Poll: Does your faction lose "nearly every" BG?

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  1. #1

    Which faction really "loses all the time" in random Battlegrounds?

    I want to try a little survey here; it's a common complaint that people's own faction is 'terrible' at PVP and always looses, but I want to see if it's really the same for both factions or if one really is worse than the other.

    Obviously every Battlegroup is different, while Alliance may appear to lose most of the time in one battlegroup, Horde may seem to lose more in another, but I want to see overall.

    In your own experience, does your faction lose significantly more random BG's than it wins?

    For example, in my battlegroup (Misery) Alliance looses what seems like nearly every single match except for those in AV and IoC. On individual servers in that group the Horde seem to be far more skilled and geared than Alliance on those same servers.
    Last edited by Netherspark; 2014-09-28 at 03:43 PM.

  2. #2
    As an Alliance player, who rarely goes to battlegrounds at least in Europe Alliance looses all the time. Maybe because i am very bad in PvP or the others are too good, but at least that what i'm thinking.

  3. #3
    Pandaren Monk
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    Loses. Not "looses". Assuming I'm not in a premade, my win rate is about 60-75% no matter which faction I'm playing. If you lose all the time, you may wish to take a long look at your own gameplay, as it's the likely culprit.

  4. #4
    The Lightbringer Littleraven's Avatar
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    Honestly it's pretty even depending on what BG pops. There are a few that Horde dominates and others Alliance dominates. Overall horde probably wins slightly more though. It's not nearly as one sided as people would make you believe.

  5. #5
    If you download the addon Oqueue, you can see the win/loss ratio for each battleground. You'll find Isle of Conquest and Alterac Valley to be heavily Alliance favored, while Silvershard Mines and Strand of the Ancient are heavily Horde favored. The rest are closer to even with being slightly Horde favored.

  6. #6
    Bloodsail Admiral Stevegasm's Avatar
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    If I play a healing class with enough gear, I win much more often on Alliance. The Horde side, since the Vanilla days, always seemed to have a healthy number of healers in nearly every game I play. I seem to be the ones that help balance it out on Alliance side. When I play DPS, there never seems to be enough healers, and I will lose more often than not. The only exception is if I play rogue, in which I can easily take the objectives that matter to win the game.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Netherspark View Post
    I want to try a little survey here; it's a common complaint that people's own faction is 'terrible' at PVP and always looses, but I want to see if it's really the same for both factions or if one really is worse than the other.

    Obviously every Battlegroup is different, while Alliance may appear to lose most of the time in one battlegroup, Horde may seem to lose more in another, but I want to see overall.

    In your own experience, does your faction lose significantly more random BG's than it wins?

    For example, in my battlegroup (Misery) Alliance looses what seems like nearly every single match except for those in AV and IoC. On individual servers in that group the Horde seem to be far more skilled and geared than Alliance on those same servers.
    You know that there's actual data on this? I can't see the point of asking a small number of people what they think is happening, when you can just go and google the real stats.

  8. #8
    My faction.
    I am not Voting Trump because I support him, its about keeping a Career Criminal out of office that mishandles classified information.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post
    Have you even considered the perspective of the 'violent' muslims?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by The Crapster View Post
    If you download the addon Oqueue, you can see the win/loss ratio for each battleground. You'll find Isle of Conquest and Alterac Valley to be heavily Alliance favored, while Silvershard Mines and Strand of the Ancient are heavily Horde favored. The rest are closer to even with being slightly Horde favored.
    Strand of the Ancients is heavily influenced by even one player focusing on objectives. I have 53% win rate on my toon as alliance. There's no other bg where one player makes such a huge difference.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Velerios View Post
    Maybe because i am very bad in PvP or the others are too good, but at least that what i'm thinking.
    One in a team of at least 10 random players doesn't really decide the match. You can bet the other team has at least one "bad" player as well.

    No. Having played random PvP on both sides a bit, and finding mostly the exact same picture whenever I play, I believe the problem is persistent and probably a combination of the following factors:

    1. Disparity. Most random BGs are not really random. At least one side will have groups of 3 - 5 players that have dedicated healers, know exactly how to coordinate themselves and make precise strikes where they need be. If you happen to play against something like this with a team that's fully random, you have lost. Curiously the tool tends to create matches where one team has at least one such organized subgroup while the other has none. Again, I observed this with both factions, and if you queue alone you have a rather big chance to end up on the wrong side in such a match.

    2. Discipline. Many many many players simply make a point of not caring about tactics or things that are communicated via chat. Like calling out incoming attacks, or helping out, defending in groups rather than alone, coordinating focused attacks. You can literally see how the chat is primarily used as a means to exchange insults rather than using it as a means to defeat the enemy. They are not used to organized gameplay, they don't accept "authorities"; maybe they don't even want to play organized. Maybe they want random BGs to work like LFR. Problem is, it doesn't work like this. No war was ever won with everyone doing exactly what they should without communication and without working together, and you'll never see any improvement before we get this "I am the only one who matters" mentality out of our heads and start playing team games as a team again.

    3. The catch-up mechanic problem. Random BGs are widely used for PvP catch-up. Meaning, you will usually find lots of players that may or may not have PvP experience, but in almost all cases do not have full honor or conquest gear. That's only natural since random BGs are the game's major source of honor and the only thing ungeared players will have access to when starting with PvP. So what happens? Ungeared toon comes in -> grinds honor -> as soon as honor gear is near full he goes into arena -> as soon as he has a few conquest pieces he goes into RBGs. Random BGs are rarely revisited by veteran players, at least when comparing their numbers to all those who are still gearing, and that's so because there is no reward for revisiting them as soon as you outgear them. Thus the overall situation in BGs cannot improve no matter how long a season runs.
    Last edited by The Kao; 2014-09-28 at 05:21 PM.
    Your rights as a consumer begin and end at the point where you choose not to consume, and not where you yourself influence the consumed goods.

    Translation: if you don't like a game don't play it.

  11. #11
    Alliance mostly loses everything that's not AV and IoC.

  12. #12
    Banned Hammerfest's Avatar
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    Back in Vanilla, Alliance lost all the time.

    I have no idea how it is now.

  13. #13
    I play both, both faction "loose" all the time.

    WTB more threads like this plz.

  14. #14
    High Overlord
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    Overall I'd say evenish, but some factions to tend to win certain BGs more often.
    I've noticed Alliance tends to win AV and IoC more, while Horde tends to win Strand of the Ancients.

    Other than that though, my overall w:l ratio on my characters tends to be pretty even (basing it off of games played:games won in my statistics page)

  15. #15
    Alliance has 90%~ win rate on both AV and IoC, other bgs are fairly balanced except strand.

  16. #16
    Immortal roahn the warlock's Avatar
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    The answer is Alliance, alliance only dominates AV and IOC, horde blacklists them both, horde dominates the rest of them. Statistics show this
    It was never Hardcore Vs Casual. It was Socialites Vs. Solo players
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    World of Warcraft started life as a Computer Roleplaying Game, where part of the fun of the game experience was pretending to be your character. Stuff like applying poisons and eating food enhanced the verisimilitude of the experience of playing a fantasy character in another world. Now that game has changed to become a tactical arcade lobby game.

  17. #17
    In my battlegroup at least it's not even a question that horde loses more, this is mostly down to AV and IoC - It is basically a 100% loss rate (i've not seen 1 win in about 30 games for each). As for the other bgs, i'd say they're about a 60% horde win rate; but it's not that much of a difference tbh (I play Horde + ally and I lose plenty of 10/15 mans as both, even if i'm a premade). Horde does not dominate WSG/AB/EoTS etc - Maybe strand, but that's it.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Hammerfest View Post
    Back in Vanilla, Alliance lost all the time.

    I have no idea how it is now.
    Been the same ever since then.

    It's got nothing to do with racials or imbalanced maps, though. It's just that horde generally attracts the more pvp oriented players. Nothing more to it.

  19. #19
    The only faction that "loses all the time" is horde in AV and IoC. We're talking like 90% win for alliance, and I'm not exaggerating.

    As for other bgs, I got about 60% win as horde, which I daresay has a lot to do with my own performance in a BG. So really it's 50/50.

  20. #20
    Where is the "both factions lose equally" option? There have been BG statistics posted several on mmo-champ, and some battlegrounds are indeed dominated by one of the factions, but overall stats are very close to a 50/50 win ratio. All my characters have about 60% win rate in battlegrounds, even the one I had 250k honor kills on. The problem is, people get really frustrated while losing a few battlegrounds in a row, but nobody cares when they win a few.

    If I remember the charts correctly, Alliance dominate like 80% of IoC and AV games, I really have no clue why that is...

    UPDATE: Here it is http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/...Tweets-DLC-424

    Alliance average: 48.26%
    Horde average: 51.74%

    So, in other words, if you are a decent and geared Horde player, play BGs with some friends and blacklist IoC+AV, you should be easily winning most bgs.
    Last edited by rinleezwins; 2014-09-29 at 09:21 AM.

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