1. #1

    if i leave the dungeon without opening the chests in mythic + i lose the loot?

    I did leave maw of souls after completion 2 times because that fucking portal at near the chests and didnt receive any gear from mail, only the accolades. the question is : i lose the gear ( or legendary ) if i leave the dungeon before opening the chests?

  2. #2
    If you gotten the accolades from the chests id gues the gear would also get mailed to you.
    Why would you get the accolades but not the gear:P
    http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4...4841599821.jpg the boy that will forever be named the HHD wiper. R.I.P

  3. #3
    If there was any loot then it'll be mailed to you but if it was just gold then you get nothing.

  4. #4
    What, you think the loot will magically sprout wings, unlock the chest and fly into your mailbox?

    Oh wait....it does

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