(is this the right place to post this?)

Soooooo. I've been going by the same online handle for years now (11 or so?) since I graduated highschool, and it's just stale and I'm ready to change it, but I'm having a really hard time coming up with a new one. So i'm here to ask for some ideas!

- It has to be easy enough to tell people so they understand it. No l4wlzg4merz or anything like that.
- Would like something quintessentially nerdy/geeky. either containing said words (geek/nerd) or gamer. something like that.
- no numbers. ug.
- no hyphens. double ug.

I really need a new handle. in a bad bad way. something fresh. and i've been busting it thinking so long trying to come up with a new one i've hit a creativity road block. i like things like "nerdist" (wish i thought of that one) etc.

help me obi wan mmo-bi's, you're my only hope!