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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    I feel for night elf players here, really I do. Blizzard really did fuck them beyond repair and this isn't even the climax. Next up is Tyrande forgiving the Horde through the wisdom of the boiking.
    Honestly, I could see WoW taking a 4-faction route after this: Sylvanas' Horde, Saurfang's Horde, Anduin's Alliance, and Tyrande's Alliance. Not that any good writing would come of this, but it certainly is a path the current story could lead to.

  2. #62
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    This is why we need Warcraft 4, so every race DOES get a fair exposure, most of WoW is just our nameless hero collecting bear asses...
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Every Pwny View Post
    Remember the Nathanos cinematic where Tyrande made a cameo and stood there menacingly? That was her revenge. That and failing to stop him so a ton of night elves just join Sylvanas. Truly an epic revenge story.
    Inb4 those Night Elves infiltrated the ranks of the Forsaken on Tyrande's orders.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Does the CIA pay you for your bullshit or are you just bootlicking in your free time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    I'm quite tired of people who dislike something/disagree with something while attacking/insulting anyone that disagrees. Its as if at some point, people forgot how opinions work.

  4. #64

    If tyrande had her moment in the spotlight and got revenge for the extermination/genocide of the night elves then blizzard is even more delusional than i thought.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Mehrunes View Post
    Inb4 those Night Elves infiltrated the ranks of the Forsaken on Tyrande's orders.
    Well, at least in Sira's case I used to hope so, but I guess we can safely forget that now.

  6. #66
    yeah Tyrande had her revenge whatever.. now here's another new beautifully rendered cutscene with Saurfang! #nofavouritism

    Wait.. what even was her "revenge"? Fighting Nathanos until he ran away? Are Nightelves at least canonically back in control of Darkshore??

    Pretty much to be expected. Nightelves were all fridged for Horde character development. Tyrande had her "trials of the high king" quest, now back to Horde.
    BASIC CAMPFIRE for WARCHIEF UK Prime Minister!

  7. #67
    As a Night Elf fan, we're pretty used to this sort of treatment by now. One of the lead story writers must have been ganked by a Night Elf back in vanilla and has forever resented them for it.

    "Your revenge for having an entire city's worth of civilians burned alive and for having the majority of your ancestral homelands invaded is... a warfront that will never get a canon victor, an "Enough!" from Our Lord and Savior Nathanos (praise be unto him), and a cutscene of Malfurion killing some random soldiers and Tyrande looking angry. Oh and you killed a Valkyr. Not the last one, but you got one! Don't be greedy!"

    I guess we should be glad we managed to make Nathanos use 1% of his power. Nothin personnel, kid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mehrunes View Post
    Inb4 those Night Elves infiltrated the ranks of the Forsaken on Tyrande's orders.
    You know what, as stupid as that would be, I wouldn't even be a little bit surprised. It's already pretty clear that Delaryn is being set up to betray Sylvanas somehow, but I expect even if she does, nothing will come of it. Maybe it'll be a lead-in for Alliance getting a Dark Ranger class of some sort.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    So they don't have time for Tyrande or her people, but other characters like Jaina, Saurfang, Genn and Anduin continue to get focus beyond a single patch. Bravo. So night elves are basically a macguffin race at this point, right?
    Yeah, I agree. I don't mind the writing for some other characters, but they need to resolve some of the big issues, not just brush them under the table like nothing happened.

    Hell, the Nazjatar dialog goes like this:

    Jaina: We had a common enemy. Sylvanas wanted us at each other's throats. Perhaps that's what Azshara wants, too.
    Hold on... Are you suggesting we lay down our arms and fight beside them? After all they've done?!
    Jaina: No. Merely that we direct our efforts against Azshara instead of the Horde. That could buy time for Saurfang's rebellion to take root.
    Jaina: There must be vengeance for Teldrassil.
    In other words, Teldrassil has not been resolved, even by the damn characters in game.

    All the writing for this entire expansion has been a massive cluster fuck though, so knowing Blizzard they're going to just brush the Night Elf story under the table as resolved just like they did with the Worgen and Varian's threat of "We will refocus and retake Gilneas" after SoO.
    Last edited by Thetruth1400; 2019-05-15 at 07:31 PM.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    I feel for night elf players here, really I do. Blizzard really did fuck them beyond repair and this isn't even the climax. Next up is Tyrande forgiving the Horde through the wisdom of the boiking.
    eh, dont worry about it. this is the 5th orso time the nelfs have had a 90+% population wipe and they are always totally fine a few patches later.

  10. #70
    Banned Lazuli's Avatar
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    LOL night elves are so cucked they are too obsessed with dead waifu #totallynotgarrosh2.0

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Thetruth1400 View Post
    Yeah, I agree. I don't mind the writing for some other characters, but they need to resolve some of the big issues, not just brush them under the table like nothing happened.

    Hell, the Nazjatar dialog goes like this:

    In other words, Teldrassil has not been resolved, even by the damn characters in game.

    All the writing for this entire expansion has been a massive cluster fuck though, so knowing Blizzard they're going to just brush the Night Elf story under the table as resolved just like they did with the Worgen and Varian's threat of "We will refocus and retake Gilneas" after SoO.
    Their answer will just be to remove that line from the finished product.

  12. #72
    The Insane Aeula's Avatar
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    Tyrande kinda forgot about Teldrassil after the Darkshore warfront...

    On the ‘bright’ side, at least Blizzard’s gaze has left the poor bastards, now they’re moving on to fuck up other races.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Faroth View Post
    I was a fool to have been blind to human potential!

    Honestly, I'm fine with things changing and Teldrassil being burned and the night elves being decimated doesn't bother me at this point. It's what you do with those types of stories that matter.
    Spot on.. and they're choosing to do nothing meaningful or sensible or great for one of their initially best new races from WC3.

    If they actually put in the effort for the night elves to basically scatter and become something of a nomadic people and explore how this affects them, that's enough for me. This would logically push them more towards druidism and one-with-nature aspects, but that can mean a more feral culture in ways as well. Play up that trendy Thanos angle that nature keeps things in balance and that means destruction and death as much as it means creation and life.

    Make the entire race akin to the Dunedain Rangers from LotR, roaming the wilds of Azeroth, their connection to the Alliance becoming more of a loose alliance, and taking action as they see fit by the guidance of nature and Elune. Let them be something of a wild card in the Alliance, starting larger trouble from time to time when they act to do what they perceive as right. Let Tyrande or Malfurion's absence at Alliance council meetings be notable and worrying to the others.

    If you're going to take away their home, do something with that plot point rather than "they just huddle in Stormwind now."

    I guess my TLDR to Blizzard would have been "It's fine to have huge, drastic changes to the world, so long as you take the victims of the turn of events and DO SOMETHING."
    You kinda described the story of the night elves AFTER the sundering - during the long vigil period - this is what they were - post WC3, they are supposed to have ended 10,000 years of this, come out of isolation and finally for the first time in oh so long begin a restoring themselves to that destroyed great people they once were, and the life they had to leave behind. We were to see night elves hearken back to something wonderful after 10,000 years of hardship, war, genocide, sacrifice - it was a bloody , dark history, not fun, not light, for the group that did nothing wrong, who stood against Azshara and the legion, and were unwavering, who sacrificed magic and comforts of an advanced civilization to prevent the legion from returning, then gave of their immorrtlaity and health to thwart their second invasion, = they get rewarded with a second genocide - but orcs, and blood elves who do go off the rails get rewarded with rebuilding themselves (it's not that they shouldn't,, it's just that why ignore night elves. through it all.

  14. #74
    I’ve been such a verdant supporter of the theme, stories and lore in BFA, but fuck me, it was awful to read that in an interview, not even in game that Tyrande’s arc was concluded and she got hers. Night Elves are my least favorite playable race and it still felt bad.

  15. #75
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Who else thinks, "It was all just a dream!" would be a viable path to go down for BfA and its entire plot? Anyone?

  16. #76
    Night elves being written poorly has got nothing to do with Anduin or the human race in the lore. Human lore has in fact been absolutely trashed from the onset of WoW. Instead of memes about humans, one should specifically ask for better night elf lore. In a MMO setting like WoW's, with them being playable and everything, the night elves were always going to be less of the race they were in Warcraft III. They'd have been incompatible with the MMO setting otherwise. Out of all the elves however, their writing has been some of the most disappointing, which is - once again - largely due to the fact that they've had an amazing presentation in W3 that they can never live up to in WoW.

    I also agree with one of the people that have been interviewed saying that there's just too much lore to tell. All the Suramar, Azsuna and naga lore is directly tied to the night elves and is also night elf lore. The night elven revenge on the Horde could've been presented in a much better way and the battle for Darkshore is very underwhelming in that regard. Then again, there wasn't much Blizzard could've taken from the Horde in return after Undercity. They could've made up a lot of different victories and smaller skirmishes, but the players that are into the lore would easily see through this attempt of theirs.
    Last edited by Magnagarde; 2019-05-15 at 08:32 PM.

  17. #77
    The only acceptable revenge would be for Tyrande to kill Sylvanas in front of Nathanos, execution style, only for Genn to tear his heart out.

  18. #78
    I'm more disappointed that she won't face off against Azshara in any capacity. Tyrande and/or Malfurion should be there. Hopefully Azshara doesn't die and is just imprisoned, as dialogue seems to imply, so we can have a proper Azshara confrontation in the future.

    Also I'm not entirely sure I'd consider the "lead encounter designer" as Word of God when it comes to lore.

  19. #79
    Stupid ass writer says something that can be interpreted as "Tyrande never appears again and Teldrassil storyline is over" when she's just explaining why Tyrande isn't in Nazjatar.

    People freak out.

    Nothing else to see here.

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Who else thinks, "It was all just a dream!" would be a viable path to go down for BfA and its entire plot? Anyone?

    No, because love it or hate, there’s always gunna be a bad chapter, book, episode, season, movie, etc. to say the bad one wasn’t real and just a dream just adds another layer of bad. Not to mention the obvious questions, if BFA never happened why are The Zandalari Empire and Horde one thing?

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