1. #1

    Returning Rogue - Overwhelmed & Friendless


    I played through Vanilla, tbc, wotlk & cata endgame acquiring BiS at each Tier lvl including warglaives and Fangs of father, I stopped playing end of cata start of MoP.

    The game has changed so much, all my friends are gone, my guild is gone, I don't know anybody, I just hit lvl60 and am still doing the campaign quest, it's the only thing I know to do.

    I don't know how to gear anymore, or what is BiS Meta for pre-dungeon>pre-raid>pre-endgame, I use to use spreadsheets on Excel and websites online to find gear

    It's all very overwhelming and I'm not sure what I'll do once I finish the campaign quest. I did a dungeon last night (that was a mistake) it was horrible, it started and ended in what felt 30secs I don't know what dungeon it was or what bosses it had or the loot available or what to DO!?!

    I dunno...maybe I been outta the game longer than I thought, so long that I've forgotten everyyythinggg I'm not sure it's worth the effort again.
    Last edited by Kharnath; 2021-09-26 at 11:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharnath View Post
    I don't have the time RIGHT NOW to re-write it.
    It's okay. Whatever issue it is you have, I'm sure it can be resolved quite easily. Just play the game. Do the activities you did last time you played. It's 99% the same game, so there's no reason to be overwhelmed. And friends can be made easily. If you remember how

  3. #3
    Welcome back;

  4. #4
    Questing is all I know and that's because blizzard is holding my hand through it all and I feel like I NEED that hand holding to get to some lvl of understanding in this now confusing to me game.

    I want to stay away from classic as I've done all that stuff.

  5. #5
    there is no pre raid or raid bis list anymore

    you pick an item, you sim it and if its an upgrade you use it. for 98% of players this is enough to gear up your character properly

    stat weights are also worthless now

    get your renown up, craft a legendary and farm korthia tokens for some easy 220 gear, meanwhile gear up in m+ and normal raid

  6. #6
    An alternate way of getting gear is to do the story line quests (these use the shield icon) and once you've done this you can go to Korthia. You can get gear by doing dungeons and raiding however the gear that comes from Korthia can be upgraded quite a bit and will be close to BiS stuff.

    This is quite monotonous though.

    You don't actually have to run Torghast, but you can.

    Use the Adventure Guide - one of the icons near the bags, assuming your using the default UI - as it is pretty good. Keeps a list of what bosses you've killed for the week, what they drop, and some basic strategy guides for each.

  7. #7
    Herald of the Titans
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Maybe the problem is your trying to catch up too much instead of treating the game like a new experience and taking the time to learn. Gearing is raiding, dungeons, and PvP, same as always. Youtube has videos on every aspect of the game to answer your questions.

  8. #8
    Super easy to gear now... Is the item 4 ilvls above your currently equipped item? Its an upgrade 99% of the time.
    If its an 8 ilvl upgrade its almost always an upgrade outside some very niche scenarios, such as trinkets but thats always been the case.

    That's all there is too it, the game is 100 times simpler now than when you stopped.
    Just have fun for a week or two... Forget about end game progression... Have... Fun...
    It will all come back to you and as others has said, the only real character progression outside Raid/pvp/dungeon is torghast/maw.
    Its very much raid log expansion, i'd say very similar to cata when you left

  9. #9
    Well it's been a few months since I made the OP and I did a lot of what people recommended however....

    I just stopped doing Korthia, I reached 220 on every item except for 1 trinket (about a month ago?), my legendary and my SL crafted item.

    I saw that I needed to get lvl6 Korthia to upgrade from lvl4 to lvl5 items? and the cost is huge as well per item now, I really don't like the zone so I haven't been back since getting most gear to lvl4.

    I did torghast a few times solo and I don't like that place either... I did what I believed I needed to do to get the legendary and have not been back since and don't want to go back either.

    I've been spending most of my time in.... BFA... Getting every N'zoth related achievement I can (I'm an old God fanboy) whilst trying to do Ny'alotha for Transmogs and achieves I did form a group that cleared Mythic Ny'alotha up to N'zoth then we caved.

    Haven't done any PvP since my two BG experiences (farmed in GY).

    Island expeditions are fun but short lived and I do wish there was a way to clear the island without the rush of the other faction thing.

    I though I achieved flying in BFA to as I got the pathfinder requirements done... Only to find out I needed Rustbolt Resistance? I got revered with Nazjatar through sheer curiosity as I love the water zones & models/monsters but I LOATHE mechagon and the moment I realised I needed revered with them (am friendly) I threw in the towel for flying in BFA what the hell has the Horde got to do with Mechagon!?!?!

    Edit: I did reach exalted with the Venthyr and used Icy Veins website to sort out most of my things like talents, conduits, play style etc etc.
    Last edited by Kharnath; 2022-01-19 at 03:14 AM.

  10. #10
    I'm not currently playing SL, but I HIGHLY suggest you join the rogue discord server, Ravenholdt.

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