1. #1
    I am Murloc! gaymer77's Avatar
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    Best Horde shaman race?

    So from what I've read online about the different races that can be shaman, it seems like there's any suggestions for which race is better than other races in terms of racials. My shaman is mainly resto but some times I'll venture out and do the ele thing by myself or if I want to just relax a little in a dungeon without having to worry about keeping people alive. I've unlocked all of the races that can be shaman on the Horde side. My problem is when I check out sites like icy-veins or even wowhead for resto shaman it basically is saying to go goblin for rocket boost or Tauren/Highmountain for bull rush/warstomp for PvE or go Orc for PvP for hardiness. Are resto shaman so meh when it comes to racials that it doesn't matter really what race you pick or does something stand out more?

  2. #2
    Dreadlord sunxsera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaymer77 View Post
    So from what I've read online about the different races that can be shaman, it seems like there's any suggestions for which race is better than other races in terms of racials. My shaman is mainly resto but some times I'll venture out and do the ele thing by myself or if I want to just relax a little in a dungeon without having to worry about keeping people alive. I've unlocked all of the races that can be shaman on the Horde side. My problem is when I check out sites like icy-veins or even wowhead for resto shaman it basically is saying to go goblin for rocket boost or Tauren/Highmountain for bull rush/warstomp for PvE or go Orc for PvP for hardiness. Are resto shaman so meh when it comes to racials that it doesn't matter really what race you pick or does something stand out more?
    https://bloodmallet.com/ - For DPS

    For resto just check what the top resto shamans on raider.io or in the top10 guilds are playing.
    Last edited by sunxsera; 2021-01-02 at 11:33 AM.

  3. #3
    Bloodsail Admiral kosajk's Avatar
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    Tbh it's not a significant difference in a matter of dps gain
    As utility goes warstomp is wery handy in all around situations, pvp and pve wise, high mountain racial can be used as extra mobility cd which seems nice to have

    Anyhow wery subjective topic so hard to advise just go with what you like

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  4. #4
    It's always fox people

  5. #5
    Dreadlord sunxsera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    ...only to find that you think this makes you OP but at the end of the day you just suck at playing the specc, the class, pvp, pve and the game in general

    "you" not meaning literally you sunxsera, but anyone who thinks following what a top player choses makes him / her a top player.

    Since I am aware of it, I chose the race that fits my class fantasy.

    My two shamans are orcs (one is Mag'har) - boooring, I know, but the only other option would be a Tauren for me.
    Of course that `s not the case Same with people rerolling fotm specs.
    I just posted it so OP might get some ideas. I could have also said "whoever needs to ask sth. like this doesnt need to play the best race - just play whatever you like" ... but thats not really helpful.

  6. #6
    the more fur it has,the better performance 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人
    Last edited by deenman; 2021-01-03 at 04:54 PM.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Bloodsail Admiral kosajk's Avatar
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    in reality the one you pick will be best no matter reasons as long as their are your reasons not someone else ;P

    "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst"

  9. #9
    Vulpera has 8 bag slots so obviously them.

  10. #10
    Orc for pve/pvp
    Tauren for pve
    Zandalari for looks

  11. #11
    Goblins have the best totem.

  12. #12
    been a troll shaman since you could be one. also made my maghar orc a shaman when leveling for the heritage armor. honestly unless you are competing in world championship pvp brackets or competing for world first raids it doesnt matter cause you arent the best. so why min/max when you arent the best, cant be the best, cant beat the best, and never will be the best......... just have fun its a game ffs.

  13. #13
    Dreadlord Eruionmel's Avatar
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    Technically, it's orc. The intellect boost can be stacked with other powerful effects to make your cooldowns absolutely wreck. 122 intellect is a big boost. I macro mine in with my 220 ilvl Inscrutable Quantum Device, which gives 700 crit rating (which is 20% crit; ridiculous), and those are macroed to pop any time I drop healing tide totem or ascendance. 122 int makes those cooldowns even more effective, and the only other race that can compete with that sort of throughput is Troll. 10% haste stacked in with other stuff is also good, but trolls don't get the 20% stun duration reduction that orcs do, which is invaluable for PvP (and quite nice in niche PvE situations as well).

    That said, the differences aren't super gigantic, so I would honestly pick for best transmog. Which imo still goes to female orcs, since they have the best proportions for most gear, but yeah.

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  14. #14
    The troll is the most powerful race for their beserking racial. it's been nerfed over the years but it's still extremely good because you macro it with tidal totem.

    orc racial works 2 as it does about the same but also extremely useful when you power up stormkeeper Ele Lightning bolt blasting.

    goblin haste is just a good passive, plus rocket boots

    zandalar have the best transmog and the best utility racial (free goblin glider), plus extra crit (my current choice)

    Highmountain is da best pvp race with vers, charge/stun, and Damage reduction.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Devilyaki View Post
    It's always fox people
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    the more fur it has,the better performance 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人
    Quote Originally Posted by rhrrngt View Post
    Vulpera has 8 bag slots so obviously them.
    Clearly all of these guys are right.

    So here's the thing about bull rush and warstomp -- You have to stop what you're currently doing and get into melee range to use them (technically bull rush runs you into melee, but it effectively does the same thing for purposes of this conversation). If you're playing resto, that means you're a healer, and you have a much more important job than crowd control -- healing the tank and party. If you're using warstomp or bull rush, it means that you're not healing. I've gotten into more trouble using those abilities as a healer, than if I just stood in the back and did what I was supposed to be doing. And if you have them, you're going to feel inclined to use them. Don't fall into that trap like I did. Things got better after I race-changed away from those two races.

    If you do a lot of ranked arena, I could see going Orc.

    But what this really boils down to is personal performance. None of the active abilities on the races is so powerful that they're going to make a significant difference unless you're on the bleeding edge of world first races. So you should really look at the other traits for utility, since those are the traits you'll notice the most.

    I honestly don't know if the posters I quoted were serious or not, but there is a decent argument for vulpera you may want to consider.

    As a healer, you'll be appreciative of the extra bag slots.

    And the Camp abilities are honestly amazing as hell, and they can benefit your group (not kidding!). I like to keep my camp set up at the Kyrian headquarters and zap there like a second hearth. But Make Camp is also useful as well. We've had people use the camp outside of Castle Nathria with one of the other Vulpera to change talents. Forget your tomes to change talents for M+? No problem! Head outside, make camp, change talents! Never enjoyed racials so much with the other races.

  16. #16
    Racials in pve are irrelevant and in PvP for resto it's orc. Unless you play under 1600 rating or casual BGs, then it's irrelevant too.

  17. #17
    The one with the look and animations you like the look of best. Believe me, you will get so much more fun playing something you actually like as opposed to something that is meta. Also the meta changes, and if you make a character because of a skill that suddenly gets changed you may not like it any more. If you choose because you like the look you'll always enjoy it regardless.

  18. #18
    I can vouch for Zandalari and the entire dino theme you can switch to from wolves Also they look great in armor and have nice animations.
    The racials are not that bad either.

  19. #19
    Mag'har of course - no other Horde race gets access to some plate-looking transmogs like Mag'har do.

  20. #20
    I am Murloc! gaymer77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dwimmerlaik View Post
    Mag'har of course - no other Horde race gets access to some plate-looking transmogs like Mag'har do.
    Unless they go Necrolord which I did go because the recommended for all situations covenant for elemental is Necro and the best raiding covenant for resto shaman is Necro also.

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