Poll: How do you feel about Torghast

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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by ashblond View Post
    Before Shadowlands launch, I heard almost ALL the streamers / Beta testers saying:
    - Torghast is Amazing!
    - Torghast is Insanely Fun!
    - I want to do Torghast All day long!

    I didn't have any high expectation because I know it is a diablo style instance, which is not my favorite.
    After doing it multiple times solo, duo and in group with guild, it is even worse than I expected. And most players I know feels the same. It is a long and boring instance, similar environment and mobs, time consuming but not rewarding, etc.

    I have no idea why those streamers ALL thought it is an amazingly fun content. Didn't they know it would be a weekly timegated stuff?

    Are they too out of touch of the playerbase? or I am?

    Thus the poll
    Honestly for me so far, it's the best part of the expansion. I rarely have time for group content and much of the other solo stuff is quite easy. So when I do have pockets of time, having a place where I can go and basically play a dungeon by myself and not faceroll it is amazing to me. I really like it. Granted, it's real new and it may be the novelty of it but I find myself doing corner pulls etc, fearing bosses etc. If it were infinite deaths it would probably not be as "nailbiting". The finite death thing really puts pressure on you.
    "DIE, INSECT!" - words to live by

  2. #82
    Scarab Lord MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    I never understood the appeal to even think that a streamer's opinion is relevant. Just try it yourself.

    I liked Jesse Cox though, during Cata beta.

  3. #83
    I am Murloc! crakerjack's Avatar
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    I agree, I find torghast super boring. I can't be bothered to grind the maximum ash this week because it's so tedious.
    Most likely the wisest Enhancement Shaman.

  4. #84
    Im not a fan of mindlessly killing trash, i wish they made it similar to legion mage towers. Actual solo raid-like encounters.

  5. #85
    Torghast, and the entirety of the Shadowlands is a clear case of the "design by committee" problem. Stuff that looks amazing on paper i.e. roguelike dungeons ends up being tedious because the committee doesn't understand what it is that makes a roguelike fun. This is the first expansion in 15 years of WoW that made me quit and that's saying something.

  6. #86
    If it could be shorter I would appreciate it more.
    And of course the tuning for groups could be looked at.

  7. #87
    It’s kinda fun (but takes ages with an healer), unfortunately the total lack of meaningful rewards is a bit disappointing.

    People with little spare time to play like me will probably leave it alone in the long run.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    [...] and decided to quit it and Wow forums forever
    And yet here you are. WoD had actually a good start. There was new content and the leveling experience and raids were great. Unfortunately the expansion was left behind early and content got cut. But you know the beta players can only judge what they see.

  9. #89
    I am Murloc! Chonar's Avatar
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    I enjoy it greatly. And I just discovered and rescued my most favorite Gnoll, who I missed very much after abandoning in Legion. :')
    Looking marvelous in velvet.

  10. #90
    This expac is amazing, I think you’re expecting too much

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Just don't trust streamers. WOD was called "the best xpack ever made" just before it's release. It was so big nonsense, that I thought, that all Wow players went crazy or that playerbase changed so much, that this game was really no longer for me, and decided to quit it and Wow forums forever. But at the end I was right.
    are you joking?first off,torghast was very different in beta,and secondly wile many people did voice issues with wod,but wod also was very different in beta,the story changed,zones were shifted around and removed,taanan was suposed to be day 1,gorgrond was very different,factions had much better capitals etc,also as a premise wod did look like one of the best expansions

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    You'll find that streamers, particularly Preach and his crew, praised the early version of Torghast

    Also, in addition, your description of Torghast applies for basically most content
    That crew is pretty out of touch with the playerbase though. The way they play the game is very different from how the vast majority of subscribers play the game.

    Just look at the data wowhead released along with the latest earnings call. WoW engagement is higher than ever which would be in the ballpark of 10 million subs. About 2 million characters had reached 60 (not accounts, characters) which could be interpreted that somewhere between 80% and 90% of the subs are casual.

  13. #93
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    I followed Bellular during the shadowlands stuff and ge was HYPING UP torghast..until beta..then he started talking about the changes and how much less fun it was

    From what i recall in alpha you could pretty easily become an unkillable god of death and destruction(as with most roguelikes and one reason i enjoy the genre..start out scared abd weak wind up becoming a godkiller if you last long enough/get lucky on powers/skills)

    Sadly blizz as usual saw fun annnd removed the crazy power scaling while naking it more tame(i think one reason was because torghast felt so amazing compared to the regular game...whiiich should tell you something about blizzards class design)

    Hell old alpha torghast is a big reason i pre ordered..once i heard about the changes i regretted that pre order..so yeah they saw fun and nerfed it

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Logwyn View Post
    If they would fix it so that the "You are hunted mobs" do not spawn like the debuff when you are in combat it would be better.
    He says "You are Hunted", if you are near a RareMob, they dont spawn in but patiently wait for you. Dunno why they made him say that specifically, but its an Indicator for a rare beeing nearby.

  15. #95
    Because Blizzard gives them money to stream their content during Alpha/Beta? would you bad mouth the content of the game you're being paid to play?

    Obviously not all streamers are, but the rest either actually enjoy it or are just praising the content to win the hearts and minds of blizzard

  16. #96
    I dont hate it, but its boring.

    I'd prefer to have it as shorter version with several different boss encounters instead of long diplicated corridors with boring indentical trash mobs.

  17. #97
    As someone said on MMOC, Torghast is basically "killing trash mobs for no reward".

    The worst thing that it's completely mandatory and utterly boring at the same time.

  18. #98
    Pretty repetitive already. I would rather have less mobs and floors per layer and make them harder as in having some actual mechanics to them instead on making them meat sacks. Iḿ a rogue so I can skip pretty much all the trash I want but still, I am already sick of it and I wish I could get the ash from any other source and leave Torghast as a Mage Tower sort of stuff for cosmetics.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Torghast went through some iterations since streamers were talking it up. Everything was cut down into 6 floor runs or 18 floor Twisting Corridors runs whereas the various runs being done on early Alpha through about mid-Beta were plentiful with Anima Powers and could go over many floors. I understand why they did this - some runs can already take such a long time that it would be hard for the average player to have the longevity needed of a session to retain their progress. But it does play out rather different, as it means your run only feels like it's just getting crazy by the time it's over.

    Maybe in the future they can make an "even harder-mode" version of the Corridors that goes into the mid-30s or so. The Torghast equivalent of the Mage Tower or some-such.

    As it is, though, I still like it quite a bit. It's a good baseline that can be expanded over patch cycles and can, with changes in theme/palette, very easily be iterated similar to M+ across multiple expansions and seasons. Vast improvement over the non-starters like Islands or Warfronts.
    It's not just the length/number of anima powers that's the issue(although especially the latter definitely is an issue). A lot of the powers are also just really lame, and not being guaranteed any amount of damage powers is pretty bad. Especially when the first powers you get to choose from are predetermined per week/wing(and maybe layer?), so you can end up in a situation like warlock last week where your first 2 picks are both 0 DPS(wall running and "you can Gateway as much as you want but it costs health", the latter of which is especially bad).
    I think every time you get an anima power, there should be at least 1 option that does damage on its own, and then they can add utility/synergy stuff as extra options. Some powers also need caps, like the Psychic Scream threshold for priests. There's no universe where you actually need more than 1 or maybe 2 of that one, let alone the 4 I ended up with in one of my runs. The white/green powers could also do with some aggressive pruning in favor of moving some rare/epic ones down in quality so we get to use them more.

    It also varies massively depending on your class. Priest has no powers I'm actually excited to get, because the best ones are all just +stats. Contrast that to something like WW or Enhancement, both of which have powers that are both interesting and powerful(totem/Lust synergy for shaman, Kyrian/Roll for WW). Mage has like 1 power that's actually strong(casting from Invis does giga damage), but it's strong to the point where you're literally 1shotting bosses and at that point you're not even playing the game really.

    On another note, I really wish they'd make layer unlocks account wide(or just don't require unlocking them). You'd still have to actually complete the highest layer you can on a given character to get the rewards, but having to repeat all the "in between" layers just feels like such a waste of time. Like week 1, doing the layer 1 and 2 effectively gave no rewards because doing layer 3 would've given that anyway(hence why you did 1 2 3 3, instead of 1 2 3 1 2 3). The same goes for layers 4, 5 and 7.
    Last edited by Tradu; 2020-12-11 at 08:36 AM.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by ashblond View Post
    Before Shadowlands launch, I heard almost ALL the streamers / Beta testers saying:
    - Torghast is Amazing!
    - Torghast is Insanely Fun!
    - I want to do Torghast All day long!

    I didn't have any high expectation because I know it is a diablo style instance, which is not my favorite.
    After doing it multiple times solo, duo and in group with guild, it is even worse than I expected. And most players I know feels the same. It is a long and boring instance, similar environment and mobs, time consuming but not rewarding, etc.

    I have no idea why those streamers ALL thought it is an amazingly fun content. Didn't they know it would be a weekly timegated stuff?

    Are they too out of touch of the playerbase? or I am?

    Thus the poll
    It was different back then. You have watched so many videos talking about torghast early alpha, but never watched a video closer to release? The almost all agree that it was waaaaaay better in Alpha.

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