1. #1

    general PvP for crit chickens

    okay this isnt a thread about whats best, nor about anything newly viable, just something i saw

    okay so i do random BG's alot with my ele shaman friend (were horde, doesnt really matter but throwing it out there)
    and i decided to forgo my healing roles (fuck having to argue with kids about my spec) and go into my boomy raid spec

    get into a WSG, then an AB, then a AV, i decided all 3 BG's to not use my moonkin form, instead i ate a savory deviate delight (turns you to a pirate or ninja for those that cant remember). i had my 5% crit from the ele shaman.

    not once did i get singled out of a group to get hammered. i actually got to sneak around and just cast cast cast,
    plus with the 4pc pvp set 1.0 sec starfires with about 80% crit chance on em = win.

    anyone else ever tried this with similar results? just wondering if for BG pvp its better to forgo your boomkin and take the "HAI GIUZ IM A CHICKEN COME HUGZ ME!!!" sticker off our heads
    TIRION: It is done
    RHONIN: I know it's done, I'm the d00d that did it
    TIRION: But without a lich king to chain it, the scourge will rampage across Azeroth, destroying all life, I am the only one who can bear this solemn burden.
    RHONIN: Because you did such a good job with the coliseum? I thought I fired your ass, Why are you even here?

  2. #2

    Re: general PvP for crit chickens

    I generally have to stay in form unless I for some reason start healing people. I'll admit, while I do love the big chicken is does paint a horrible target on our heads that just screams "easy to kill". Yes, even with the recent buff to Nature's Grasp and Starfall I still get stunlocked/silenced to dead, and it's my own belief that the simple size of the form only increases this problem. We're huge targets and our form tells our spec, but I guess that's what we have to trade for looking so good amirite? :P

  3. #3

    Re: general PvP for crit chickens

    I know, you get the +5% spell crit buff from the shaman, but the 380% armor
    from items is awesome in pvp.

  4. #4

    Re: general PvP for crit chickens

    Quote Originally Posted by Robinhoodexe
    I know, you get the +5% spell crit buff from the shaman, but the 380% armor
    from items is awesome in pvp.
    Not needed, as he said, since he doesn't get targeted when not in form.... l2read

  5. #5

    Re: general PvP for crit chickens

    yea if a rogue or something finds me its 1 shot 1 kill kinda thing, but it was so easy to blend with the mages/shamans/locks that it kinda made it easier to just get your lunar eclipse up and go to town on bitches!!!

    but yes were sexy...
    TIRION: It is done
    RHONIN: I know it's done, I'm the d00d that did it
    TIRION: But without a lich king to chain it, the scourge will rampage across Azeroth, destroying all life, I am the only one who can bear this solemn burden.
    RHONIN: Because you did such a good job with the coliseum? I thought I fired your ass, Why are you even here?

  6. #6

    Re: general PvP for crit chickens

    What I tend to do in BGs is to go catform for stealth, especially when defending, and then pop into Moonkin when it was time to rumble. Tracking humanoids doesn't hurt either.

    Also, Moonkin form isn't just the 5% crit and the armor modifier... Elunes Grace (mana back on crits) and two talents that add further elements (Owlkin Frenzy in particular, Imp. MK probably isnt that useful for PvP).

    Fun thing about my PvP experience though is that if there is a healer nearby, I'm practically a PvP tank. I might be chainstunned from two rogues, but I don't take a lot of damage (and damage them back with thorns) and the rogues obviously can't pester the healer at the same time.

    There are also a few ways to get disguises that overlap with moonkin form, but they are hard to come by (Super Simian Sphere or Teleporter Malfunction(sadly gets canceled by cat form)).

    Or hell, just shrink with a Noggenfogger. If you can fool them with a Deviate, being harder to spot can help a lot too...

  7. #7

    Re: general PvP for crit chickens

    ha ha nice ot bumb in to this kind of topic as i am a very consious user of moonkin form in BG:s. And i usually fare kinda nice on meters AND consider my self to be more of a team player than just a "frag hunter".

    I rarely go to owlkin if its a huge brawl, say more than 7 people per side. Its much easer to go un noticed, hurl some wraths there and a big heal here.

    Ill spend time in cat form as much ass bossible. My 30k health pool has tricked people to fight me as a feral quite a few times. I never hang around in fearther suite while defending LM.

    Basicly, the only time i really go to owlkin is if i anticipate a stun lock in near future. I especially dislike showing my change of pace if i have to heal. Them seing me dropping Owlkin is a clear give a way that im now on the defence. It will be much easyer to slip in some hots for your allies or eaven build a nice matrise of hots for your self, bash / maim (if you still have the cp) or eaven stomp. When your tail finaly gets out from your cyclone, youll be miles away with (close to) full health bar

    Nowadays, when our SFall really deals damage, its allmost given that owlkins will get some ammount of attention. Im being cycloned much more for no apparent reason nowadays :P

    Im not an arena pro, but if you like bg:s like i do, go for that fat 30k+ health pool, glyph for barkskin and stack resi till your well past 1k mark. Its not often a caster can sit a full stun lock from 2 rogues and see them vanish a way to pick a softer target
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