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  1. #1

    A few Ideas I had to improve Shadowlands.

    I was thinking about things in Shadowlands, and aside from the typical "BETTER STORYTELLING" or "STEAL THIS SYSTEM FROM FINAL FANTASY" and other complaints, I thought of a few things that would improve player experience in Shadowlands and make it feel less....chore like. Granted I do not PVP so I do not know how the PVP scene is these days, but I am coming at this from a more PVE focused mentality.

    1. Make the Box of Many Things account Wide - This one is a no brainer. I would love this to be account wide, and still keep the Knowledge cap per week. I love Torghast, but I don't have the time to play Every single toon every week to get all the Cinders and Ash I need to get things done while keeping up with my main in Mythic + (And I'm unemployed!) However, this week was the first week I had time to run my alt I noticed I had nothing unlocked. I just think the BoMT bring account wide, and only 1 toon needed to earn the TK and your other characters benefit would go a long way to increasing the Alt Friendliness of the game.

    2. Make Keystone Master Account wide again - This change baffled me to no end. Why was KSM account wide in Season 1 with the upgrade vendor but not in Season 2? It felt like they went a step forward to making Shadowlands Alt Friendly, but took 2 steps back in season 2. I mean didn't Ion promise Shadowlands would be a very Alt friendly expansion? Why does It feel like 9.1 was to make the game LESS alt Friendly?

    3. Bring back Reforging - Oh god I would LOVE this since Hit / Expertise disappeared so long ago. The other Night I got a necklace off Mythic Terragrue on my Demon Hunter and while its 22 ilvls higher than my current necklace, it has Less Haste than my current necklace, and Mastery. I also could not trade it to my Resto Druid friends who were BEGGING for it and I just sighed as I had to equip it, and then put it in my bags so that the next time a 252 neck dropped, I COULD trade it. It felt awful that this item, which was a higher item level, was not an upgrade for me cause the rule of "ILVL is King" does not hold true for Necks and Rings because of no Main stat. However, If I was able to reforge half that Mastery into something like, Versatility, then it would be an upgrade. I loved Reforging when it came out as a concept but hated its execution because it was only used to hit your hit / expertise caps before you could actually get to the part of reforging your gear to your best 2ndary stats.

    4. Improve Profession bonuses - Why did they remove things like Leg Enchants, Belt Buckles, Engineering Tinkers, etc from the game? It added flavor to professions and made them more of a thing for your character. Now the only arguable useful profession outside of legendary crafting is Engineering for Mythic + with a Sometimes Battle Res, Sometimes Out of Combat res, Sometimes Invisibility belt which lets you pot on bosses rather than to skip trash, and repair bots. I think Professions should get their bonuses back but lock them to certain professions and while making them different, make them very very close to the same amount of power gained. Like Inscription gets Shoulder enchants back, Tailoring gets Leg Enchants, Enchanting get Neck Enchants, Blacksmiths can add a socket to their weapon or shield, Jewelcrafters get a special prismatic gem, there are lots of ways to add bonuses and flavor to professions to make them more interesting outside of just "Craft rank 4 legendary items"

    These are just a few ideas I had in my head to make the game better for players like me. I know its not for everyone but I hope we can keep the discussion civil and maybe suggest other things to improve the game for players.

  2. #2
    I fail to see how these will improve the game and they are not just some of things you want for yourself. Game has bigger problems than your will for an account wide achievement.

  3. #3
    Only way to fix shadowlands is to come out with a public announcement that they are putting shadowlands in permanent maintanance mode and removing the sub fee until the next expansion. Now they need to put all focus on making the next expansion not only good, but so good that people wanna come back on their own free will. And how they supposed to do that, i won't even pretend to know. I only know what things i want put into the game, not what the masses want

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by glowpipe View Post
    Only way to fix shadowlands is to come out with a public announcement that they are putting shadowlands in permanent maintanance mode and removing the sub fee until the next expansion. Now they need to put all focus on making the next expansion not only good, but so good that people wanna come back on their own free will. And how they supposed to do that, i won't even pretend to know. I only know what things i want put into the game, not what the masses want
    Yeah pretty much this. Shadowlands has too many system to be enjoyable.

  5. #5
    I am Murloc! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    These threads only serve the purpose of one venting on what they personally dislike about the game what they want to change to make them feel better. Not taking anything away from OP though; I just so happen to agree with a few points. But I don't think those points being changed will fix the game across the board and I'm sure other people don't agree with any of those points as well.

    Not a complaint towards the thread, though. It's just hard to have a conversation saying "what will make the game better across the board" when 99% of the time things listed by people are all their personal thoughts/opinions on what would make the game better.

    At best you should have titled the thread "List your ideas to improve Shadowlands for you" so at least people feel encouraged to post what works for them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynkeus View Post
    I fail to see how these will improve the game and they are not just some of things you want for yourself. Game has bigger problems than your will for an account wide achievement.

    Case and point. Account wide achievements do absolutely dick for me as a player. This would do nothing to improve the game as a whole for me.
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2021-08-02 at 05:28 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Stabbyfists View Post
    Why did they remove things like Leg Enchants, Belt Buckles, Engineering Tinkers, etc from the game?
    Because people whined about being "forced" to use specific professions because one profession's bonus was better than all the others. And then they nerfed all profession bonuses to be equal to each other, and then just removed them because why bother having them if they all give the same bonus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stabbyfists View Post
    Make Keystone Master Account wide again.
    No. Completing KSM on one character =/= completing it on any character/spec.

    If KSM was accountwide, you'd end up getting people with "KSM" who are still shit at their spec with awful gear and can't do +15s.
    Last edited by anon5123; 2021-08-02 at 05:46 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by glowpipe View Post
    Only way to fix shadowlands is to come out with a public announcement that they are putting shadowlands in permanent maintanance mode and removing the sub fee until the next expansion.
    Thats like saying a restaurant that serves undercooked meat fixes their problem by giving away food for free.

  8. #8
    Game is just lacking content.

    I heard somewhere that a portion of people in blizzard were not actually working, maybe encouraging them to work would improve this situation?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    I got a better idea how to improve shadowlands.

    End it.
    I've got an even better idea! Permanently get rid of the toxic players who do nothing but complain so that the rest of us can enjoy the game for what it is. That includes participation on fansites like this one.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Stabbyfists View Post
    I was thinking about things in Shadowlands, and aside from the typical "BETTER STORYTELLING" or "STEAL THIS SYSTEM FROM FINAL FANTASY" and other complaints, I thought of a few things that would improve player experience in Shadowlands and make it feel less....chore like. Granted I do not PVP so I do not know how the PVP scene is these days, but I am coming at this from a more PVE focused mentality.

    1. Make the Box of Many Things account Wide - This one is a no brainer. I would love this to be account wide, and still keep the Knowledge cap per week. I love Torghast, but I don't have the time to play Every single toon every week to get all the Cinders and Ash I need to get things done while keeping up with my main in Mythic + (And I'm unemployed!) However, this week was the first week I had time to run my alt I noticed I had nothing unlocked. I just think the BoMT bring account wide, and only 1 toon needed to earn the TK and your other characters benefit would go a long way to increasing the Alt Friendliness of the game.

    2. Make Keystone Master Account wide again - This change baffled me to no end. Why was KSM account wide in Season 1 with the upgrade vendor but not in Season 2? It felt like they went a step forward to making Shadowlands Alt Friendly, but took 2 steps back in season 2. I mean didn't Ion promise Shadowlands would be a very Alt friendly expansion? Why does It feel like 9.1 was to make the game LESS alt Friendly?

    3. Bring back Reforging - Oh god I would LOVE this since Hit / Expertise disappeared so long ago. The other Night I got a necklace off Mythic Terragrue on my Demon Hunter and while its 22 ilvls higher than my current necklace, it has Less Haste than my current necklace, and Mastery. I also could not trade it to my Resto Druid friends who were BEGGING for it and I just sighed as I had to equip it, and then put it in my bags so that the next time a 252 neck dropped, I COULD trade it. It felt awful that this item, which was a higher item level, was not an upgrade for me cause the rule of "ILVL is King" does not hold true for Necks and Rings because of no Main stat. However, If I was able to reforge half that Mastery into something like, Versatility, then it would be an upgrade. I loved Reforging when it came out as a concept but hated its execution because it was only used to hit your hit / expertise caps before you could actually get to the part of reforging your gear to your best 2ndary stats.

    4. Improve Profession bonuses - Why did they remove things like Leg Enchants, Belt Buckles, Engineering Tinkers, etc from the game? It added flavor to professions and made them more of a thing for your character. Now the only arguable useful profession outside of legendary crafting is Engineering for Mythic + with a Sometimes Battle Res, Sometimes Out of Combat res, Sometimes Invisibility belt which lets you pot on bosses rather than to skip trash, and repair bots. I think Professions should get their bonuses back but lock them to certain professions and while making them different, make them very very close to the same amount of power gained. Like Inscription gets Shoulder enchants back, Tailoring gets Leg Enchants, Enchanting get Neck Enchants, Blacksmiths can add a socket to their weapon or shield, Jewelcrafters get a special prismatic gem, there are lots of ways to add bonuses and flavor to professions to make them more interesting outside of just "Craft rank 4 legendary items"

    These are just a few ideas I had in my head to make the game better for players like me. I know its not for everyone but I hope we can keep the discussion civil and maybe suggest other things to improve the game for players.
    I have a suggestion on how to improve on Shadowlands. Uninstall and do something more productive with life.

  11. #11
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stabbyfists View Post

    3. Bring back Reforging - Oh god I would LOVE this since Hit / Expertise disappeared so long ago. The other Night I got a necklace off Mythic Terragrue on my Demon Hunter and while its 22 ilvls higher than my current necklace, it has Less Haste than my current necklace, and Mastery. I also could not trade it to my Resto Druid friends who were BEGGING for it and I just sighed as I had to equip it, and then put it in my bags so that the next time a 252 neck dropped, I COULD trade it. It felt awful that this item, which was a higher item level, was not an upgrade for me cause the rule of "ILVL is King" does not hold true for Necks and Rings because of no Main stat. However, If I was able to reforge half that Mastery into something like, Versatility, then it would be an upgrade. I loved Reforging when it came out as a concept but hated its execution because it was only used to hit your hit / expertise caps before you could actually get to the part of reforging your gear to your best 2ndary stats.
    I never understood why they removed reforging at the same time they removed hit and expertise. in my experience, the only time I had to reforge was to balance the absolute fuck out of hit and expertise. I think their argument was also that people were hearthing out of raids to go reforge which is fair cause doing that definitely disrupts runs but honestly I don't think it was that big of an issue; world first raiders probably wouldn't care if they had to wait a min or two after a boss kill and nobody else is serious enough to hearth out to gain 0.2-0.5% of a stat. also we have had 15 raids since the start of WoD and in 10 of them you can easily find a place to mount and in another 2 you can mount up at certain points in the raid so it really makes that point moot

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    Yeah I agree! The game is shit so let's get rid of all the players that remind us so! Mass genocide in order to protect our deity!!!
    Why do you need to remind everyone that you think the game is shit if you've already unsubbed?
    It makes no sense what so ever, the only thing you do is make everyone else miserable for having to listen to your bull. Move on with your life and find better games or provide constructive criticism in an effort to change the game, both are perfectly viable solutions that don't serve the sole purpose of spreading your misery to everyone around you.

    Sheesh, people these days.

    Edit: And before you comment, "You're shit and you know it" isn't constructive criticism, it's at best a drunken football chant.
    Edit2: Just realized I assumed you had unsubbed, if you actually haven't then... just unsub, ezpz?
    Last edited by Arainie; 2021-08-03 at 04:37 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by glowpipe View Post
    removing the sub fee until the next expansion.
    They could offer to pay me the sub fee and I still wouldn't play it.

  14. #14
    Making the box of many things accountwide feels like such an easy fix that would also make things a lot more enjoyable IMO. The fact the layer unlocks carries over (so if you got 12 on your main you can do 12 on your alt) but then you don't have any of the bonuses does feel a bit weird.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    Yeah pretty much this. Shadowlands has too many system to be enjoyable.
    That's odd... because I find the systems easy to manage and the game quite enjoyable right now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivarr View Post
    They could offer to pay me the sub fee and I still wouldn't play it.
    Why are you here?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    I never understood why they removed reforging at the same time they removed hit and expertise. in my experience, the only time I had to reforge was to balance the absolute fuck out of hit and expertise. I think their argument was also that people were hearthing out of raids to go reforge which is fair cause doing that definitely disrupts runs but honestly I don't think it was that big of an issue; world first raiders probably wouldn't care if they had to wait a min or two after a boss kill and nobody else is serious enough to hearth out to gain 0.2-0.5% of a stat. also we have had 15 raids since the start of WoD and in 10 of them you can easily find a place to mount and in another 2 you can mount up at certain points in the raid so it really makes that point moot
    amazing how you literally explained why they removed reforging and still don't understand

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by gleepot View Post
    Why are you here?
    Disaster tourism mainly.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivarr View Post
    Disaster tourism mainly.
    do you also dutch oven yourself?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by gleepot View Post
    That's odd... because I find the systems easy to manage and the game quite enjoyable right now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why are you here?
    Yeah I too sometimes find it fun to watch paint dry.

  20. #20
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kehego View Post
    amazing how you literally explained why they removed reforging and still don't understand
    Yes I know. If you read what I wrote though I also explained why it was still a fuckin stupid decision

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