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  1. #81
    I'll blame millenial, that's what every says, right?

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by PosPosPos View Post
    Nothing in your argument somehow discounts the fact Trump was clearly referring to white supremacists and counter-protestors with the both sides thing.
    Give it a rest, I'm against strawmen on any side because it undermines the legitimacy of argument. It just boggles my mind that people try to bash their opponents over questionable interpretations, when there's plenty of stuff that's crystal clear that you can argue about. "I'll tell you what you meant and then condemn you for it" is basically what's happening.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by CmdrShep2154 View Post
    It seems like ever since 2014 politics and society has gotten more and more batshit insane. What has happened? Economic inequality making us more stressed and angry? It the narcissism that is infecting both sides of the political spectrum. I notice some people who were non political becoming political extremists overnight back in 2016.
    Okay one question, did you pass either the ages of 16,18, 20, 22 or 25 in 2014? There is your answer in that case.

    Society hasnt changed much, it's just alot more visible now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Deruyter View Post
    I'd say humanity entered a state of regression when the internet became widely used.
    No you're just seeing stuff that was always there because the internet made it more visible.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by CmdrShep2154 View Post
    It seems like ever since 2014 politics and society has gotten more and more batshit insane. What has happened? Economic inequality making us more stressed and angry? It the narcissism that is infecting both sides of the political spectrum. I notice some people who were non political becoming political extremists overnight back in 2016.
    It's mostly the realization that we were never going to recover from the failed policies from the decade prior if things stayed the way they were. No one involved in the genocidal foreign policies of the War on Terror or the economic parasitic behavior that led to the 2008 recession were punished in any meaningful way, and most of them are still in the halls of power. Then you also have the owners of capital seeing the writing on the wall, and are responding by fanning the flames of nativism in order to curtail the pursuit of further justice and democracy.

    Basically, you're seeing a rise of political extremes because the center fucked up royally.
    Banned from Twitter by Elon, so now I'm your problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brexitexit View Post
    I am the total opposite of a cuck.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Jagscorpion View Post
    Give it a rest, I'm against strawmen on any side because it undermines the legitimacy of argument. It just boggles my mind that people try to bash their opponents over questionable interpretations, when there's plenty of stuff that's crystal clear that you can argue about. "I'll tell you what you meant and then condemn you for it" is basically what's happening.
    Welcome to this website.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Jagscorpion View Post
    Give it a rest, I'm against strawmen on any side because it undermines the legitimacy of argument. It just boggles my mind that people try to bash their opponents over questionable interpretations, when there's plenty of stuff that's crystal clear that you can argue about. "I'll tell you what you meant and then condemn you for it" is basically what's happening.
    Yeah, any side but yours.

    It was so obvious his "both sides" thing encompasses the white supremacists, since he made that as a direct response to the white supremacists being violent.

    It's also blatantly obvious you are doing such a cheap woke independent act, as though the rest of us aren't smart enough to catch that from a mile away.
    "My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility

    Prediction for the future

  7. #87
    Elemental Lord Flutterguy's Avatar
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    Politics has always been politics.

  8. #88
    You have the date wrong but, here is one of the best explanations of bat shit crazy I have ever seen.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaktar View Post
    Might makes right. You make some interesting points throughout your post, but as long as Might makes right is a core part of your ideology, the well of your ideas is poisoned.
    Might makes right is basically natural selection. The best ideas need to be allowed to flourish for the benefit of everyone. The problem with leftism is that it is artificial altruism imposed upon the many by the deluded few. Leftism has no power of its own, and is stupid. It can only get its power by stealing it from others. A good example is welfare. Welfare has been proven to be a bad idea a whole bunch of times, all of which boils down to "most of humanity is lazy and will continue to take handouts instead of leveling themselves up." Most anyone who has ever worked for anything knows this. However, some idiots impose welfare on the taxes of all of us to prop up the lazy. Left alone to just the idiots, welfare would never last because they (the idiots) would have to pay for it all themselves. This is why church charity is much superior to welfare. The churches make sure the money goes to the truly needy who will use it well and level themselves out of poverty, because, if they don't, people will stop giving. Welfare, on the other hand, uses the taxes of the people who get no say in how it is used, so it sucks. Might does make right here, and "borrowed might" is wrong.

    You have to look at what benefits the majority. Welfare is a parasitic drag on society (to use an engineering term). Many of the left's policies are not benefiting the majority. The birthrate of white people is plummeting world wide. White people have been responsible for the technological advances of the last thousand years, and cultural ones, too. Why is the birthrate plummeting? People are not having children. Why are they not having children? Marriage is not valued, gay and other lifestyles are now permitted and even glorified, women are encouraged to have careers before, or even instead of, children, and if she does get pregnant despite all the contraception (another reason) then she is encouraged to abort the child if it is "not time yet." Then, the one kid she has when she is 42 has Downs Syndrome and will thus not have any kids themself.

    All these cultural shifts are literally going to destroy our society in about 3 generations. The USA will look like a 3rd world country, because it will be occupied by 3rd world people, who breed like jackrabbits and are being mass immigrated by certain people on the left. It's literally genocide, but it's done not by killing people, but by making sure they are never born.

    This is why might makes right. The USA culture needs to stand up and go "we are the majority, you are wrong, stop spreading your perversion before you wreck everything" and literally beat heads until they shut up. Everyone is always "you're entitled to your opinion," but no, you are not. Bad ideas are dangerous because most people are stupid and they can spread like a disease.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Kodaline View Post
    Sorry, the "great switch" has been thoroughly debunked. The left does not care about black people and never has. The only thing that is different since the 60s is that they now try to give the impression they care.
    These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. I'll have those ni***rs voting Democratic for 200 years

    The internet, often wrong, falsified, and incomplete, is now deemed an acceptable substitute for any sort of experience or depth of wisdom in a field.

    Perhaps you could practice what you preach and check your sources, eh? Apparently you blindly accepted an internet meme as truth without question.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    Perfect examples of the problem on both sides, the chick in the pic, and the guy who gets his daily dose of triggering from people like the chick in the pic.

    Two sides of the same emotionally fragile coin that hate, cry, whine and fear.

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Drutt View Post

    Perhaps you could practice what you preach and check your sources, eh? Apparently you blindly accepted an internet meme as truth without question.
    Uh, you do know you just fact checked my statement against a liberal politician by using a liberal-biased website that has a spotty record of any truthfulness whatsoever, right? That's like using Wikipedia as a source on a school paper.

  13. #93
    I am Murloc!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Souls View Post
    Is this a serious question? There's literally hundreds of possible answers, but I'll just go with calling neo-Nazis and KKK members "very fine people".
    That’s worse than the Clintons being cozy with former KKK members like Robert Byrd? Or Bush, Clinton, and Obama all cozying up to extremists groups that throw gay people off the tops of buildings and slit the throats of nonbelievers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx226 View Post
    How alone and how stoned are you?
    I just want to see who’s capable of answering the question and who’s just on the hate train because all the cool kids are doing it.
    Last edited by Rooflesstoofless; 2018-09-19 at 02:46 PM.

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by CmdrShep2154 View Post
    Would you say your the type of person who says the internet is cancer?
    To be fair, people are handed a small device that contains limitless knowledge. And they use it for cat pictures and inventing genders.

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by MS-20 View Post
    People have it to good so they come up with all kinds of bullshit to satisfy their hollow existence. 12 hours of field ploughing per day would cure it very efficiently.
    This is basically the answer. You've given people comfort and smart phones and all they do is consume media and glamorous life styles and mine for likes and do ridiculous shit for viral fame. Watching anyone and they scroll through instagram so fucking fast, old, young, successful, anyone. Put people back in the fields and show them real injustice instead of fabricated outrage and things change quick.

  16. #96
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    ...location, location!
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's funny, because the people who rage and hate and rally against Anita are the ones that bring attention to her and wind up getting her more support, more money, and more acceptance by people in general.

    I'm not a fan of her myself, but I'm also not against her, because it just empowers her and people like her to have a larger audience.

    In other words, don't give them attention and they'll keep to their own little groups.

    EDIT: Though I will say it's fucked up how many death/rape/assault threats she gets regularly, and that people have doxxed her multiple times... because she has a biased game review series.

  17. #97
    the less problems we have in life, the less we have to actually complain about, the more we exacerbate and overblow the minor insignificant things and even make them up. it gets even worse when you have systems like the youtube recommendation algorithm feeding you more of the same ideologies and hiding the opinions and ideas of opposing sides, the more it becomes prevalent in your mind and makes people feel like the victimization they see in media is the truth. The youtube recommendation algorithm IS the slippery slope.

  18. #98
    2014? You're at least 150 years late, if not longer.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by MS-20 View Post
    People have it to good so they come up with all kinds of bullshit to satisfy their hollow existence. 12 hours of field ploughing per day would cure it very efficiently.
    First answer already told it.
    I also agree with your stuff there about balance in life.

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by PosPosPos View Post
    Yeah, any side but yours.
    Just because you want to assume I'm being fake doesn't mean I am. Stop that. Reasonable people can disagree about intentions behind statements till the end of time and demonizing someone who disagrees with you because you can't see that is not a successful way to argue. I'll give you an example of something that people could ACTUALLY argue over. Tariffs. They're real, there's no interpretation over "what he meant" etc...

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