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  1. #101
    As far as the squish goes I can see shadowlands being set down to 50 with the gear being appropriately scaled down in power level. Your level doesn't change at all though.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Deventh View Post
    And also ridiculously wrong in so many ways.

  3. #103
    Oh no
    "Choose your flight"
    Google doc with all plate mogs complete with import codes! PLATE TRANSMOG-O-RAMA

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    This "leak" not only guessed the name, Dragonflight, it also guessed Lordaeron/Quel'thalas revamp stuff (which we didn't see stuff leading to that until 9.2.5 went on PTR more recently).
    its all so fishy that its screaming that this is actually real

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I don't believe the features are necessarily correct. The name probably is right though.
    Well sure, could be wrong. Just will have to see on the 19th!
    Just have a feeling that this is more than a 50% chance of being right.
    Chronomancer Club

  5. #105
    Certificates for were also registered a few days ago: https:// crt. sh/?

  6. #106
    yo what the heck he even mentioned the lordaeron and silvermoon rework, was this stuff known back in beginning of february?

    no way some1 just wild guesses this if it was unknown back then

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Deventh View Post
    a lot of the things mentioned happened and are happening in 10.0 though.
    IDK why I'm bothering debunking an old leak, but here we go

    Let's go through it....

    Level squish - they'd already announced their intent for that.

    Old World revamp - didn't happen, hasn't happened.

    Lordaeron Alliance, Darkshore Horde - didn't happen, and unlikely to happen.

    AR Lightbound undead - no hints at all.
    AR Thin Drakonids using worgen skeleton - didn't happen, it happening in the future isn't any reflection on that old leak.

    Dark Ragner class with a shadowhunter skin - didn't happen. Maybe we'll get a Dark Ranger skin, but again, no reflection on that old leak.

    None of the other class skins.

    All the alliance/horde stuff didn't happen, though they've talked about doing /some/ of it now.

    Dragon Isles was definitely not the starting point for Shadowlands.

    No zone called the Edge.

    AR DK Combos: I forget when they announced AR DKs, but this leak was posted AFTER the patch that listed them was announced.

    Shadowlands: this part existed, though there was none of the ghostships they mentioned - all of those from another fake shadowlands announcement, as a note.

    we did meet voljin and kaelthas, though that's not much of a surprise.

    Alliance met neither Arthas or Tyrion

    Sylvanas being there isn't much of a guess.

    The Void was technically present, though again, that's not much of a guess.

    Artifact Helmet - didn't happen.

    Reworked pvp system - I don't pvp so I'm not sure if this happened tbh.

    No legendary weapons.

    Not going to bother counting the dungeons.

    2 new raids is wrong

    WSG BG is wrong

    2 new arenas, one of which is a shadowlands prison, is wrong

    Less WQ but more Dailies is ... probably wrong? Technically some covenants unlock some daily quests with their covenant system, so maybe this one will get half points.

    Silverpine and Lordaeron are not high level, and everything in there is wrong. Good chance we'll see SOME Lordaeron stuff, but not anything they hinted at.

    Same with Azuremyst and Ghostlands. There's a nice epilogue followup quest to the Belf Heritage quest, but that's it.

    Didn't see Xavius, or a former Lifebender

    Did meet Argus but not 'throughout the expansion,' though that doesn't get them many points.

    Same with 'many heroes,' you don't get points for assuming we'll meet dead people in the afterlife.

    No real old god presence, though there was a /small/ void presence. But only really in Bastion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Eunomii View Post
    yo what the heck he even mentioned the lordaeron and silvermoon rework, was this stuff known back in beginning of february?

    no way some1 just wild guesses this if it was unknown back then
    Have you actually looked at the leaked Silvermoon stuff? Because it's nothing like what this guy said lol

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Zharikov View Post
    Have you actually looked at the leaked Silvermoon stuff? Because it's nothing like what this guy said lol
    Yes I have, but just because the 9.2.5 Questline doesn't include it doesn't mean that 10.0 won't?

    Also they're clearly setting up the scarlet/light focus, so idk why you'd imply that its "nothing" like it.

    I'm just saying that guessing the name AND a Tirisfal PLUS Silvermoon rework correctly is a bit far stretched to be fake, but we'll see soon enough I guess.
    Last edited by Eunomii; 2022-04-03 at 01:29 AM.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Deventh View Post
    Wrath of the Bolvar was the expansion we deserved.
    The absolute state of Warcraft lore in 2021:
    Kyrians: We need to keep chucking people into the Maw because it's our job.
    Also Kyrians: Why is the Maw growing stronger despite all our efforts?

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by LordVargK View Post
    The leak said SL stuff (and that includes gear I assume) will be scaled down. So expect a micro squish maybe?

    I agree with your noting that this feels like a big patch, though. Leveling has tradition, even if it has been boring in the past years. I could see us getting set back to 50 again, though. Would mean no new level cap. So the leak would be partly true.
    what is a point of "squish stats" and not adding levels or delevel your characters to 50 and keeping max lvl at 60? people don't like if they lose something and since cata with every expansion we lose something don't you think its a time to stop it ? or at last for me to stop it (playing this game)...

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by StillMcfuu View Post
    I have a hard time believing "Micro classes" sounds like a solid way to shit up the character creator. Class skins or new specs for existing classes, 100% I could believe.
    I think the name was a lucky guess, the other picture seems reasonable as it's 100% Blizz artstyle. This part is killing the whole "leak"

    Minstrel class. Only one healer spec. Uses leather, lutes, violins and panflutes.

    They aren't adding a whole new set of weapons to the game, only for them to be used by one spec, not even a class, just one spec.
    To be honest, it seems like a mix of class skins, and 4th specs. Microclasses are literally 4th specs that aren't attached to existing classes, and that's a route I never really considered, but totally makes sense.

    As a 1-spec class, it keeps its full theme, and provides new gameplay without overbloating. 4 Microclasses is equivalent of 1.33 new class.

    It's gonna be a hell of a lot more work for them to take on, but honestly, it's pretty damn hefty and a gamechanger that is sure to draw a crowd.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-04-03 at 02:02 AM.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Romanthony View Post
    Ineresting for sure, but if this is the case, it could mean some ret cons are in order, since According to cata, they have no powers left, arnt immortal anymore and in soem cases have lost the ablity to breed. I mean Alex herself, is out of Consorts And speaking of Alex, she looks pretty nice in the artwork, good to see her kitted up and looking more then a Amazon then a Bikini model
    They didnt loose all their powers, just the Titan given ones, but they had powers before Titans empowered them.

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Eunomii View Post
    yo what the heck he even mentioned the lordaeron and silvermoon rework, was this stuff known back in beginning of february?

    no way some1 just wild guesses this if it was unknown back then
    Dragon isles have always been portrayed as off the coast of Quel'thalas/North of Lorderon so them being involved with an expansion related to the dragon isles isn't that far out.

  14. #114
    If true, it's good to finally see Undermine.
    but shame we got 2 new underground zones and not Azjol'Nerub.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post

    I am very certain that I've seen art of that dragon in the background before. Blizzard doesn't reuse old art for new expansion announcements. They commission new ones from Wei Wang, Glenn Rane, Alex Horley, or Dmitry Prozorov.

  16. #116
    Legendary! SinR's Avatar
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    Well, we shall see
    We're all newbs, some are just more newbier than others.

    Just a burned out hardcore raider turned casual.
    I'm tired. So very tired. Can I just lay my head on your lap and fall asleep?

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    To be honest, it seems like a mix of class skins, and 4th specs. Microclasses are literally 4th specs that aren't attached to existing classes, and that's a route I never really considered, but totally makes sense.

    As a 1-spec class, it keeps its full theme, and provides new gameplay without overbloating. 4 Microclasses is equivalent of 1.33 new class.

    It's gonna be a hell of a lot more work for them to take on, but honestly, it's pretty damn hefty and a gamechanger that is sure to draw a crowd.
    It’s a ton of work in the tier set department but if this is real I think it’ll really pay off.

    Besides that, 1-spec classes can be iterated on and expanded in the future.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I am very certain that I've seen art of that dragon in the background before. Blizzard doesn't reuse old art for new expansion announcements. They commission new ones from Wei Wang, Glenn Rane, Alex Horley, or Dmitry Prozorov.
    Pretty sure that's new.

  19. #119
    The class stuff alone should be the biggest hint given the balancing nightmare that'd create. WoW isn't FF14 and can't just add classes all willy nilly due to its high end PvE and PvP scene. FF14 also gets away with it since its classes are highly homogenized.

  20. #120
    I'm getting my hopes up that this is the expansion. I'm hyped for all of this.

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