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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandareeni View Post
    GW2 didnt have subscription model from the get go because they knew the game isnt as good as wow and people would not buy game time after free month. The character movement, almost everything is just shit. It certainly isnt a game what you would expect from having been in development many years. What the GW2 really tells is there is really only a handful of skilled people in that industry.
    Man just get the fuck out of here.

  2. #102
    Its a little too early to determine if GW2 will succeed with its f2p model. A lot of games thought moving to F2P would save their game and they are either squeeking by or collapsing. Yes I get it that the wow fans will doomsay it and the GW fans will shine a turd if they have to.

    I am trying hard to not make a 'X game is better than Y' comment because it is frowned upon here. I will say that GW2 has some serious issues lieing just under the surface that includes its players not wanting gear progression to be an issue and the fact that in order for games of this nature to continue to stick and carrot the player there has to be a constantly better carrot in front of the player than the carrot they have attained already. Players dont want it to become a wow game but there is no example out there of a game that does not eventually become more like wow to be successful.

    Guild Wars 2 has not been out long enough to be called a success, there are rapids down stream and its up to the producers of GW2 to show how skilled they are at navigating those rapids before their F2P system can be called a success.

    Love it or Hate it, WoW is a historical success among video games.

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