1. #1

    Gearing question

    So I n oticed the world bosses drop most poor itemized gear for us. I am still getting the hang of how valuable Agi is though.

    Currently I have a 636 warforged chest with 177 Agi, 98 Crit, 130 haste

    but I just won a poorly itemzed 650 with a socket 201 agi, 138 Ver, 128 Mastery, and I can afford to put the big 50 crit gem in it.

    I am inclined to say the 650 ONLY because it has a socket to make the crit loss not as big as it wouldve been without the socket.

  2. #2
    iLvl > Stats

  3. #3
    I could be wrong, but I think the general consensus is the raw stat gain going from a 636 to a 650 trumps the secondary stat gain. Now if it were 2 650 pieces, you would go based off the secondary stat in order of priority.

    Warrior - Twitch - Twitter Sig by: Isilrien

  4. #4
    The value of agi compared to the secondaries is low enough that it's worth asking about. However, the secondaries are all close enough to each other that in the real world where the higher ilvl means more agi AND more secondaries, whatever they may be, makes ilvl>all.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jantof View Post
    The value of agi compared to the secondaries is low enough that it's worth asking about. However, the secondaries are all close enough to each other that in the real world where the higher ilvl means more agi AND more secondaries, whatever they may be, makes ilvl>all.
    Not quite. If an item is within 10 ilvl of another, but has a socket, it can very well be better than the item 10 ilvl higher (especially if you spring for the 50 crit gem).

  6. #6
    Yes, you're right. I've been very unlucky with gem rolls, so I tend to forget about them lately. If it's within ~10 ilvl or so and rolls a socket, you need to figure out the stat weights to definitively say which is better. Without the gem, though, it's still ilvl>all.

  7. #7
    If you go to Azor's thread, and download the gear comparison, you'll easy be able to work it out for yourself

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