1. #1

    [WeakAuras] Cooldown Desaturate Bug?


    I have made 6 different weakauras icons to display 3 of my spells. For each spell I have one icon which displays the icon in full color when it is off CD, and one icon to display the icon when it is on CD. The icon which displays it on CD is desaturated so the color is in black and white.

    The issue I am having with this is that the desaturate color only works for the first time I cast each of these spells, the video below will show you what I mean. After the first time the spell is on CD, the following times it displays in full color; not black and white like I would like it to do.

    Below is the link to my weakauras and also the video, I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I made the icons wrong.

    Thank you in advance if you can figure this out, it's been bugging the crap out of me

    Code: http://pastebin.com/AvWCLi0u

    Video: It's the 3 icons/spells on the left (Earth Shock / Unleashed Elements / Lava Burst), you can clearly see it as black and white the first time it's on CD, but not the following times.

  2. #2
    it's not a bug. you made the Cooldown Ready icon with an Event trigger and left the duration as infinite. you then made the Cooldown Progress icon transparent and put it on top. if you move the two icons off of each other, you'll be able to see exactly what the problem is.

    for your Cooldown Ready icon, you have 3 options to fix this:
    1. keep the Event trigger and give it a duration like you're supposed to.
    2. switch it to a Status>Cooldown Progress trigger like your other icon is, and then check the Inverse box.
    3. switch it to a Status>Action Usable trigger.

  3. #3
    Thank you! Fixed.

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