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  1. #1

    Post Share your memories of old wow

    What was your favorite wow memory from back then what drove you to fall in love with the game. I'm looking for answers from people that started no later than wrath of the lich King before they started taking out the core mechanics that defined what world of Warcraft was.

  2. #2
    Honestly? Getting the Gauntlets of Might our first night in MC. I was so happy to get my first piece of the "Spikey Man Tank" set.

  3. #3
    Playing a Gnome Mage and suddenly having a night elf with a mohawk head over mine after hearing “I pity the fool!”

  4. #4
    Stood in the Fire Felmourn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmogamer26 View Post
    What was your favorite wow memory from back then what drove you to fall in love with the game. I'm looking for answers from people that started no later than wrath of the lich King before they started taking out the core mechanics that defined what world of Warcraft was.
    I remember questing in STVietnam on my Hunter. I was maybe 40-ish turning in some pages and this skull warrior ganks me. *shrug* it happens... I come back and there is again. Ganks me again. Now Im pissed and wanna smack him a bit and go down swinging. I hide in the tent and drink/eat rq. Call my pet and lay down a frost trap before engaging. Low and behold he charges. Trapped, I get range and go HAM on this guy! Beastral Wrath, Intimidation, Concusive kiting, serp sting. He stance dances and charges again. Wing Clip, concusive and arcane. Eventually I kill him! F*#( yes! Kept this dude on farm status that night till he logged.


    Skill > Level
    If you take the wings off of a fly, is it a walk?

  5. #5
    My first online fight, a lvl 40 priest cursing me for killing mobs and looting chests in tanaris. Im not allowed since im 60.

  6. #6
    Getting the 2.0.1 patch (but before the TBC release). Alot of changes which made hybrid classes good in things other than healing.
    And PVP was fun for me. everything was unbalanced, yet everyone got something new to be unbalanced with.

    before that, there were alot of fun moments while leveling a mage together with a friend (also mage). the amount of control we had in open world pvp was crazy and fun.

  7. #7
    Getting my druid T0 head after around 40 Scholomance runs. Please consider that at the time it took around 3 hours with 10 people to complete that dungeon...

  8. #8
    So many....

    - Running Deadmines with my entire guild (we only had about a dozen people at that point, and this was late 2004 when you could still take 15 people to any dungeon) of RL friends and friends of friends.
    - Finding a new guild (after the other one broke up) by making friends while running dungeons.
    - Being randomly invited to join a new MC raid group because my Priest was "properly itemized" (through no fault of my own, I just had what I thought were the best items).
    - Joining another new guild and making so many great friends, some of whom I'm still friends with.
    - Having one of my new guild mates gift me an Eye of Shadow despite my being third or fourth in line for the Eye of Divinity drop from MC.
    - Downing Ragnaros for the first time, with only a single Mage still alive.
    - Earning my Benediction.
    - Nefarian - not just killing him, but that fight in general is so cool.
    - Most importantly, the friends I made and that we were all excited about doing things for each other, whether it was making profession items or enchanting gear, helping to run dungeons or do quests, or just hang out in Vent and chat.

  9. #9
    Those early druid quests...recall spending all night getting my sea-lion form...and I was having fun doing it. (helped other druids too regardless of faction.)

    Exploring the world as a newbie...night-elf.

  10. #10
    Legendary! SinR's Avatar
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    My Own Personal Hell
    our tank getting both sets of Bindings in the same run.

    then our tank leaving our guild to join the bigger guild that needed tanks
    We're all newbs, some are just more newbier than others.

    Just a burned out hardcore raider turned casual.
    I'm tired. So very tired. Can I just lay my head on your lap and fall asleep?

  11. #11
    I am Murloc! Tomana's Avatar
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    Seeing Thunder Bluff in the distance on the very first character. Enough said
    MMO player
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  12. #12
    The Lightbringer Molis's Avatar
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    Warlock Epic Mount Quest
    Killing Patchwerk
    Clearing Scholo every week with guildy buddies to make flasks for our raid
    My guilds first Thunder Fury

  13. #13
    This is me first time inspecting pvp folks in ironforge and seeing what their gear looks like in the dressing room.
    Im literally like level 20+ rogue and i have absolutely no idea of the endgame... this is the kinda gear that i wanted to have some day!

    I continued leveling my hunter instead after getting the rogue to about level 30 and heres a gif i made in 2005 about me and some raid geared hunter dancing in sync.
    (making gifs back then was harder... i literally spammed screenshot button and then edited them together in an old animation software i dont remember anymore)

    The memories man... the community was real! Ironforge was the shizzle, i remember when pvping and waiting for queue to pop many of us were just socializing and chatting around in the military ward. Didnt matter who you were... fresh 60 or BWL raider or grand marshal, you could all join in around the campfire.

    Now that Ashanti-hunter in the first screenshot... i saw him MULTIPLE times just standing in ironforge and sometimes in stormwind (whenever i was passing through), i never chatted with him but i saw him regardless and he was one of those with a high pvp rank but not very "famous" about it... compared to some other pvpers on my server who were more chatty and people talked about them on the forums too.
    Last edited by Otaka; 2019-05-31 at 08:47 PM.

  14. #14
    I was MT and GM of one of the most progressed guilds on my server in vanilla. The guy who created the guild was toxic wanker and he formed the guild before the server was created (new server post AQ40 release).
    We had killed ony/mc and had been progressing through BWL really quickly (slightly ahead of two other horde and alliance guilds), but the GM would call out people for doing petty shit that didn't matter and basically stressed everyone out for no reason (yelled lots).
    Anyways, he actually thought his reputation on the server was God like, and one night told the officers that he was sick of all the drama in the guild and we were all shit at the game and that he was going to form a new guild from scratch because ours wouldn't get through bwl, made me GM, and gquit. This happened about 2 hours before a fresh mc raid, so almost the entire guild was on, asking wtf is happening. So i basically just tell everyone lets just raid and see how it goes, and if it sucks, we'll disband.
    That MC run was the first time we were able to clear the entire raid in one night, and it was stress free, everyone was focused. At the end of it, I told everyone if they wanted to keep me as gm, I would do the job, and everyone was really happy about it.

    2 days later we had raided bwl twice and had reached chromag, wiped on him a bit the previous night, but i called the raid because it was getting late. The next night, everyone was super keen to go back to bwl and down him, because everyone wanted to get to nefarian and have a couple of attempts. We down Chromag first attempt and everyone is on a high. And everyone in raid is thinking, ya pull nefarian, have a few attempts and just call it, so we all take screen shots with him.
    We start the encounter and have dream combo of adds and we get to nef landing (most of us didn't have a cloak) so they hide, transition goes smoothish and we're actually fighting him, we get him to about 25% and I avoid the fear, but none of the healers managed to, so we wipe. Everyone can't believe it, and we are yelling with excitement.
    We do it again and the add phase didn't go as smoothly, few dps/healers are dead, but we transition alright and are in the tank and spank phase. I'm so focused on everything im doing, I don't notice his health till about 15% and I'm beginning to get excited, 10%, 5%. At this stage, everyone running on empty and pop all my CDs and everyone is struggling to contain themselves. 1% I die, and so does Nefarian and the entire raid goes fucking nuts, the other guilds were message me grats. It was the Nef server first, lots of people thanking me for keeping the guild together.
    A few days later, the former gm messages me, and said grats, but don't expect to get much further. He then told me to give him the gbank (because I ran the bankalt) I smiled and sent him an essence of fire from it, he didn't form his god guild and left the server shortly after. I think we downed about 9 bosses in naxx, I can't remember, but we stayed together until i stopped playing shortly after tbc.
    I got TF a few months later, and it was humbling when everyone in the guild messaged me and told me how much I deserved it. We all worked hard for that guild, and everyone felt they belonged to it.

  15. #15
    Dont laugh at me for this

    When vanilla launched I was like...9? I remember seeing a guy with hand of rag. My friend told me that any mob in the game can drop any item in the game, it would just be a scaled down version. (Level 1 mobs could drop a level 1 Hand of Rag, it would do way less damage than the 60 version...I guess he predicted item scaling?)

    So like an idiot I farmed wolves in the human starting zone for hours on end trying to get a level 1 Hand of Rag so that I could make a level 1 twink

  16. #16
    I was a Arcane Frost mage in a pretty solid raiding guild in vanilla. I'd farm a lot for flasks and pots, and remember one time while stocking up on Black Lotus I kept coming across this orc SM/Ruin lock. We battled back and forth, I won some times he won some times. We ran into each other in the burning steppes, at that alter surrounded by lava behind BRM. We had an epic fight, lasted a solid 5 minutes. During it, someone was on a flight path flying over us and they whispered me encouragement. I killed him, got the black lotus, and forged a relationship (romantic) with the person that whispered me to cheer me on.

    Probably my most memorable time in WoW.
    And I saw, and behold, a pale horse: and he that sat upon him, his name was Death; and Hades followed with him. And there was given unto them authority over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with famine, and with death, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

  17. #17
    First time I got hit over the head with a bit of emotional content was during BC, and finding out what "Alicia's poem" (quest) was all about.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Mmogamer26 View Post
    What was your favorite wow memory from back then what drove you to fall in love with the game. I'm looking for answers from people that started no later than wrath of the lich King before they started taking out the core mechanics that defined what world of Warcraft was.
    Questing in the barrens with a stranger, parting ways, logging on the next day doing the lost silver quest next to ratchet, he was there, we went on Ventrilo, was friends for about 5 years after that untill he quit, and our main means of contact was MSN, which kinda died out, it was a strange experience.

  19. #19
    Stood in the Fire Fixxit the Gnome's Avatar
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    Remember soloing Mother Smolderweb for those sweet Druid boots.
    - Dare not to sleep -

  20. #20
    Getting Ice Barbed Spear from completing the Alterac Valley quest, little did I know that the crossbow from the same quest was pretty much the best hunter weapon until I think BWL or at the very least MC but hey I wanted the spear with pretty glowing effects.

    That and getting the Old school Sargeant title, true it wasn't particularly hard to reach rank 3 and I did it primarily to get the mount discount but my 13 year old self thought it was cool to have a character with the title Sargeant.

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