Thread: Visitor font

  1. #1

    Visitor font

    Hey all
    Im trying to add the font "visitor" to SharedMedia_MyMedia
    heres the font

    The font comes with 3 files visitor.fon, visitor1.ttf and visitor2.ttf
    I have benn able to add fonts to mymedia before but this one is giving me problems. I put the ttf files in the font folder then in the mymedia lua i add the lines

    LSM:Register("font", "visitor1", [[Interface\Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\visitor1.ttf]])
    LSM:Register("font", "visitor2", [[Interface\Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\visitor2.ttf]])

    however the fonts do not show up in game, am I doing something wrong?
    I notice when i look in properties the title of visitor2 for example is Visitor TT2 BRK...does this have anything to do with why it isnt working?

  2. #2
    Check the main SharedMedia directory for a MyMedia.bat. put your media in the appropriate folder and run that,

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