We are a laid back group of experienced raiders that are just taking it easy this expansion. We have no current intention of going into Mythic raiding after Heroic, but there are a subset of us that like to push into some higher Mythic Dungeons to curb the drive for a tougher challenge.

Taking ANY serious applicants, with a special interest in 1 Tank, 1 Healer (Sham Pref) and 3-5 DPS (DK/Lock/Mage/DH Pref)

We've been raiding together since vanilla and we're pretty much past major drama from when we were teenagers, so if you're looking to raid with relatively mature but still fun people then come app!

For more information you can contact me here or at Grizz#1151 on BNet, or by in-game mail/whisper on Grizzgrum Area 52