1. #1

    <BRB Slaying Dragons> heroic raiding, friendly atmosphere on Frostmane EU

    <BRB Slaying Dragons> has recently transferred from a dead realm due to not being able to recruit. Therefore we're at the moment only at 1/13 HC. We got 12/12 in ToT in the first two weeks, but then a few people had to quit due to RL and boredom of the game. The remaining part of the team is still keen on raiding and very much in love with the game. We've pretty much been at a standstill due to these issues and are hoping to recruit a few more players now on a new realm: Frostmane!

    We're a bunch of good friends who enjoy raiding together at a high level. The best way to describe us is that we love serious raiding, but we're non raging/jerks. We'll tell each other when something isn't done right or needs improvement, but we believe in decensy and being polite (but obviously we can crack a joke about how someone sucks :P). This has resulted in some strong bonds between the members throughout our three years of raiding.

    Our previous progress, when content was relevant, includes:

    ICC: 11/12 HC (with meta achievs)
    Firelands: 6/7 HC (with meta achievs)
    Dragon Soul: 8/8 HC (with meta achievs)
    T14: 10/16 HC
    T15: 12/12 normal within two weeks, then we've been at a standstill due to recruitment issues on a low pop server.

    We raid wednesday, thursday, sunday - and sometimes mondays from 19.45 - 23.00 server time.

    Currently looking for:
    Healer: Paladin, Shaman, Monk
    Ranged: Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Spriest

    We're hoping to continue our three year running guild on Frostmane!

    For information visit our site BRBSD.enjin.com or contact Nibu in game, or add Nibu#1344 on battle.tag :-)

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Bumped ^.^ Still searching, moar applications please!

  4. #4

  5. #5

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