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  1. #1

    Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Patch 3.0.2 - Achievement Rewards
    Patch 3.0.2 is now live on all servers and I'm sure you're all busy completing all the achievements you can. Below is a complete list of achievements rewards, most of them are titles but there are also a few mounts, tabards, and miscellaneous items. You won't be able to complete some of these achievements before the release of Wrath of the Lich King but I still kept them on the list because most of the time they require you to do a few things in the "old" world as well.





    Raids & Dungeons
    • Champion of the Frozen Wastes - Champion of the Frozen Wastes - Defeat the dungeon and raid bosses.
    • Conqueror - The Conqueror - Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
    • Conqueror of Naxxramas - Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas - Participated in the realm first defeat of Kel'Thuzad on Heroic Difficulty in Naxxramas.
    • Obsidian Slayer - Realm First! Obsidian Slayer - Participated in the realm first defeat of Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Heroic Difficulty.
    • Of the Nightfall - The Twilight Zone - With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Normal Difficulty.
    • The Immortal - The Immortal - Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters.
    • The Magic Seeker - Realm First! Magic Seeker - Participated in the realm first defeat of Malygos on Heroic Difficulty.
    • The Undying - The Undying - Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas on Normal Difficulty without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters.
    • Twilight Vanquisher - Heroic: The Twilight Zone - With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian on Heroic Difficulty.
    • Jenkins - Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! - Kill 50 rookery whelps within 15 seconds.

    Quests / Exploration

    • Arena Master - The Arena Master - Complete the arena achievements.
    • Battlemaster - Battlemaster / Battlemaster - Complete the battleground achievements.
    • Justicar - The Justicar - Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
    • Of the Horde or Of the Alliance - 100000 Honorable Kills - Get 100000 honorable kills.
    • The Flawless Victor - Hot Hot Hot Streak - Win ten ranked matches in a row with a rating above 2000 at level 80.


    World Events

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    Upcoming Hunter Changes, Part II
    Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler (Blue Tracker)
    Aspects are now off the GCD. It's true. There will still be a 1 sec cooldown to switch from one aspect to another. It should feel a lot more like warrior stances or death knight presences.

    We're also going to be putting a little bit of dodge (~10%?) onto Monkey. I'll update when we decide on a final number.

    Just for consistency, paladin auras will probably get the same treatment. These changes should go live before Nov 13. As always, thanks for all of the feedback, and please keep it up now that many of the changes are live.

    EDIT: After further discussion, we're not crazy about the "stance dancing" that hunters need to do to switch to Monkey when someone is in on you in melee. As we've said a few times, Disengage and Deterrence should be your go-to abilities at that time. If anything, removing Aspects from the GCD makes it feel like you are supposed to go Monkey every time you're in melee.

    Rather than revert the change, we are introducing a new spell!

    Instead of getting new ranks of Hawk at level 75 and 80, you now get the new Aspect of the Dragonhawk. This powerful aspect combines all of the effects of Hawk and Monkey. Any talent or glyph that affects either Hawk or Monkey also affects Dragonhawk the same way. The idea is that you retire Hawk and Monkey at level 75 and go to essentially two Aspects: Dragonhawk for combat and Viper for mana regen.


    Small Aura Changes
    Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler (Blue Tracker)
    To be consistent with stances, presences and aspects, paladin auras are now off of the GCD with a 1 sec cooldown. I realize paladins don't switch auras as often as the other examples, but we also saw no reason to keep it the way it was.

    The "aura twisting" aspect is actually something we're a little concerned about. We don't want paladins to feel like the right thing they're supposed to do is switch to fire right before an incoming Pyroblast in PvP, or perhaps worse, notice when the dragon is about to breath, shift into fire and then shift out. At that point, the change may do more harm than good.

    Patch 3.02: Please Read
    Originally Posted by Eyonix (Blue Tracker)
    The Wrath of the Lich King DVD contains the installer for patch version 3.0.1. This means installing the expansion will require you to patch back up to the latest version of the game after installation. Since you will have already downloaded all of the patches prior to Wrath of the Lich King's launch, you will not need to download them again, unless you delete them.

    Which means, we highly encourage players avoid deleting any 3.0.x patches until after the installation of Wrath of the Lich King.Of course if you would like to hang on to these patch files just in case you need to reinstall the game at a later date, you're free to do so, as it would save you the time of having to re-download them.

    BlizzCon Lost and Found
    [blizzquote="Nethaera;]BlizzCon is over, but we still have a few reminders of those that graced the halls. If you’ve lost an item at the event, we may just have found it. We've consolidated the lost and found items collected at BlizzCon and those that are looking for their items can email an inquiry on these to [email][/email]. [/blizzquote"]

    Blue Posts
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    DoT Crits
    Originally, we liked the fact that dots didn't crit. It's one of the things that made them different from other types of spells. In turn, it meant that classes and specs that focused on dots cared about different stats than other classes. We think it's interesting when say a ring drops, and the group has to speculate about who would get the most benefit out of it.

    We are changing our minds about that design though, because it does make it hard to keep everyone scaling well with gear. A lot of raid buffs are based around adding things like crit and haste, which not everyone cares about to the same degree. (Source)

    ETA for experience rewards in battlegrounds and queuing from anywhere
    No answers available. These are features we would like to implement in the future. Queuing from anywhere would likely be the first to come, though I could not say when at this point. (Source)

    Paid Character Transfer issues
    The paid character transfer and name change services have been temporarily taken offline to relieve database stress. We hope to reactivate them in the next few hours. (Source)

    Brewfest Achievement - Binary Brew
    It will remain a part of the meta-achievement for Brewfest. As I said, some achievements take time to complete. This is one of them. (Source)

    New Glyphs
    Glyphs are the product of a trade skill so we want to slowly release more over time. (Source)

    Level 80/70 Balancing
    L80 is our first priority, but we'll respond to anything that we think needs attention at L70 over the next few weeks. No need to fill up the rest of this thread with what *you* think needs attention. (Source)

    WotLK - Heroic Violet Hold Bug Fixes
    The issue where Xevozz would hit the party for huge amounts of arcane damage has been resolved. We also added a behind the scenes spell that will give the tank of Ichoron some additional threat to keep the healer from pulling aggro quite so easily. (Source)

    Druid (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9061))
    Survival Instinct
    Survival Instinct is off the GCD now. (Source)

    Hunter (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9061))
    New Pets
    Now that we have a better system for introducing pets, I have no doubt we'll add more per family and more families over time. (Source)

    Exotic Pet Balancing
    On the exotic pets issue, I have said before that we want to be very careful with the balance here. If the pets are immensely better, then the talent becomes a non-decision (which isn't so bad) but the exotic pets also becomes a non-decision, which means that the tree that is supposed to be all about pets has fewer options to choose from.

    At a slight dps increase, the particular pet you choose is still up for debate. On a boss where you need to go all out and the pet's debuff isn't imporant and survivability isn't important, then yeah maybe you take the devilsaur or core hound. But when farming, running heroics, PvP or in other situations you still can bring which pet you want.

    We did a big pass at pet dps and found that while some exotics were near the top, others were near the bottom. We made a big numbers pass to consolidate things a little better, and make sure the exotics were all near the top or at the top. Cats and other pets without a strong debuff should also do good dps as well. (Source)

    Paladin (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9061))
    Retribution Paladin Q&A
    Since these threads seem to be proliferating, I figure'd I'd just start a new one. Here is a quick Q&A.

    Q: Is Ret OP?
    A: Perhaps. We think Ret's dps isn't abnormally high in PvE, and may not even be high in PvP over the course of a long fight. Where we are worried is how much damage Ret can do up front. It's also Holy damage, which isn't a big deal when you're considering a fully sundered mob, but can turn into a lot of damage in PvP.

    Q: Are we going to nerf Ret?
    A: TO THE GROUND BABY. Okay, not really, but sometimes I can't resist. We'll see how much that quote comes back to haunt me. We will probably be making some changes soon, perhaps even hotfixes. We want to be very surgical about what we do. We don't want to overdo it, and we don't want to hurt their sustained PvE damage. When we've decided, I'll make sure you all know.

    Q: Why did it take us this long to admit there was a problem when EVERYONE knew about it?
    A: A couple of weeks ago there were some bugs with weapon equipping that caused some problems that of course were being exploited. We didn't want to nerf Ret TO THE GROUND BABY only to discover that the weapon problem was causing 90% of it.

    Q: Enough about Ret. Unholy death knights are worse!
    A: That wasn't a question, but we think we have Unholy in a better place now. We made some changes to a few deep talents (that the DK community is already aware of, so don't fret) to get Unholy's dps more in line. Also, you aren't going to see any PvP DKs for a long time, so we need to focus on paladins for now. (Source)

    Priest (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9061))
    Divine Providence Changes
    We are sympathetic to the notion that Divine Providence feels like a second Spritual Healing but with less effect. So we're making this change: Divine Providence now also reduces the cooldown of Prayer of Mending by 6/12/18/24/30%. With 5 points, it takes PoM from 10 to 7 sec cooldown. (Source)

    Shaman (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9061))
    Enhancement DPS
    Right now, Enhancement dps is very high. If we changed say UR, we'd have to also nerf Enhancement dps to make up for the extra talent points you'd get to spend. It is something we want to take a look at, but there are also classes and specs right now whose dps is too low that need more attention. (Source)

    Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9061))
    Demon Form Metamorph action bar
    We changed the bar largely because the feedback was that warlocks wanted to cast their own, normal spells in demon form. Once we went that route, we thought it might just be a hassle to have to make a new bar that got turned on only in demon form. Druid forms aren't on a cooldown or timer, so it's easy to set up those bars. We imagined the warlock waiting for the cooldown on Metamorphosis in order to have a chance to set up the bar again. (Source)

    Warrior (Skills List / Talent Calc. (9061))
    Titan's Grip 12% miss penalty
    It should be fixed before Lich King itself goes live. That depends a little on what other issues crop up over the next few days that need more urgent attention. But the plan is to get all of those changes out soon. (Source)

  2. #2

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Nice list of the achievements.
    Looks like the albino drake is now 50 instead of the initial 75... a shame that, it's not like it was hard to begin with.

    Still no word on lightning reflexes... >_<

    Also, the warlock demon form bar should automatically change imho, it's just stupid if it doesn't. If you want to cast your own spells, just put them in the new bar as well. Now we're really tight on button space. Which is very annoying.

    A few achievements seem double.
    Conqueror / Justicar - appears twice under different names.
    And The loremaster, appears 3 times on the list.

  3. #3

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    "Bloodsail Admiral - Avast Ye, Admiral! - Obtain the Bloodsail Admiral's Hat... and try to get some fresh air every now and then."

    Haha, it's actually not that hard :P
    Took me like 6 hours of grinding.

  4. #4

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    I grabed Jenkins yesterday

  5. #5

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Easy solution to Paladin Auras: prevent changes during combat.

  6. #6

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by bbr
    Nice list of the achievements.
    Looks like the albino drake is now 50 instead of the initial 75... a shame that, it's not like it was hard to begin with.
    It was changed because of Taurens. They can't get any other racial mounts but their own Kodo's.

    R.I.P: Prefix (T6 Resto Shaman) - DK DPS Compendium
    R.I.P: Valkyr (T4'ish BM Hunter) - UH DPS Compendium

  7. #7

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by Prefix
    It was changed because of Taurens. They can't get any other racial mounts but their own Kodo's.
    the original number was based on taurens.

  8. #8

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts


  9. #9

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    If they seriously nerf ret because it's not balanced at level 70, in a game where the max level is going to be 80... I'm left speechless at how awful of a choice that would be.

  10. #10
    Scarab Lord AetherMcLoud's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Sep 2008
    Wandering Isles

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts


    Hurray for them to acknowledge that Retadins have completely bonkers burst right now, while also having all the defense every pala has.
    You know what is better than drinking a beer? Brewing your own beer. And then drinking it. And then... Drinking another beer. And then, punching somebody in the snout! That's what!

  11. #11

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Must........ farm...... achievements.... must..... get.... rewards! I can feel the addiction growing...

    Also, completed MgT HC last night with 2 retadins, 1 rogue, 1 warrior tank and shammy healer(me), in 20 minutes. that instance really isn't any challenge anymore, if it ever was.

  12. #12

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzywuzzy
    If they seriously nerf ret because it's not balanced at level 70, in a game where the max level is going to be 80... I'm left speechless at how awful of a choice that would be.
    fuzzywuzzy...that reminds me of dota

    anyway, IF retridins are doing so well at 70 and are ok at 80, then they would scale HORRIBLY at later levels of gear. i dont think any retripala would actually mind if they got their burst for 70 nerfed, but got better scalling with gear tbh.

  13. #13

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzywuzzy
    If they seriously nerf ret because it's not balanced at level 70, in a game where the max level is going to be 80... I'm left speechless at how awful of a choice that would be.
    They did that with hunters when 2.0 was launched pre-TBC. The instant shots ownage (silencing shot included) in BGs caused so much Q.Q-ing that they nerfed hunters to a state that we were pretty poor at BC start. Luckily that changed during BC

  14. #14

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by fr0hzn
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille
    Worgens for Alliance, Goblins for Horde.

    I'll run naked in the streets of Paris and post the video on the front page if I'm wrong.

  15. #15

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by hudders
    Easy solution to Paladin Auras: prevent changes during combat.
    You just have no idea what the blue ment hu?
    They don't want us to feel like we MUST switch, but they surly want us to have that option.
    I bet you are a mage, frost/fire aura dancing for the win baby!

  16. #16

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    The best they could do for Ret now is re-itemize the gear to not have intellect on it anymore. The large, practically unlimited mana pool Ret palas have now on live makes them far more flexible than was intended.

  17. #17

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by ZerOne
    You just have no idea what the blue ment hu?
    They don't want us to feel like we MUST switch, but they surly want us to have that option.
    I bet you are a mage, frost/fire aura dancing for the win baby!
    Difficult, then, to see what you think Ghostcrawler meant when he said:

    Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler (Blue Tracker)

    The "aura twisting" aspect is actually something we're a little concerned about. We don't want paladins to feel like the right thing they're supposed to do is switch to fire right before an incoming Pyroblast in PvP
    The "blue" obviously states that they don't want you to keep changing auras at every opportunity. The only reason it's off the GCD is consistency.

    Removing the ability to change auras while in combat stops the aura-dancing that they're clearly worried about. If aura-dancing became the norm, they might as well just give you the one aura that covers all situations.

    And no, for the record, I'm not a mage.

  18. #18
    The Hedgehog Elementium's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Aug 2008
    MA, USA.

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    YES! Shaman are gonna get ignored, which couldn't come at a better time considering we're finally at a good place! I could care less about PvP as long as we get to keep our sweet damage.

  19. #19

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Has anyone run into an issue - after learning pets/mounts, they've disappeared when you login next?

    I "learned" my pets patch night, and when I woke up the next morning, I logged to check the progress of the patch.

    I was very suprised to not see a "Pets" tab.

    I also had "some" of the items I learned, back in my bags.

    Some items I was missing however?

    Epic ROFLCopter
    Some christmas pets (helpers)

    And those are just items that "I caught".&#160; I'm not 100% sure what else I lost, I had a lot of items =)

    So basically in-game support has been.. lackluster.&#160; I see they're actually starting to troll through their tickets.&#160; It seems to be taking about 24+ hours to get in-game help - which I'd expect during this time, however I've seen very little in the way of Blizzard acknowledging this issue.

    I have faith in their system, I Just think it's a major suckfest having to wait to find out if my ROFLCopter and Mojo are returned.&#160; I know buying a new mount would count towards the 50-mount achievement, however I'd rather buy them ON MY OWN TERMS.

    Either way, Hosehead Jenkins is lovin' the patch so far, with the exception of the eating of my pets and mounts.

    You'd be suprised how quick people were to tell me to "RTF Patch Notes!!&#160; Shift+P!" to get my mount back

    Thanks.. but no cigar.

    Adding these achievements really makes the users (who want to get as many as possible) see and experience the World of Warcraft in a depth that normally may not have been seen or experienced.&#160; It's a great addition and I look forward to cleanin' up on the list and the ability to compare achievements over the Armory one day

    Rogues are even starting to feel the love.. I still miss my infectious poisons.. But I'll settle for a Relentless Strikes change (make it 2 or 3 max talent points)..

    And you're right BBR .. Lightning Reflexes needs that haste/some kind of buff.&#160; But I was pleasantly suprised to find I gained about 4-5 critical strike percentage just from the patch =)


    for vanity pet/mount issue..

    at least they're aware..
    \)___ :'(
    ) >> \\
    ^- Us.
    ^- Blizz.

  20. #20

    Re: Achievement Rewards, Hunter & Pal Changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by Elementium
    YES! Shaman are gonna get ignored, which couldn't come at a better time considering we're finally at a good place! I could care less about PvP as long as we get to keep our sweet damage.
    Hell yeah.
    It might be unfair against the other classes to say that it's good that we got ignored for now, but since no one complained about shamans are overpowered or <insert random nerf pvp-reason here>, I'm happy with that. It's fun leveling a shaman, I really like the new play style and the overall usefulness of the shaman class. It would hurt me to see it getting nerfed for PvE.

    my cute little draenei ...

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