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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchor View Post
    My entire guild moaned and complained the 2nd day into MoP that they had to go through 1000 of the same quests again to reach end level... They all ended up quiting the game as well a month into MoP. So yeah... I'm quite certain that people don't want to do the whole leveling thing again, even that gets boring after a while. Especially if you've already done it on past expansions and on multiple alts every expansion ... just another painful week of grinding through quests again is nothing I think people are looking forward to.
    why didnt they just run dungeons or pvp? maybe they were just burned out of warcraft. it took me 3 days to get to 90 and i didnt even get to kun lai yet and had only ran two dungeons each once for the lore.

    anybody moaning about a few days of questing is playing the wrong game.
    "I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
    "so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon

    FC: 3437-3046-3552

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by TJ View Post
    Because Azeroth is beyond stale, we need somewhere new rather than "hey look, there's a new massive continent over there that we've never seen before!".
    We have south seas, ocean and emerald dream. All come with their own, well-made lore.
    Not a whole expansion of spacegoats and other abominations of lore.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Immitis View Post
    the only known thing currently on azeroth that poses a threat is the naga and the zandalari. the majority of old god forces were destoryed in cataclysm to the point where a small handful of warlocks can go in kick their butts and take their secrets so the naga are likely busy trying to build those forces back up, we havent seen enough of the zandalari to know what they plan on doing.

    so that leaves two most likely options

    a south seas expansion

    a burning legion expansion.

    a south seas expansion would likely involve island hoping and blizzard said they want to focus on big connected continents for now, which means burning legion is most likely. plus all the foreshadowing

    you need to suspend your disbelief, yes we will be able to fight the legion on its own soil, the same way the doctor could go to skaro and not be killed by a bunch of daleks. it will happen for one reason or the other.

    the only reason you should get mad is if we go straight to argus or if we somehow defeat sargeras in the first burning legion expansion, other then that learn to deal with it or quit
    Yes, I know that it WILL happen at some time. And I have the fear that it will totally suck from a lore PoV.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesftw View Post
    Unless next expansion will be like a battlechest and allow you to play thru vanilla+bc+wrath+cata+mop, i doubt it. Alot of new players are discouraged fast after they learn that in order to play this new shiny expansion they not only have to grind thru al previous stuff , but also drop more cash on old expansions.
    you nolonger have to buy bc or wrath, those are part of vanilla wow now, when the next expansion comes out cata will be part of vanilla wow too.

    so in order to get to the end you would have to buy vanilla wow, plus mists, plus the next expac which yes is a bit expensive they have deals all the time for them and the average player wouldnt need to buy them all at once since most people wont get to 85 in a few days, the average player takes a few weeks to get that high.

    plus if they are new why buy all of it at once, if they dont like it thats money wasted
    "I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
    "so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon

    FC: 3437-3046-3552

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo Risin View Post
    We've dealt with the major, recent plots from WarCraft 3. (BC, WotLK, Cata)

    We've dealt with the inevitable refurbishment of Azeroth. (Cata)

    We've dealt with the equally inevitable pandaren and the Asian theme - not everyone likes this, but it was being hinted at for years. (MoP)

    Also, we'll soon be rid of the (now) rather tiresome formula of the evil Horde and Garrosh Hellscream, and the Alliance with Varian and his murky past.
    We'll get a new start with the leadership of the factions.

    From here, we can only get awesome, fresh content.

    - Burning Legion and a new world
    - Azshara and the oceans
    - Unknown villain and the other side of Azeroth
    - You name it

    So I'm calling it - the next expansion will see WoW return to a 11-12 million strong subscription base.

    What do you think?
    Mop was being hinted for years?

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Djalil View Post
    Mop was hinted for years?
    blizzard did always say they wanted to bring the pandaren in some way, pretty much every blizzcon someone would ask them "when are the pandaren gonna show up" and we know samwise always wanted them to be in the game in a major way.

    pretty much every rpg ends up having an asian inspired part of it added in since its a logical step.
    "I was a normal baby for 30 seconds, then ninjas stole my mamma" - Deadpool
    "so what do we do?" "well jack, you stand there and say 'gee rocket raccoon I'm so glad you brought that Unfeasibly large cannon with you..' and i go like this BRAKKA BRAKKA BRAKKA" - Rocket Raccoon

    FC: 3437-3046-3552

  7. #27
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immitis View Post
    the only known thing currently on azeroth that poses a threat is the naga and the zandalari. the majority of old god forces were destoryed in cataclysm to the point where a small handful of warlocks can go in kick their butts and take their secrets so the naga are likely busy trying to build those forces back up, we havent seen enough of the zandalari to know what they plan on doing.

    so that leaves two most likely options

    a south seas expansion

    a burning legion expansion.

    a south seas expansion would likely involve island hoping and blizzard said they want to focus on big connected continents for now, which means burning legion is most likely. plus all the foreshadowing

    you need to suspend your disbelief, yes we will be able to fight the legion on its own soil, the same way the doctor could go to skaro and not be killed by a bunch of daleks. it will happen for one reason or the other.

    the only reason you should get mad is if we go straight to argus or if we somehow defeat sargeras in the first burning legion expansion, other then that learn to deal with it or quit
    I have see that yes, BUT i realy hope the next ex[ansion will be around the seas. So much secrets in the seas.. and no explorations to that as of yet. We all know Sargaras was the perfect lover for Azshara. I hope we will get a South seas expansion with a follow up to the next expansion Azshara trying to summon the legion once again. Would be perfect for me

  8. #28
    While I 100% agree I think the next expansion will be awesome.

    I 100% disagree that WoW will go back to 12 millions sub.

    I am pretty confident there will never ever be an MMO with 12 million subs ever again.

    The market place has changed.

    MoP has some of the best content in WoW history delivered in a much shorter time span.

    Blizzard somehow captured the genie in the bottle with WoW I am not sure what it was luck, good timing or something else but look at all the competition with less than 1 million subs is Rift and SW:ToR really 8 times as bad as WoW, of course they are not.

    B2P and F2P games are having an effect on the MMO market and I think its a good thing.

    Competition is great, blizzard should have to fight for subscribers, this will only make WoW and other MMOs better.

  9. #29
    I also believe it'll likely be a Burning Legion-centric expansion that won't take place entirely on Azeroth (though unlike most, I believe that part of it will - at least the first patch cycle) given recent developments (their expressed desire to develop new landmasses and the in-game info about Wrathion's BL omen in 5.3)

    I also can't see them being able to keep it entirely on Azeroth just because Vanilla was all on Azeroth, parts of BC were too (both of the ten mans + QD) and Cataclysm was an old-world expansion complete with a full revamp of the world and new zones added to the major continents (or at least new zones added here and there and old zones fleshed out) MoP has been fun for me, I admit, but I also acknowledge that Pandaria is not a landmass that everyone likes - my favorite place so far has been Northrend, but I'm a cold weather kind of guy and Wrath is just my favorite expansion (I was one of those people waiting for WoW to explore the future of Arthas and the Undead were my favorite WC3 race and I always play a Shadow Knight/Dark Knight/Death Knight/Blackguard/Anti-Paladin/etc... in any game that has one) so I'm slightly biased there.

    I honestly have not yet "hated" any part of the game. I've quit for variable periods in the eight years WoW's been around but never for longer than a maximum of six months probably? Maybe more or less, I know my longest periods of inactivity were mid-college and grad school, during BC and late Wrath.

    Anyway, I think for raid content/gameplay MoP has been pretty good - I really liked the world of Cataclysm as being in the old world in such an updated fashion was really cool, but the raids beyond T11 were weaker than any other expansion I think. Throne of Thunder has done a very admirable job being "Ulduar 2.0" so I'm happy with it, much more than I was with T14 - Terrace was kind of weak I thought and I wasn't in love with Heart of Fear either (Garalon was cool and the Amber-Shaper fight was fun, but the surroundings were just too similar throughout and the bosses probably deserved more visual flair) MSV was neat.

    So yeah - not sure where I'm going with this but I agree with the OP and I don't have any gripes with the idea of a Burning Legion expansion - I just hope they add a class that I might actually want to play or enough strong changes to my DK that I'll be too stuck to it to quit it. I never really worry too much about the setting/plot/motivation/villain stuff because I pretty much enjoy whatever they come up with - I worry more about systems changes and that sort of stuff.

    So I predict it's a Burning Legion expansion that begins with an LL Cool J style "Don't call it a comeback..." invasion/resurgence that opens the action and begins the leveling process...the first dungeons and raid tier would take place on Azeroth somewhere (new zone or not) and then everything else - including the later dungeons, the last 35% of the leveling trek and the additional raids will all be in Burning Legion HQ. I think this would be cool - a beginning where we repel a great attack after returning from Pandaria (And maybe as some guy said earlier...we'll get Titan help) and then we'll take the fight to them.

    I could legitimately see the next expansion being the last major one - the game will probably be ten years old by the time the expansion would see its full life cycle.
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  10. #30
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    I love wow as much as the next guy, but i cant see the next expansion doing better then a stable 10m. If they could get to 10m again and have it be stable i think they would be more then incredibly happy. Honestly i dont see them getting above 10m ever again. It would surprise me if the next xpac even broke 10m. Not because wow is bad, but because the sub based mmo market is failing.

  11. #31
    "Schlimmer geht immer"
    Things can always get worse.

    Are they going to try and surpass themselves again? Sure. Will they manage? No clue.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchor View Post
    My entire guild moaned and complained the 2nd day into MoP that they had to go through 1000 of the same quests again to reach end level... They all ended up quiting the game as well a month into MoP. So yeah... I'm quite certain that people don't want to do the whole leveling thing again, even that gets boring after a while. Especially if you've already done it on past expansions and on multiple alts every expansion ... just another painful week of grinding through quests again is nothing I think people are looking forward to.
    how many players are there in your entire guild ? 5 millions ?

    Also the leveling process does not take that much time from previous level cap to the next one. Yes chaining quest can get tiresome, chaining anything is. But the leveling process let you discover the new zones/protagonists and so on. I bet most of your entire guild just chained quest to reach max level without bothering to read the quest or try to enjoy it.

  13. #33
    I strongly doubt WoW will ever hit the peak it achieved in Wrath. It's unfortunate, but let's face it, this game is old. The fact that it still has as many subs as it does speaks volumes to what the game means to people.

    I really believe (and hope!) that the next expac is Burning Legion oriented, with a Turalyon return. ^.^

  14. #34
    If you think WoW will ever up their subscriptions, then it will be because Titan is WoW2. WoW is old, it had it's peak three years ago, but then we entered a new decade. I applaud Blizzard for not being blind and foreseeing that WoW's glory wouldn't last, and started developing a next-gen MMO in advance. Now I hope they're smart enough to know sub fees are dead.
    Last edited by Arrowstormen; 2013-05-11 at 10:34 AM.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    I love WoW, I really do. I think it's a brilliant game. But let's be realistic: the game is not going to go back to 11-12 million subs. I doubt it'll ever go above 10 million again. This isn't due to any quality concerns (considering MoP is quite possibly the best expansion this game has ever had, yet subs are low); the game is simply old. People feel as though they've 'seen it all', even if they haven't. In every other aspect of gaming culture they're used to a constant stream of fresh new games, where they buy a game, finish it in a couple weeks, then buy another. The concept of focusing on one game for several years is just bizarre.

    That said, I do agree with what you say: the next expansion should be even better than MoP. I'm almost certain it'll be Burning Legion related, but who knows? Blizz could throw a curveball. They've done it before.
    The "game is old" argument is getting really old itself. It was already old when WOTLK hit, and your subscriptions don't just drop for 1.3 mil in one quarter because the game is old, it has to do with the game itself.
    And yes, there are major quality concerns over this expansion, it isn't the savior it was hyped up to be. And I doubt many people will think of it as the best expansion to date when the subscription numbers drop to Vanilla levels at the end of it.

  16. #36
    Cata and MoP were "weak" expansions .

    If Blizzard doesn't try to bring us an awesome plot then they will loose even more subscribers.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syran View Post
    The "game is old" argument is getting really old itself. It was already old when WOTLK hit, and your subscriptions don't just drop for 1.3 mil in one quarter because the game is old, it has to do with the game itself.
    And yes, there are major quality concerns over this expansion, it isn't the savior it was hyped up to be. And I doubt many people will think of it as the best expansion to date when the subscription numbers drop to Vanilla levels at the end of it.
    Even the developers or their bosses don't use the game is old excuse. It really is only people defending them because they have no other excuse.
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

  18. #38
    Disagree big time. Cataclysm had everything I loved about Warcraft: Deathwing in the front seat, Ragnaros and Nefarian returning, Cho'gall and Al'akir, still being on Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. Dragons and Elementals are just amazing.

    Now see how well that turned out.

    If anything, I'm afraid Blizzard might lean themselves back a little too much again. With Mists of Pandaria they had something to prove, all new things that nearly everyone was skeptic about. With a Legion expansion they just have to drop a Pit Lord on you and people go crazy, just like in TBC. Not only that, but 90% of all Demons are just bland "Crush. Kill. Destroy." guys, they're not interesting at all imo. I'm very skeptic as to how it might turn out, but I was incredibly skeptic about MoP too, and that's my favorite expansion, so I'll gladly allow myself to be surprised again.

    Also, about subs. WoW has topped in numbers, it's not going back, it's a recognizable pattern not only for video games, but for nearly everything.
    Last edited by wariofan1; 2013-05-11 at 10:38 AM.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisho View Post
    I love WoW, I really do. I think it's a brilliant game. But let's be realistic: the game is not going to go back to 11-12 million subs. I doubt it'll ever go above 10 million again. This isn't due to any quality concerns (considering MoP is quite possibly the best expansion this game has ever had, yet subs are low); the game is simply old. People feel as though they've 'seen it all', even if they haven't. In every other aspect of gaming culture they're used to a constant stream of fresh new games, where they buy a game, finish it in a couple weeks, then buy another. The concept of focusing on one game for several years is just bizarre.

    That said, I do agree with what you say: the next expansion should be even better than MoP. I'm almost certain it'll be Burning Legion related, but who knows? Blizz could throw a curveball. They've done it before.

    That is only your view. I left wow on january because of MoP i hate it, in past i couldn't even imagine quiting wow. Incredibly shit expansion, and all the setup which is up in game now, i'm like i dont even miss this game, when i remind MoP. I hope this game dies, because this shit which is up now shouldn't be called WoW, Greg Street the Destroyer of WoW should recall game.

  20. #40
    Unless they drastically change things around from a gameplay PoV it doesn't really matter.
    Just a different skin on the same old stuff.
    I doubt any change blizzard makes at this point revives WoW to the 10mil+ numbers.
    Even if they release a new xpac+vanilla+tbc+wrath+cata+mop only servers so literally anyone can play what they want the most.

    Burning Legion xpac is the most likely; anything south seas related is bound to involve tons of water.
    After the cata startzone with the weird name i doubt they will risk such a thing.
    But MoP only released past September iirc so we still have a long while to go.
    Announcement at blizzcon this summer; release next spring.
    Might just be to little to late at that point.

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