Poll: Do you have multiple characters of the same class?

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  1. #41
    I have a horde of each class on one realm and an alliance of each class on another.

  2. #42
    3 different warriors, all same realm. One's PvP Prot, another is PvE prot/fury, another is used for PvP as Arms/Fury.

  3. #43
    I have 2 warlocks on the same realm. I don't enjoy rogues so I made a second warlock (My main class) instead

  4. #44
    Yeah, I've mained a Paladin since Firelands came out and for the first 1½ year I played Protection on it and as such I started to level a second paladin to max level in Dragon Soul because I enjoyed playing holy a great deal too and wanted to raid as both specs. During Dragon Soul I think I ended up with multiple 85s of the same class, both to play on different servers or to try out other specs in raids, at the end it was something like: 3 Paladins, 2 DKs, 4 Druids, (I preffered to tank and heal rather than DPS)

    In MoP it's only Paladins so far (swapped to holy on the main and went prot on the alt recently rather than the other way around though).

    here's a picture to illustrate

  5. #45
    During WTLK, there was a time when I had 3 Death Knights on different realms. I often found it easier rerolling on new realms to play with friends as a Death Knight. They were a hybrid between range and melee. Also they started at level 55, so saved quite a bit of levelling.

    Most importantly they were fun back then. Then they went through a period of stagnation during Cataclysm. However, on returning to the game I re levelled another Death Knight on a new realm and I am having a ton of fun with the class. Its quite retarded what you can do with Blood Death Knights. I was questing in IoT, and pulled an Elite Mob with 15+ trolls and I ended the fight with full HP with no sweat.

  6. #46
    The Undying Wildtree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticmoon View Post
    No. I don't see the point in doing that. WTF?
    Playing both factions, and on different realms make such things happen.
    "The pen is mightier than the sword.. and considerably easier to write with."

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Spacebot View Post
    Yeah, I've mained a Paladin since Firelands came out and for the first 1½ year I played Protection on it and as such I started to level a second paladin to max level in Dragon Soul because I enjoyed playing holy a great deal too and wanted to raid as both specs. During Dragon Soul I think I ended up with multiple 85s of the same class, both to play on different servers or to try out other specs in raids, at the end it was something like: 3 Paladins, 2 DKs, 4 Druids, (I preffered to tank and heal rather than DPS)

    In MoP it's only Paladins so far (swapped to holy on the main and went prot on the alt recently rather than the other way around though).

    here's a picture to illustrate
    Someone really has a lot of time on their hands. If I counted right I see 7 Paladins. I am not here to judge, but I wouldn't consider Paladins to be the most fun class in the game by any standards, and Paladins, besides my Death Knight has been the longest played class in the game.

    Of all their 3 specs, Holy was probably my favourite.

  8. #48
    Yeah, not sure how it happened, but i ended up with each 2 hunters and druids (who are all horde o_O) and 2 shamans and warlocks (at least both factions). Not all are 90 though, but mostly > 80. I also got two ~60 priests (h/a) specced discipline (instead of just finishing one, oh dear...)

  9. #49
    I really like to lvl up chars and i have 16x 90s and some are multiple chars but they are ally and horde and on different servers. I have 2x druids,2x warriors, 2x warlock,2x priest, 2x shaman and 2x dks. I gonna try get 22x 90s before this expansion ends

  10. #50
    Herald of the Titans Aoyi's Avatar
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    I have at least 5 ENH shamans. I love the spec. I say at least as there are a couple low level ones as well that I don't count and not sure how many I have.

  11. #51
    No. I have one of each class. We have a dude in my guild who has been known to roll a class, get it to level cap, then delete it and start over. I don't think I could ever do that.

  12. #52

    Back in TBC I had 4 level 70 characters, 3 of them we holy priests.

    Now I have 3 level 90 characters, 2 of them are blood death knights.

  13. #53
    Absolutely. My sig only represents the ones I'm playing the most right now, but I do have multiple hunters which I play a different race/pet themes. I also tend to pick different specs when I play more than one of the same class just to switch things up.

    "There is a thin, semantic line separating weird and beautiful. And that line is covered in jellyfish." - Welcome to Night Vale.

  14. #54
    I am Murloc! dacoolist's Avatar
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    Darkspear US - Filthy Alliance - 90 Warrior - Dacoolist
    Mal'Ganis US - Horde - 90 Warrior - Dacoolist

    I can only play a Warrior I guess

  15. #55
    I have 3 Mages (87, 85, 85), 2 Shamans (90, 90) and 2 Hunters (85, 80 for old content). It doesn't help sometimes, because I'm a completionist. I love to do my achs, pet stuff, mounts, reps etc, and over the years, the duplicates just sorta happened. Different reasons for them, including Alliance vs Horde. Most happened when you couldn't faction change or race change

  16. #56
    The Lightbringer Duridi's Avatar
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    I do yes. Never on the same server though.

  17. #57
    I have 2 paladins, one 80 and the other 60, on different servers and factions. The 80 paladin is in fact a relic of my Horde days and I haven't played him since mid-WotLK.

    I do have 2 hunters at 60 on the same server though, a worgen and a dwarf. Rolled the worgen one in early Cata to see the revamped world, then realised that I'd rather have a dwarf hunter. I ended up leveling a new one because I think race change is ridiculously overpriced, plus leveling is arguably what I enjoy the most in this game.

  18. #58
    Warrior and rogues. 3 warriors and 2 rogues on same server. when ever i get bored i lvl a new one xd.

  19. #59
    Well i have a multitude of stuff i don't care to write :P it's getting late

    As someone did before me, i'll just show a picture

    had to make 2, since they couldn't all fit in 1..
    Last edited by elfox; 2013-04-21 at 09:12 PM.

  20. #60
    I do, but they're on different servers. I can't exactly afford to have two of the same class with an 11-character per server restriction now can I?

    I have never had two of the same class maxed at the same time though, except for once back in Wrath. I had taken to leveling/casually playing a Tauren Druid on an RP server after getting bored with my main, a Night Elf Druid. When the Cataclsym pre-expansion events rolled around, I really wanted to see both sides (plus Horde and Alliance got different goodies for participating) so I power-leveled that sumbitch like nobody's business and squeaked by on my freshly-maxed Tauren. It was good to see the Horde stuff, but I ended up having more time than I thought so I really didn't have to put myself through so much hassle, especially during college. -_-

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