1. #1

    Horde Players have already been in Nazjatar?

    So according to Blizzcon Nazjatar's map is the following:

    There is an interesting detail that called my attention: "Ship Graveyard"

    I have completed both Horde and Alliance War campaigns and this "Ship Graveyard" made me remember the Horde Quest to find Valantine in the shipwrecks and we also found Derek Proudmoore as well. I actually looked in the world map and found out that the location was exactly East of Zandalar and South of Kul Tiras (can anyone else confirm this as well?), and i wondered if that shipwreck place would be important in the future.

    Now the Nazjatar map refers to a "Ship Graveyard" zone. Could this be the zone where the Horde found Derek Proudmoore?
    If so, we already know the location of Nazjatar!

  2. #2
    It's certainly plausible. Would be kind of funny if that were the case, so in 8.2 we're all like HEY LET'S GO INVADE NAZJATAR and then you get there and it's like "Huh, these ships look awfully familiar..."

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