Thread: Disc pvp

  1. #1

    Disc pvp

    Hi, I have a few questions about disc pvp (arena mostly), sorry if this seems obvious, but I can't find any -recent- posts or stickies about disc pvp gear/gems.

    Should I be getting the spirit or crit mainset pieces? The crit is good for divine aegis and spirit is of course good for regen, so I'm unsure. I'm thinking that I should be getting the haste off-spec pieces, is this correct?

    Also, what gems should I be putting in my gear? SP and Haste?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Arena Junkies is a good site to start your journey. Seek, and you shall find information beyond your wildest dreams!

  4. #4
    New to disc pvp, but from my understanding it depends on how you want to play. If you want to play outlast/defensive then go with spirit. If you want to play offensive (good with mages) then go crit. Also, what I've found is sp/haste is how you gem. good luck

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Merlinsback View Post
    New to disc pvp, but from my understanding it depends on how you want to play. If you want to play outlast/defensive then go with spirit. If you want to play offensive (good with mages) then go crit. Also, what I've found is sp/haste is how you gem. good luck
    Never ever gem or gear for crit as discipline. I've seen some discinpline priests gearing for crit with val'anyr but that's about it. PvP is very different from PvE. There is no real -gem this in yellow and this in red sockets rule. There are some general guide lines of how to obtain enough hit and spell penetration, this includes how to gem but in the end, it comes down to how you want to gear.

    The majority of high ranked priests go for haste, somwhere around 500-700 as discipline, depending on the comp you play, there are however some that go for mp5 and spirit, Bilian for example.

    I'd strongly recommend 5 pieces of mooncloth armor, or 4/5 and 1 good pve piece, such as heroic legs from festergut25 or the meteor chaser raiment. Divine aegis is overrated, dont worry about crit.

    If you need more spell penetration, gem for it. If you need more hit, gem for it.

    another 30 or 40 haste/sp wont necessarily win you the game, a missed fear in a critical moment most certainly increases the risk of you loosing the game.

    Im a big fan of mp5, rockin' 600 mp5 while casting nomnom Works great in all brackets even 5s, using spirit gear at around 2400 mmr. I do however have a haste set aswell.

    Read on arenajunkies and on hydramist forums, they got everything covered for you to read.

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