1. #2241
    I enjoyed the part where Glyph of Unending Resolve has us give up a Shield Wall for passive 10% DR. Does Blizzard realize the days of Chess-like rated pvp are long gone? Sure Blizzard we'll give up one of our most effective burst deterrent cds just so we can have the baseline defense of most other classes /facepalm. Soooooo we can effectively have 30% passive DR via Soul Link + UR glyph, but we lose Sac Pact/Dark Bargain and Unending Resolve (terrible!) - funny thing is, as terrible as this combo is for rated PvP it will be OP in RANDOMS where everyone will cry about their invincible warlock overlords /doublefacepalm.

    OH! And let's not forget since the UR glyph is no longer a 1m cd reduction, our new (old) 4 piece PvP bonus effectively makes UR a 2:40 cd instead of a 1:40 cd. \o/ awesome!! Let's buff DoTs, so we can nerf 'em again!! The warlock nerf dance every patch - ya learn to love it (maybe?).

    On a more serious note and in response to something said earlier in the thread, yes please buff our demons' speed, so they can stick to a target like a hunter pet. Seems only fair if Blizz is so deadset on us being a pet class. On a positive note, double sl/sl warlock + druid is super fun on the PTR.
    Last edited by Shadowygoodness; 2013-07-27 at 06:29 PM.
    Those who you know as Warlocks are your Salvation through Destruction. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.

  2. #2242
    Quote Originally Posted by pixul View Post
    Lets buff afflictions dots and move its dmg away from mg, oh and then we'll nerf gosac and nerf haunt so now the only time anyone uses affliction is for burst aoe every 1 minute. Woooo. Blizzard is so retarded sometimes.
    Except that Affi aoe isint actually going to be that strong, it double dips from mannoroths atm which technincally gives it 300% increased damage and no longer gets damage from the haunt debuff (i know that part is minor) but this makes affi aoe a lot more in line with the other specs, the other thing is that destro wont actually need to take mannoroths for damage because all its aoe is from F and B.

  3. #2243
    Quote Originally Posted by Rayaleith View Post
    Since they have stated so many times that lock IS a pet class I really wonder why the do still have GoSac in our choices. I agree with their opinion (roll a Mage if you don't like pets) they have to be consistent. Enough of the BS with this talent.
    ..and I completely disagree with it. I didn't roll warlock specifically to be a pet class. I rolled it (at launch) because the website and instruction manual described it as an offensive support class. Yeah, things change, but this hard, stubborn attitude that warlock = pets is regressive design.

    Cata bored me of WoW (I never saw any of the 4.x content patches), but GoSac and KJC, with them being fresh new playstyle options that I actually enjoyed got me back into it. When they removed certain pet synergies (like the old Shadow Bite), pets just felt like an extra hassle to have to manage instead of a fun compliment to the class.

    I do agree at this point they should scrap GoSac and start over. Make it baseline with a CD (like 5 minute duration/15 minute CD or something). I still think the current proposal for KJC should just be baseline too.

  4. #2244
    Quote Originally Posted by AjayxD View Post
    Except that Affi aoe isint actually going to be that strong, it double dips from mannoroths atm which technincally gives it 300% increased damage and no longer gets damage from the haunt debuff (i know that part is minor) but this makes affi aoe a lot more in line with the other specs, the other thing is that destro wont actually need to take mannoroths for damage because all its aoe is from F and B.
    this might be a stupid question, but do you know if FnB's incinerates will be castable while moving with KJC?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Szarala View Post
    ..and I completely disagree with it. I didn't roll warlock specifically to be a pet class. I rolled it (at launch) because the website and instruction manual described it as an offensive support class. Yeah, things change, but this hard, stubborn attitude that warlock = pets is regressive design.

    Cata bored me of WoW (I never saw any of the 4.x content patches), but GoSac and KJC, with them being fresh new playstyle options that I actually enjoyed got me back into it. When they removed certain pet synergies (like the old Shadow Bite), pets just felt like an extra hassle to have to manage instead of a fun compliment to the class.

    I do agree at this point they should scrap GoSac and start over. Make it baseline with a CD (like 5 minute duration/15 minute CD or something). I still think the current proposal for KJC should just be baseline too.
    warlocks have never been a pet class, its been a "minion" class, there is a distinct difference. pets are something you care for, minions are something that are there to do your bidding and to be used any way you see fit, even sacrificing it for more dmg. lorewise GoSac is a natural choice for warlocks. if blizz wants warlocks to be a pet class then they would need to make our demons as diverse as the pets of hunters, capable of bringing close to all buffs and give them a talent tree as well.

  5. #2245
    Quote Originally Posted by Szarala View Post
    When they removed certain pet synergies (like the old Shadow Bite), pets just felt like an extra hassle to have to manage instead of a fun compliment to the class.
    The main problem with pet synergies was that they were not complete. Destruction was basically married to the Imp, while Affliction likewise never used any other pet than the Felhunter. During Firelands, Demo locks would begin a pull with the Felguard to use its Bladestorm ability and to trigger Demon Soul with the highly desirable Shadow/Fire bonus damage modifier; after Bladestorm, he'd be replaced for the Felhunter who did more damage. Succubus and Voidwalker were, in most to all cases, ignored.

    Rather than invest more effort into fixing that system, Blizzard decided to make the demons neutral to spec. Today, we either have a turret or a DOT on legs which might grant a utility effect. Warlocks lack a sense of interaction with demon minions, which is why I think players lean more towards using GoSac.
    Last edited by Keldion; 2013-07-27 at 07:01 PM.
    Back when dot snapshotting was a thing, I wrote this piece of junk.

  6. #2246
    Overall most of the changes seem fair for warlocks. I assumed damage would have to be nerfed as I was WAY to OP on the Ptr so its not as bad as many make it out to be. And the new glyph for unending resolve can give us an option for passive durability if we take that and soul link. Are we still getting 10% damage reduction from the 2 piece trinket set? (Anybody?) Cause if so we have a lot of options for defense. Combining passives and actives could give us the defense we need to truly be competitive. Assuming they don't over nerf our damage that is. I would still like to see a change to battle fatigue though. If they throw us a bone on that I would be happy because its a little overboard in its current state.
    Last edited by Lucidious; 2013-07-27 at 07:06 PM.

  7. #2247
    Quote Originally Posted by almara2512 View Post
    this might be a stupid question, but do you know if FnB's incinerates will be castable while moving with KJC?
    Offhand I would say no. It's technically not Incinerate but it's own spell entirely. Don't have the PTR client currently at hand though so I can't test it myself.

  8. #2248
    Herald of the Titans PickleballAce's Avatar
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    FnB Incinerate does currently work with KJC on PTR.

  9. #2249
    Colour me surprised!

  10. #2250
    Is it me or RoF still generates embers in the PTR?

    And affliction warlocks are squishy as hell. Hunters, dks and warriors plow through us easily. The nerf to KJC pretty much made us shadowpriests.

  11. #2251
    Will Destruction still be good in BGs? I just cant seem to kill anyone as Affliction because all the Mages and Ele shaman steal my kills. Yet 20 kills is easy mode as Destruction on PTR. I assume that playing against people on live who wont have full season 14 will mean even more kills?

  12. #2252
    Destruction is amazing in BG's. Dark Soul + Glyphed UResolve + Glyphed Havoc is AMAZING. People are dropping like flies.

    Too bad with Affliction though, it has a lot of buffs but it's squishy as hell. It can dish out some damage under Dark Soul and Haunt spamming WHEN LEFT ALONE. But the spec just crumbles against melee, it's not even a fair fight.

  13. #2253
    Is it me or RoF still generates embers in the PTR?
    They never said it wouldn't, they just nerfed it. From my last tests it dropped from 0.4 emberbit per tick to 0.25.

  14. #2254
    ffs read everything again and they are nerfing our pvp 4set bonus. Great, instead of fixing the SB:SS bs in pvp they screw us yet again. Nothing new, blizzard still "fixing" the wrong thing.

  15. #2255
    ok so i am guessing non of you try to play normal affliction without using seeds and shit , but currently affi is stronger than fire with alpha and omega and amp. With a normal affi openier i was bursting to 1.3mil beating a fire mage.

    I don't like how demo plays currently on ptr it feels like complete shit from live

    We have the weakest fking set bonus out of any of the classes/specs, and those set bonus need to be redesigned

    Affi will be strong as fuck in pvp n pve , and that haunt change was only a nerf to the dmg done off our legendary cape and seed because they were both getting their dmg increased from haunt.

  16. #2256
    Quote Originally Posted by nightrianna View Post
    ok so i am guessing non of you try to play normal affliction without using seeds and shit , but currently affi is stronger than fire with alpha and omega and amp. With a normal affi openier i was bursting to 1.3mil beating a fire mage.

    I don't like how demo plays currently on ptr it feels like complete shit from live

    We have the weakest fking set bonus out of any of the classes/specs, and those set bonus need to be redesigned

    Affi will be strong as fuck in pvp n pve , and that haunt change was only a nerf to the dmg done off our legendary cape and seed because they were both getting their dmg increased from haunt.
    Haunt was benefiting off of its own debuff aswell as what you said, which was a big problem, the number pass is not here yet so numbers dont actually mean anything

  17. #2257
    Quote Originally Posted by AjayxD View Post
    Haunt was benefiting off of its own debuff aswell as what you said, which was a big problem, the number pass is not here yet so numbers dont actually mean anything
    Yeah, buffed Haunt spam on openers with procs was absurd for pvp. Had to be fixed.

  18. #2258
    Well I wasn't spamming haunt in the openier just using mging, so that doesn't change my burst ;-;.
    I kind didn't think spamming seed or haunt was a good idea , so i did the normal openier , and its dps is insane

  19. #2259
    Banned Cebel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightrianna View Post
    Well I wasn't spamming haunt in the openier just using mging, so that doesn't change my burst ;-;.
    I kind didn't think spamming seed or haunt was a good idea , so i did the normal openier , and its dps is insane
    Im just personally tired of being forced to use a pet. I understand this is a "pet class" but I love the playstyle of sac. Even if its slightly behind thats fine, but now its essentially useless versus the other talents ( and was barely ahead when it got this nerf ), so meh, kinda sad.

  20. #2260
    Was planning on switching back to Aff but now, just going to stay as destruction and enjoy watching my screen light up with green.

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