatever teammates your going to run.

    pally comps with a war - war/pal/feral is realllllly good. war/pal/hunt(eh) war/pal/mage( +1) pal/war/dk --lots of possible comps. ( ele/enhance could work and would be nice for tremor, spriests for mass dispel.

    pally with rogue- I dont see any above like 1800 atm this season, and tbh i dont have enough experience on either of these to say how well they would go together. enh/ele/spriest maybe, they are always nice. or a mage/lock possibly, but your rogue needs to be on top of peels.

    shammy with war. TSG lock/war/sham mage/war/sham feral/war/sham spriest/war/sham --- lots of comps, i would say feral or lock is the way to go
    shammy with rogue- mag/r/s lock/r/s(+10) spriest/r/s feral/r/s all would work really well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    Life Lesson #1 - People are terrible.

    Don't let it get to you. It'll only spoil your own personal enjoyment if you do.

  18. #18
    Hpally, Rdruid is pretty simple at the moment as well, all you need is a couple macros.

  19. #19
    Blademaster Budoma's Avatar
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    I find resto Druids are fairly easy in pvp.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Myci View Post
    i just think that a good player can push decent rating on a priest this season.
    I think it's a matter of misunderstanding rather then disagreement. I'm simply pointing out that picking up priest in their curent state won't fit a guy who's looking for a healer with easy learning curve. Also we never know how long their curent state will last, warriors were on backfoot almost wholle previous expansion past CS nerf so imo place your bet on something that curently works hehe.

    OT: Still think you should consult your friends what classes are they going for (or ready to go for) then post a thread asking what healer will fit best in those variations.

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