Well, since DB gets wrecked on movement fights, I tried to work around a bit and did some simulations and I'd like some feedback on actual fights about it the setup is pretty much this compared to DB:

Demonbolt standard:
Synergy or Supremacy
Archimonde's Darkness
Glyph of Dark Soul

My setup (and if it already exists, I wouldn't know, I kinda found it by experimenting around)
Archimonde's Darkness OR KJC
Demonic Servitude
Absolutely effing not Glyph of Dark Soul

The playstyle involves around synergising the cooldowns of Dark Soul, Trinkets and Grimoire of Service which gives you a second doomguard for 20 seconds, which pretty much makes the original 10 min cd skill to have 2 min cd with 20 sec duration (and servitude lacks the cooldown, which is a huge flaw imo). You get into Metamorphosis during that period and rain down soul fires added to 2x Doomguard damage with DS and Trinkets. It takes a bit more effort to procs and cds and is harder to play than DB overall, but it allows you to move during the fight quite flexibly since you can pretty much pop meta and spam toc while moving, your DF generation is quite generous since you only have to save once per 2 mins while keeping around 4+ stacks of soul fire for an unexpected RPPM trinket proc meta-soulfire spam while spending the rest

My calculations show a 4% dps loss compared to Demonbolt setup, but the ability to move and cleave more more than makes up for it imo.