1. #1

    Holy Radiance and Light's Hammer

    I appologize if there was a simalar post on here (I couldn't find one though).

    I was just wondering if the new changes to Holy Radiance and Light's Hammer (becoming a smart heal), will now be limited to just heal 6, or will the heal still end up healing more than 6 targets with the heal decresing slightly for each target of 6?


  2. #2
    Holy radiance: Your target + smart healing 5 closest/injured targets.

    HammHurr: Smart healing 6 targets.

  3. #3
    OK - I have to ask... and keep in mind i am just a casual player -- Did Light's Hammer and Holy Radiance used to heal more than 6, but the amount of healed was less per targets past 6.

    So technically a nerf

  4. #4
    I think you are right about Holy Radiance, it healed everyone in the AoE, but the healer diminished into smaller amounts per target when past 6 targets.
    Light's Hammer (Arcing Light) only healed up 6 targets at a time that needed healing. For example, if the raid is stacked up and everyone is taking damage, Light's Hammer was healing 6 targets that needed healing each tic. I am not sure if it choose different targets to heal with each tic. I would just see 14000 healing on 6 targets at once, every two seconds for 14 seconds.

    Hopefully someone else can chime in... either way, the overall healing is still the same, it's just a smart heal, not healing imps etc.

  5. #5
    The overall "healing" may remain the same, but for holy radiance in particular the change led to a fairly significant nerf in that we cant just holy radiance a group to refresh everyones mastery shields, now its only refreshing 6 instead of the 8-10 people we are used to it hitting.

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