1. #1

    Small question about Retridin tier 7

    Don't know if anyone actually obtained the 4/5 bonus yet, but I had a question about it. Replenishment lasts for 15 seconds, and with improved judgement + the bonus the judgement CD is 7 seconds. Would you be able to keep up 2x (20 people) replenishment or does it only affect 10 max? Thanks

  2. #2

    Re: Small question about Retridin tier 7

    10max. Believe it's to get that 1extra second to dps more. /shrug

  3. #3

    Re: Small question about Retridin tier 7

    That's a pity, guess it'd be (seen as) overpowered otherwise though. Still, -1 sec CD on judgement is a decent enough DPS bonus I suppose

  4. #4

    Re: Small question about Retridin tier 7

    increased dps, increased mana regen, increased gcd mixup QQ CAN'T CAST FAST ENOUGH QQ................>.>

    I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species

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