1. #1

    Boomkin trinket help

    So here's my situation...
    My druid alt's trinkets are reign of the dead and sundial of the exiled.

    My chances of getting a broodmother or dragon queen are slim to none since several of our main raiders still need them and i'd be obligated to pass to help progression, after losing several of each... i've given up on them.

    Last night i picked up Fetish of Volatile power heroic from toc 10...

    I figure i'll time the fetish nearing the end of wrath eclipse, that way the stacks will max out quick and it will be just in time to utilize the bonus 512 haste on starfire eclipse. I can also time starfall (faster stacking) with the trinket, not to mention the pillar of flame from reign of the dead also contributes to stacking.

    Personally i think fetish is better, what does the boomkin community think?

  2. #2

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    Sadly Sundail proc >> Fetish use part, due to cooldown differences.

  3. #3

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    Fetish of Volatile Power is good for the crit bonus, but bad for the use ability. You are spot on with how to use it, though, and you can pop starfall to help the procs going (quick stacks, especially if there is more than one target). But seeing as you have to wait until you can pop it, and you arent guaranteed to get much benefit out of it, its really a coin toss on which you should use. Seeing as the added crit is quite nice, and you *can* get some benefit from Fetish, and the only other option is the Sundail, you should probably try and make the Fetish work for you - but try and get Eye of the Broodmother or Illustration of the Dragon Soul, if you can :P (or flare of the heavens from Vezax 25 hard - MMM!)

  4. #4

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    I personally like the on demand haste from the fetish during a starfire eclipse. It helps though that you have the crit gear so that you can pop starfall/trinket during a wrath spam and know a starfire eclipse will happen within 2-3 casts. Although sundial does give a decent amount of spellpower, it has terrible uptime with 10 second duration on a 45 sec ICD as well as a lowly 10% proc rate.

  5. #5

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    you could always pug sarth 25 or ulduar 10 (till razor)

    that way you dont have to pass to the guildies and you get a gamblers chance at getting a better trink.

    gratz on reign of the dead btw.

    im still having to use illustration and broodmother

    im next in line for reign though :P (cant complain though, i got our first 258 caster 1h)

  6. #6

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    cool that we have farmed toc and toc heroic since the release date and only 1 reign has ever dropped, our alts have more reigns than our mains .
    Signature not acceptable (e.g. too large), read http://www.mmo-champion.com/general-discussions-22/important-signatures/ - Regards, Olison

  7. #7

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    Reign havnt droped for our raid group also.. have been farming it for a whil and not a single drop.. i sue broodmother + fetish (10hc). i havemacro that pops it at the same time as starfall, so i get full 8 stacks with 1 gcd and about 2-3seconds, timig it wit SF eclipse also offcorse.
    Amberkintribe Yogg+0 kill 10man.

  8. #8

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    hi all,

    my 1st post on the forum, didnt want to open a new thread for similar purpose.

    im starting to get my 1st serious gear and i cannot decide what could be helpfull in my situation

    my stats:
    - haste is now 405 (i'm soft capped if i understand anything)
    - Low spell hit: 11.61%
    - crit chance: 20.12%

    my weakspot is the Forged Amber trink http://www.wowhead.com/?item=37660
    i have a chance to replace it with Shard of the Crystal hearth http://www.wowhead.com/?item=48722 which would solve my hit problem but i'm worried about how haste would be affected with +512 that new trink would generate.

    thing is, when i had haste 450 even without knowing about the soft cap i noticed my wrath's are delayed which i later found out was the cause of general spell cd. i dunno how this bonus from new trinket is calculated, does it add to my actual haste or? i was really looking forward to this trinket but now i have doubts

    my char: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sh...nds&n=Impaelas

    thank you all for help.

  9. #9

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    Welcome to the forums, Impaelas.

    Your haste is fine. Your hit is also almost fine. With all hit talents you just need 9% hit as a nelf, and you have 8.88%. So a few more hit and you will be capped.

    Gems: Try and avoid gemming for hit. If you can get it from some item, do that, rather than using hit gems. You also have a lot of sp/mp5 or sp/stamina gems, and those are quite bad. If the socket bonus is worth going for, or if you need two blues for your meta, use SP/spirit. You should not need to gem for mana regen if your spec is alright (and it isnt). Your prime gem is +23 SP. If you can use that, do that (for example, in your belt). You CAN use SP/crit gems but only if the crit makes up for the SP you lose.

    A few enchants can be upgraded, but i understand if you dont want to go out and pay a ton of cash for +81 on staff, when its a low level staff.

    One of the major changes you can make is to update your Idol. The wrath Idol is absolutely useless, and is surpassed by the starfire idol. But both of those pales in comparasson to the T9 idol, which should really be the first thing you spend emblems of triumph on. It is absolutely godlike with the 4+% crit, up almost constantly. Once you fix your gear, all you have to do is stay hitcapped, near 400 haste, and then pump up your crit. You can get the sundail from emblems rather cheaply to fix your trinket.

    Talents really needs to be fixed. Why do you have two talents in Naturalist? Genesis, while it looks like a good talent, isn't. Its only about 0,5% DPS increase, and that is poor for five talents. Its the same with Imp. Moonfire, which is only worth taking if you have 2pt9.

    This spec will give you most of what you need in terms of damage, and it will give you a lot of mana regen. Mana shouldn't be a problem with this with innervate aswell. Once you notice that you are not having any mana problems at all, you start moving points from mana regen into other damage talents. Take the points from dreamstate first, and perhaps one point from Intensity and put them into Imp. Insect Swarm and the like.

    No idea what your rotation is, but i assume you have done a bit of research for it

  10. #10

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    Wish there would be more people like you who gave such advise Qieth, sad that i don't need help with anything XD

  11. #11

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    your anub trink has never dropped for me /sighhhhhhhhh

  12. #12

    Re: Boomkin trinket help

    I have managed to get myself both the Normal and Heroic versions of Fetish of Volatile power

    I haven't been boomkin in a while, was thinking that I could equip both and macro Starfall to proc one for each cast.
    The on use functions doesn't allow to use both at the same time though.
    So would it be worth using the heroic version with starfall and use the normal one for during the starfire eclipse or vice versa

    any other suggestions, I don't have any other trinkets of use other the sundial atm since boomkin is my 3rd spec.

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