1. #1

    Un-legendary Druid requiring some assistance


    I'm a 2/3H 3/7M balance druid with no dps legendaries whatsoever. Got my streak of bad luck with a guardian wrist, then two utility legendaries.
    I want to push my druid higher and I feel like I'm doing something bad.

    Here is last night's log for HC Odyn and Guarm. I'm Droodics.

    Quick recap on Odyn, let me know if i'm doing smth wrong.
    1st incarnation at pull
    - Keep multidot on hyrja/hymdall
    - Sunfire the adds when they spawn
    - Burst the adds while keeping dots
    2nd incarnation on Hymdall
    - Burst down hyrja/hymdall
    - Same on adds
    - 3rd incarnation on Heroism

    I don't know if i'm using my 2nd incarnation well because in a few seconds Hymdall will die and a wave of adds come. Until they are positioned I try to multidot them while dpsing Odyn but i feel it's wasted.

    On Guarm I gotta postion better so I can dps him while he runs. Other than that, idk what I could've done wrong.

    Accepting any advice, thank you.

  2. #2
    One thing I noticed on Odyn was that you overcap AsP sometimes. For some reason my PC is saying Warcraft Logs is down and phone is a pain in the ass to use, but I think I saw around 55 AsP wasted, which is a SS missed. You didn't have that issue on Guarm. I'll have to let the other more experienced people comment on the rest, especially because I can't even view the logs anymore.

  3. #3
    Had a look at your Guam log - overall it's quite good. As you've stated you need to time your casts better. I noticed you cast a lot of abilities in pairs e.g. SSx2, SWx2, LSx2. I sometimes find it's better to pool to ~90 then go SS, SW, LS and slowly work away at your AP but staying above 50 if I know there is movement coming up. That way you've always got enough AP for a SS if you need to cast while moving.

    Here is a similar druid log for comparing casts.(he has a bit more haste than you) https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports...raz&type=casts He gets off about 10% more casts.

    Trying to get replace your sunfire damage relics with the crit to SS will help a lot also.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerGamez View Post
    Trying to get replace your sunfire damage relics with the crit to SS will help a lot also.
    That's really minor.

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