Thread: 47 Metres Down

  1. #1

    47 Metres Down

    Since I really love movies about sharks (and in general old school movies like JAWS or Poltergeist) I am watching all of them and now there is a new one in Germany (maybe it was released earlier in another countries) Netflix. But really, who gives me back the time I wasted watching it, this one is the most stupid movie I have watched in a long time. The decisions those girls made were beyond dumb.

    I wonder what the producers and even the actors were thinking lol.

    Have you watched it? If yes what were you thinking?

    (on german Netflix it is called 47 metres down)

  2. #2
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Not the greatest shark movie. I am a sucker for Shark movies too, and there have been ones I do like

    Jaws (obviously)
    Deep Blue Sea
    The Shallows

    the Shallows was the last really good Shark movie, it literally made it feel tense,

  3. #3
    Herald of the Titans Ayirasi's Avatar
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    I love me a good shark flick.

    The only things I remember about 47 Meters Down were the decent shark effects, Mandy Moore, and that bullshit twist. I've not seen the sequel, but I may check it out if I'm hungover on the couch, it's on TV, and I'm too lazy to reach for the remote.

    The last decent shark movie I watched was The Shallows. That ending was hilarious! Or was it Dickshark?
    Need Roll - 1 for [Bright Pink Imbued Mageweave Banana-Hammock] by Ayirasi

  4. #4
    You should watch the sequel 47 Meters Down: Uncaged.

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  5. #5
    Sharknado is the best shark movie ever. You should watch it.

  6. #6
    Shark movies after the original Jaws have mostly been so bad and this is no exception. One thing I liked that the movie adressed is the dangers of the bends which almost all of these other movies forget when they are doing diving stuff. But like many other shark movies they don't portray sharks anywhere to how they would behave in real life. The ending felt like an insult.

    The sequel ''47 Meters Down: Uncaged'' is a lot better but is still rather average. What stood out is that one of Sylvester Stallone's daughters player a role in it, though if I remember it right she died quite early. Also I found it funny that you could actually see part of the swimming pool where the movie was filmed in because of a hole in the wall decoration, which showed the lightning and some cables that was used while shooting.

  7. #7
    No Shark premise beats this OP;

  8. #8
    Always love me some shark movies nom noming some humans.
    Do you hear the voices too?

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