1. #1

    How possible is a Profession Revamp?

    With how they are removing some of the bonuses from Professions in WoD i was wondering if there was a possible revamp to professions going to happen. How likely is it they would revamp profs without announcing it? I would REALLY like to see some improvements to the crafting windows personally and the system as a whole currently feels lack luster compared to more recent crafting systems used in other games.

  2. #2
    World of Warcraft's crafting system has never been good. I wish they would totally revamp it and have it work differently but I doubt that will happen. Our best bet is that they actually create gear or rewards from crafting that are worth making. I'd like to see some really interested transmog weapons and armor only professions can have.

  3. #3
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    There will be adjustments, like there always are, and even more so with Garrisons being part of the Professions equation, but I don't think they'll do so much that it warrants calling it a revamp. I think Blizzard would have clearly announced it as such if that were the case.

  4. #4
    Banned -Superman-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    There will be adjustments, like there always are, and even more so with Garrisons being part of the Professions equation, but I don't think they'll do so much that it warrants calling it a revamp. I think Blizzard would have clearly announced it as such if that were the case.
    Agreed. Though, it would be nice to have a catchup method for each prof, the way there is for Mining, Herbing, cooking, and blacksmithing. Where you can stand in one spot, use one kind of ore, or gather high level materials at level 1.

  5. #5
    It needs a complete overhaul. I've always found it lackluster. Other than money making, there are no good personal rewards about the system.

  6. #6
    Ideally.. and this more of a practical request.. I would love it if recepies were account based instead of character based.

    In practise that would mean that my Alliance Tailor and Horde Tailor would be sharing the same recepies.

    This would make my life much much easier as you cannot mail anything cross faction.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by PGGR View Post
    Ideally.. and this more of a practical request.. I would love it if recepies were account based instead of character based.

    In practise that would mean that my Alliance Tailor and Horde Tailor would be sharing the same recepies.

    This would make my life much much easier as you cannot mail anything cross faction.
    Personally I'm fine with primary professions as they are now, but I would like the secondary professions (cooking, fishing, archaeology) to be account- or at least server wide. It's a pain in the arse to level cooking even on one character.

    Also I absolutely hate stuff like Spirits of Harmony being soulbound. It's understandable with profession-specific mats (such as Lightning Steel), but making general mats soulbound practically forces you to grind the same, idiotic Tillers rep on every single character with crafting professions.
    Last edited by mmocf7a456daa4; 2014-04-14 at 07:59 PM.

  8. #8
    It would be great,professions sure could use an overhaul. However the devs won't even consider such a thing. To them,overhauling professions means "tweaking" them,and adding or removing small bonuses,so honestly I wouldn't count on it.

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