1. #1

    Exclamation Healer that has most control over who lives or die?

    Which healer has the most control over who lives or die, (or the feeling of control?) when in raids...

    Some say, some good at Area Effect healing, but when someone is going to die, you be like "I can't save that, but if I were a Paladin, I could.. not as Shaman tho" you know?

  2. #2
    The healer with most power to choose which of their allies fall, and which stay standing..
    I too wish to learn.
    Dwarfs, gods among humanoids, giants among... gnomes...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Hitch-hikers' Guide To The Galaxy: Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz
    "Oh freddled gruntbuggly/thy micturations are to me/As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
    Groop I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes. And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
    Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!"

  3. #3
    they all have the ability to save a person from 1 health to full so i am not really sure what your question is

  4. #4
    I feel like Paladin is probably the most able to select specific single allies to protect with their various Hands. I think they rely less on smart healing and AoE healing than the other healers, allowing them to better control which targets to heal or ignore, especially if talented into Eternal Flame. Could be wrong though, they might have mechanics I'm unaware of.

  5. #5
    I am Murloc! Phookah's Avatar
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    Every healer has things they excel at, but they all can save people when death is coming. All healers have CD's, fast cast heals, hots etc...
    Its more your response time and skill combined with the person knowing how to use defensives and not to stand in fire than it is the actual healer spec used.
    Edit: Though I would add that MW generally seems the least capable of saving specific people, given that a LARGE chunk of their healing is "smart" and you can't target who gets it.

  6. #6
    Honorary PvM "Mod" Darsithis's Avatar
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    My favorite, Disc priest. I feel like I've changed the course of battlegrounds and raids with her.

  7. #7
    For those able to choose a person to not heal, probably paladin since they don't have much blanket aoe. For those able to save lifes, I'd say shaman as their mastery makes their heals stronger when people are low on health. I can see a healing tide at the right moment being incredibly powerful.

  8. #8
    In principle I would say the Paladin has the most tools to keep an individual alive.

    That being said I don't believe there is an instance where one class would be more capable than another in the current PVE content.

  9. #9
    Rogue. Recup... Vanish... Last alive.

  10. #10
    Few targets - Druids and Paladins
    Many targets - Every other healer

    Paladins have problems keeping multiple people alive, especially if using EF.
    "My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility

    Prediction for the future

  11. #11
    Predictable Damage. Disc Priest.

    Unpredictable Damage. Paladin. Great at sniping with Word of Glory, Holy Shock, and Infusion of Light Procs. Beacon also for double value.

    Shamans probably have the best healing CD though, in Spirit Link Totem.
    Last edited by muto; 2014-06-25 at 06:50 AM.

  12. #12
    Mistweaver Monk on Sha of Pride trash

  13. #13
    Pandaren Monk Constraint's Avatar
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    My favorite for spot healing and saving lives always used to be Resto Shaman. Not so sure anymore. Certainly not Monk, or Resto Druid.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    Predictable Damage. Disc Priest.

    Unpredictable Damage. Paladin.
    Pretty much what I was thinking. But out of the 2 I'd say a Pally can give the better life line.

  15. #15
    I raid as a resto shaman and I think all healers can easily save someone. I know priest and pally may have bigger single target heals but if I see someone in real trouble and I hit them with healing surge and at 80% mastery in about a second they go from almost dead to overhealed. All healers have their roles, shamans excel at AOE healing but regardless of roles we can all save anyone at anytime if they are in range. The bigger issue is when you have a shammy in the raid why not come on over and stand in the big blue glowy thing on the floor and soak up some free heals so you don't get almost dead lol

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by evansp View Post
    I raid as a resto shaman and I think all healers can easily save someone. I know priest and pally may have bigger single target heals but if I see someone in real trouble and I hit them with healing surge and at 80% mastery in about a second they go from almost dead to overhealed. All healers have their roles, shamans excel at AOE healing but regardless of roles we can all save anyone at anytime if they are in range. The bigger issue is when you have a shammy in the raid why not come on over and stand in the big blue glowy thing on the floor and soak up some free heals so you don't get almost dead lol
    What do you mean by blue glowy thing on the floor?

  17. #17
    The Lightbringer Seriss's Avatar
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    The healer with the least smart heals has the most control over who gets the healing and who doesn't.

    If I want someone to die, I'd rather not use any single-target heal that can crit and thus causes Ancestral Awakening to jump to that injured target. And I'd better not put down a HST either. Placing a Healing Rain... oh no, my victim might run into it and get healed that way. And god forbid they hug someone whom I'm just casting a chain heal on. It might jump to them as well!

    As a shaman, I pretty much don't have much of a feeling that I'm in control of where the majority of my healing actually goes. At the end of the day, I like seeing that it has gone to some place where it was useful.

    I'd actually like to go back to an expansion when I had more control over my healing. But that's not happening in WoD. It'll get even worse with the dumbing down of smart heals. At least right now, I know the smart heals will go where they're needed on their own. In the future, they'll just go somewhere unpredictable, possibly going to waste on a 99% health target. If smart heals are so dumb, I don't want them at all. I'll rather do the target selection myself like I used to in the past. Reliability is important as a healer. Or would any dps player rather fire their big dmg proc into a target that is being off-tanked instead of at the boss that needs to be burnt down and pushed into the next phase?

  18. #18
    Immortal TEHPALLYTANK's Avatar
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    Prot paladin. I regularly keep at least 1 person from dying every other fight just using LoH, and save another 1-2 per fight with EF. I do this when healers are can't react in time due to GCD/mechanics/range, generally I'm just saving people from what would otherwise be stupid deaths. I do indeed take more damage from this trade-off, however I don't actually risk my life as I make sure to have a 5 stack EF on myself before I start throwing them at others, the extra damage I take is simply healed by what would otherwise be overhealing from my EF ticks.

    Plus I'm a tank, if I wanna wipe the raid then the raid is gonna wipe.
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  19. #19
    That's always been the case with healers, and I liked having the power of not healing people if people start acting like jerks. I can't do that much anymore though due to my renewing mist automatically jumping to low HP players *cries*

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Daetur View Post
    I feel like Paladin is probably the most able to select specific single allies to protect with their various Hands. I think they rely less on smart healing and AoE healing than the other healers, allowing them to better control which targets to heal or ignore, especially if talented into Eternal Flame. Could be wrong though, they might have mechanics I'm unaware of.
    Ya, But 80-90% of paladin healers I run into these days are god damn awful players...

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