1. #1

    New Late Show Tonight with Ion and Mage pro guy

    So I've been both reading and watching the "Live Q&A with Ion" since they became a regular thing during WoD after Legion was announced. They strike me as an ongoing ridiculous comedy show with a mixture of straight up lies and hilarious ideas together with some real features that actually make it to the game hence the title of this thread. I'd gladly provide exact quotes from previous shows but hell it's already been discussed extensively and it would take way more time than I'm willing to put into it, everybody who has not been living under some rock for past 2 years knows all the crap that had been shoved down our throats about amazing pvp balance comming up with Legion which turned out the other way round, great legendary system which was secretly controled untill somebody took time to provide undeniable proof of its stupidity which lead to blizztards finaly addressing it and changing after the shitstorm that broke out, the "bring player not the class" approach which somehow became "bring class with unique abilities" a couple months ago, and many other things most of us either forgot about or just accepted it as a thing now, "harm was done but let's happily move on" approach.

    Let's talk about the latest update from Ion and weird hairy guy.

    Let's start off with the communication with devs. Every single thing Ion said is huge pile of crap. Personal feedback doesn't help, I doubt there's anyone reading ingame suggestions. All we know is threads on forums are barely ever monitored, neither devs nor CMs reply to any kind of personal, well written posts unless they get huuuge community attention. But hey, there was a great post in warriors forums over a year ago, stating why nerfing hamstring for arms in pvp situation was a huge mistake, there were no curses, no bashing, just arguments and after it got several hundred upvotes and dozens of pages of supporting replies it got straight up deleted. Reposted by somebody else a day later addressing also the fact the previous one got deleted, it got deleted as well in a day after getting over 400 upvotes in mere hours. No response and no fucks were given that day. As far as I remember there was not a single post in EU warrior blizzards forum from CM since 2012, at least not untill last year when I stopped reading it at all. Side note: if you promote twitter as a platform for communication when you've got your own fucking forums where ppl need to be subscribed to even post and where you can actually write a wholesome sentence is a fucking joke. At this point Lore should loose his position if the bullshit he's been spitting out for past couple of years was not enough.

    Moving on "They don't want to undo class pruning as much as wanting to add unique class abilities." Let's give bloodlust to half the classes just change the name and icon. Let's give half the classes execute-type abilities, every second class deals more damage sub 20% HP so that definately added to warriors class fantasy and uniqeness. Adding new abilities? Fuck, let's first change Commanding Shout to Rallying Cry, then change it back to CS and back to RC in BfA (what they do never changed). You can't always keep adding new abilities, nobody complained about returning abilities, when everyone complains is each point in time when they remove important abilities, sometimes in bulk. Who the fuck cares if you bring a "new" spell which does exactly the same things as one removed 5 years ago did but with a different name and icon.
    "Class envy is okay as long as it works both ways." Sure, when arms was 3% ahead on 3 encounters in ToS the nerf came within a week. When warlocks and boomkins take over nearly whole Antorus and half the ToS up to a margin of 20% there's silence for months. Meanwhile classes like shamans have been eating the dust the whole expansion (no, I don't even have a shaman char). So locks are both ST and multitarget gods (with few exceptions), who heal themselves, have several defensive CDs, have 2 mobility abilities one of which serves the whole raid and at times was mandatory in raid setups, can soak major abilities and have additional raid utility like health stones and the portal. What the fuck can they envy other classes, which bring virtually nothing to the raid setup, are generally subpar dpswise, can't soak shit and unlike affli locks have a rollercoaster ride with their dps charts every single tier.

    "In Battle for Azeroth, Azerite Armor modifications are going to fill the new abilities gap." Legionaries 2.0, not even hiding anything there.

    "The team needs to do better at making primary stats stronger than secondary stats in BfA." we've heared this song every time Ion appeared on air for past 2 years. Didn't even come close the whole expansion, not once, not for a day. 2 fucking years.
    "Item level should generally tell you if an item is an upgrade."+"Items that are 20 or 25 item levels higher in Legion were sometimes not an upgrade, which is a bad thing." Why is this still and idea? It only puts more stress on winning the TF lottery shenaningans.

    "Switching talents between AoE and single target wasn't compelling and just felt like burning a tome." Wasn't that the whole fucking point of moving away from talent tree to the tier choice we have now?! Making small changes in talents to do better in one or another environment. I usually had to change 2 talents, and they have a problem with that cause they think you need to change every tier or what? Is it going to make the tome usage more worthy or something? Or perhaps there should be just one right setup for every situation but then again, why should we get a choice.

    "If CC is too limited, PvP turns into DPS races. It it's too much, it's frustrating." For years now it's been a world of CCcraft, you can literally spend half a minute in constant CC by 2 other players. You lack feedback in this department? Go to youtube, watch best PvPers cry about neverending CCs, fucking ask them at your stupid competitions. But hold on, you've released another hero class who kills top PvPers solo in 2.3s half a year into expansion, why am I even trying at this point?

    "Personal Loot is the desired loot rule moving forward." YAY! More RNG in PvE competitive department. Let's get rid of guild concept at this point as well. I'm always happy getting 1-2 random items per 11 boss clear while seeing a couple of my friends averaging 4 items per clear, who wouldn't be happy? At the beggining of a tier you literally can't trade them, later on you might not be able to trade them. Add to that titanforging bullshit and voila, a major lottery which now might be forced on guilds. Cool concept for a retard. "It will help to balance things at the top end of the raid scene and split runs." Sorry, but I believe at this point that person saying this is literally too stupid to be offended so I'll let it slip through. By the way, blaming split runs for creating a situation in which guilds are geared with higher ilvl than awarded by the raid within first week of its opening or even before M opens while you have crap system like TF is the sole stupidest thing ever said in those Q&As'. I dislike split runs as a concept but it's not the core of a problem he's assigning it to. TF is.

    "A mission table system will be in BfA similar to Legion but less involved." Yay! more missions tables, more free gold for everybody, more incentive to log in every day to spend 25s on something that is just too profitable to pass on...That's the content everyone wanted!

    "The team wants crafted gear to be relevant, but there is nothing to announce on it at the moment." Yup, paired with bots running freely for 3-6 months not even caring about bans and making extreme profits, it's definately going to work as intended.

    "BfA will be similar to Legion in terms of alt-friendliness." So you're saying no alts throughtout first year of BfA?

    All in all, cosmetic and lore things put aside, it's more or less the same story over and over again. 2 morose dudes choose similar questions every time, they give usual answers to them, sometimes they choose to give a tottaly oposite answer like with the "bring player not class" concept, precise issues of the game are never tackled and stupid ideas are being supported with a complete disregard of voices on many platforms which disagree with their ideas (which they actually confirmed before somewhere around Legion alpha or launch, but now they talk shit about listening to the community). I only wonder which of the things that appeared in this Q&A are going to turn out complete lies when BfA launches besides obvious ones. Those Q&As could be summerised by a quote from some LoL player that I've stumbled upon some time ago "If you don't know what the fuck you're doing then how are your opponents supposed to know what the fuck you're doing" ~Imaqtpie. That pretty much sums up the current dev teams work.


  2. #2
    You really expect someone to read through your blog of seemingly completely disjointed ramblings?

  3. #3
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    i demand a tl;dr

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    i demand a tl;dr
    I'm with this guy.
    They always told me I would miss my family... but I never miss from close range.

  5. #5
    Ion and his Q&A has always been WoW's outlet for unmitigated bullshit. The only useful function it serves is to reiterate just how far divorced from the community, and the state of the game, that he is.

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