1. #1

    Help with stats for my Outlaw Rogue

    Hi. I am abit conflicted with my gear and need someone smarter than me to help me out. My rogue stats with the 4 set bonus is 33% crit, 10% haste, 49% mastery and 9 % versatility and ilevel 900 with Mantle and Cinidaria as legendary`s. Without the 4 set bonus and with using the addon PAWN i get 31%crit 9% haste, 53% mastery and 11% versatility with same legendaries but i get ilevel 904, but no 4 set bonus. So what is the best setup? As pawn says the second is best.. but askmrrobot says the first is.

    I am new to Outlaw btw
    Last edited by Stened91; 2017-05-20 at 01:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Pawn doesn't work like this. It only shows you what an upgrade would be based on your currently equipped gear, and doesnt even take into account that youd be taking off gear which changes your stat balance anyways. I would get simcraft or use the new raidbots. Sim yourself in both tier gear and non. I do bet my entire accout that your tier gear sims much much higher than non. I originally switched from 880-890 gear down to 860 lfr and 875 normal T19 and i gained massive dps. Put on your tier, sim your toon, and use whatever other pieces you have that sim higher.

    Crit is near worthless with motma. If yourre not going to sim youd probably want to prioritize vers/haste>>>>>>crit>>>>>>>mastery but we really cant say if you don't sim.

  3. #3
    Ok thank you. Tier set sim higher than non tier setup. Btw what is best between 865 Draught of Souls or Entwined Elemental Foci 875?

  4. #4
    Gonna have to sim them to be sure but id go with foci for now and try to get vers stat stick from guarm or relinquished or pvp and a bloodthirsty instinct from ursoc.

    Idk where dos would fall in outlaw rotation and agility is worth so much for outlaw so id run foci even with the rng and not so desirable procs.

  5. #5
    But is the 4 set bonus worth it? Is it good?

  6. #6
    You got your answer when you simmed already. Yes.

  7. #7
    Icy veins says that these are the best stats in order: Agility.Versatility.Critical Strike.Mastery.Haste. But Askmrrobot says Agility.Mastery.Critical Strike. Versatility. Haste (under ursoc hc for singletarget i belive) and Haste. Crit.Vers and then mastery for mythic+.. This is really confusing. What stats are best?

  8. #8
    It dependes. You REALLY need to sim yourself.

    For example, i have 4pc+mantle+gloves, i sim agi, vers... and mastery is actually better for me than crit.

  9. #9
    Never used amr but i hear bad things. Icy viens recommends preset stat weights which imo instantly discredits them. Your stats are fluid based on your gear/talents and what content you are doing. It doesn't work like "crit>vers>haste>mast" or whatever. Whoever wrote that down doesn't know your individual stat weights because they change with every piece of gear you change. Sometimes drastically. You need to sim to know or go test different stat compositions on dumnies for literally hundreds of hours to actually know.

  10. #10
    It sounds like you might be using the default weights on Ask Mr. Robot - those are just a starting point, like weights from guides are a starting point. Those are based on just one type of setup, not specific to you.

    When you run a custom setup on Ask Mr. Robot (follow this guide) - you get stat weights AND it also contains simulation data for everything with a proc. Since stat weights can't rank procs (like trinkets, set bonuses, etc), it's important to have that data.

    The other thing you get with Ask Mr. Robot is stat balancing - as other people have mentioned, as you get more of 1 stat, that changes the importance of other stats. Sstat weights from raidbots or simc don't do that. But the machine learning on AMR does take that into account.

    If you want some help, give me your character name and realm and I can run a custom setup for you.

    Also, here's an article that talks about different ways to find the best gear.
    Ask Mr. Robot Human Minion

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