1. #1

    T14 heroic gear question, can anyone help?

    Hello everyone,

    I would like to ask a quick question about gearing up and heroic content of T14. Me and my guild just started MOP progression recently, reason for it being that we are a full progression guild and we went through all previous content appropriately first. In order to not over gear instances and totally murder them we always kept an ilvl cap. In MOP we decided to keep our gear restrictions for T14 to make our achievements feel as real as possible. We have already decided to remove those when we reach ToT, but we are now about half way through normals and as a GM I'm starting to think about heroics. Problem is me and my officers, as most of the guild are doing MOP for the first time and we are now not sure how to proceed.

    So my question is shall we still keep our rule with no ToT and over gear for heroics too or are they challenging enough to not matter what gear players wear? We want to be able to keep saying that the reason we got such and such boss/raid down is because we did everything right and not just make ourselfs overpowered as much as possible and take pride in what we do.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Progression raiding means getting the best gear possible and entering the newest raid, not trying out MSV in gear from 2 tiers ago.

    If you can clear SoO / heroic in current gear then you did it right.

    Depending on how much time you spend on ToT heroics it will take you upwards of 80 pulls on DA HC and Lei Shen HC in current gear. More gear will make the fights more forgiving but it will in no way trivialise them. Lots of the other fights will be trivialised if you step in there with lots of SoO gear.

  3. #3
    Instances have also been nerfed by 10 and 20% respectively are you turning off the debuff?

  4. #4
    yes we are turning them off for normals and would like to do them unnerfed for heroics too.

  5. #5
    At first it seems like a good idea.

    And then you hit a few tight DPS checks, So you let the raiders just put on a slightly higher level trinket or weapon, then you down that boss and the next boss gives you trouble, so you equip a few more stronger items. Before you know it you are outgearing the heroics and making them "pointless."

    This is what I foresee for your guild.

    Either that or you stick to your guns and say NO BETTER ITEMS WHATSOEVER! and a Few raiders get annoyed at slow progression and leave, and you have trouble re-filling the spots and just move on anyway.

    Everytime I see stories of people "trying" to do old content in old gear when new gear is available, it always ends up these 2 ways.
    Bow down before our new furry overlords!

  6. #6
    We have never done this Krethos in previous tiers, being it normal or heroic. We are not afraid of wipes and regardless how long it takes us to down a boss we do it properly. We have had such players as you say that want to use higher gear or are impatient with wipes etc, but those don't usually stay long enough.

  7. #7
    Why don't you guys just plan ahead for expansions so you can do progression while it is current?

  8. #8
    I appreciate everyone for the suggestions, but question is not why don't you like what we do. We like the way we are going right now and will reach current content eventually.
    What I wanted to know is shall we still keep the gear restrictions for T14 heroics or does it not matter, considering the fact that we like to keep a challenge.

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