You don't actually have to be either to join, but <Clever Girl> is now a thing if your shiny new dragon needs a place to hang out (or you just like the tag lol).

Because it's just the best possible Dracthyr guild name

Been playing since open beta vanilla, been in DF beta, happy to help people out and share knowledge and mostly just chill while leveling etc. Looking for like-minded individuals. Mature yet silly. Respectful always. Alphabet soup friendly.

Bonus Dracthyr tips:

1) User your auto-Visage form to switch back to humanoid when out of combat for a substantial party regen buff!

2) Talk to the Dragonriding trainer to enable a passenger to ride along with you on your dragon as a Whelp! (in the Dragon Isles)

3) Unlock 100% of Dragonriding talents on day #1 (in the Dragon Isles) by exploring and getting all the Glyphs. That and full continent exploration completion will also reduce your Soar cooldown to ONE MINUTE in the Dragon Isles, and you can get this done on your first day in the full expansion.