1. #1

    Resto legendary interaction - Edraith/The Dark Titan's Advice

    After a very long streak of insanely bad luck I have finally received a good resto legendary, namely Edraith, Bonds of Aglaya and obviously equipped it. I'm not a hardcore raider, rather casual one, but due to having a small F&F group we're having a hard time on heroic Gul'dan (some mechanics i.e. 3x empowered bonds may seem trivial for 20-man, but they're becoming a challenge for 12/13-man group), so I reckon every little bit that might help me perform better counts.

    I'm fully aware the main benefit of having Edraith is to extend powerful Cenarion Ward HoT (and other HoTs in lesser extend) on tank. Not having much choice regardless the 2nd one (Sephuz is nearly useless, Ekowraith is very weak, X'oni's Caress is only situationally half-decent) I initially paired it with the belt (The Dark Titan's Advice).

    Point is effects of wrists and belt seem to partly contradict each other, so the question is - does extending duration of Lifebloom diminish the value of The Dark Titan's Advice? Reasoning being - longer duration of HoT part of Lifebloom = less frequent blooming = lesser gain from the belt.
    Or maybe I should've picked other leg as the 2nd one?
    Knowing there are some resto experts here, I'd like to ask for your experiences on the matter.

  2. #2
    The belt is rather weak in raid settings, because it's hard to time it decently.And yes, Edraith makes it worse. I would use ekowraith instead, while it's effect is only nice to have, but not really gamechanging, it offers lots of stats.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Grenor View Post
    The belt is rather weak in raid settings, because it's hard to time it decently.And yes, Edraith makes it worse. I would use ekowraith instead, while it's effect is only nice to have, but not really gamechanging, it offers lots of stats.
    Cheers, I was afraid someone might say that. I'll give Ekowraith a try as soon as I get another tier piece to compensate for the chest and keep 4p bonus. Until then I'll probably stick with "lay on hands gloves", while strictly limited by Barskin cooldown, at least the effect can be controlled.
    Last edited by saradonin; 2017-03-14 at 01:38 PM.

  4. #4
    There will be a better (read: decent) interaction come 7.2 when the belt has a chance to bloom on ticks. The guaranteed bloom at the end of Lifebloom will still have negative synergy though.
    Still wondering why I play this game.
    I'm a Rogue and I also made a spreadsheet for the Order Hall that is updated for BfA.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Polarthief View Post
    There will be a better (read: decent) interaction come 7.2 when the belt has a chance to bloom on ticks. The guaranteed bloom at the end of Lifebloom will still have negative synergy though.
    Problem is bloom part overheals a lot (50-60% from my logs) unless triggered on purpose by refreshing Lifebloom at pandemic duration (<4.5sec), so it might just turn into massive overheal fest especially with Holy Pala as co-healer. I know it used to work well with the old druid tier18 4p, but I begin to think it worked mostly because of how disc priest was designed - his absorb shields were kind of buffer buying time for our HoTs to do the healing.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by saradonin View Post
    Problem is bloom part overheals a lot (50-60% from my logs) unless triggered on purpose by refreshing Lifebloom at pandemic duration (<4.5sec), so it might just turn into massive overheal fest especially with Holy Pala as co-healer. I know it used to work well with the old druid tier18 4p, but I begin to think it worked mostly because of how disc priest was designed - his absorb shields were kind of buffer buying time for our HoTs to do the healing.
    I mean, in addition to Druids NEVER being a tank healer outside of dungeons (where we're the only healer, so we have to, lol); Lifebloom's just in a weird place imo.

    They really should consider making LB bloom when you refresh it, but the closer to 0s, the more it blooms for, or maybe overhealing from LB gets built into the next bloom? Maybe make a Living Seed out of any overhealing LB does.

    There's just so many ways to go about it, but LB is just incredibly clunky. You just keep it on the tank "because". It's a very awkward spell right now (fine for dungeons or when you're for some reason the tank healer).
    Still wondering why I play this game.
    I'm a Rogue and I also made a spreadsheet for the Order Hall that is updated for BfA.

  7. #7
    The belt is nice in M+ and will be even better there in 7.2 . I won't consider using it in raids even after the 7.2 buff. There are better choices.

  8. #8
    Ekowraith does around 3% of your healing in most fights from buffing your Ysera's, which is far from terrible for a universal throughput increase. It also buffs your run speed, range, or damage reduction from your affinity which is a nifty utility. It's not great, but if you don't have 2 of ring, trinket, neck (which are the best 3 by a significant margin) Ekowraith is a very solid default choice for a legendary, then swap in others for specific reasons. I have the ring, so I always use that, use ekoraith as my second by default, then use boots for krosus and elisande, belt for skorpyon (from testing, i've gotten far more from the belt than chest or boots on this boss). I need to practice some with the bracers, could probably get more benefit from them some fights.

    You can use https://druid-legendary-analyser.herokuapp.com/ to analyze the benefits you get from different legendaries, set bonuses, drape of shame.

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