1. #1

    what do you think

    I'm writing this at work on my phone. So I would link my armory if I could.
    My warlocks name is Sabrius on the realm gurubashi-us

    Last night I got dislodge foreign object. Before this I was using muridins spyglass and nevermelting ice crystal
    I also have scales of fate
    (I'm affliction) and I understand how NMIC helps with the corruption refresh and I am good at doing it.
    Obviously DFO is better then both. But what do I use in the 2nd slot. Do I stick with MSG for the crit and static SP. Or do I go with NMIC for the crit corruption refresh cheat.

    I don't care about the gear score on either so don't say one has a higher GS use that lol (bad)

    DFO + NVIM
    DFO + MSG

    Please if you don't know about locks. Save us all time and don't post lol.

    Thanks ahead of time for the help guys. I appreciate it.

    (Btw. I do understand the situational use of NMIC. So keep that in mind also)

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by DeathKoil View Post
    DFO + MSG for most fights. If you need to target switch, or NMIC has a chance to fall off, it greatly lowers the value of NMIC.

    DFO+NMIC on fights in which you know Corruption will not fall off more than once every three minutes.

    Personally, I roll H.DFO and H.MSG because you never know when your corruption might fall of. Shit happens in Heroic ICC fights (and normal ICC fights too). When shit happens and Corruption falls off, NMIC isn't worth nearly as much as MSG. I've used both, and I found more consistent numbers with MSG. There are a few fights where you can reliably keep Corruption up, but not enough to make me use NMIC a lot though.

    Hey thanks alot for the reply.. I'm trying really hard to get heroic MSG.. righ tnow gurubashi is just a terrible realm with a wide variety of bad guilds.. and my raid times fit none of the guilds that run 25 mans.. (aka heroic 25 is out of the question).. looking for a guild lol.. 6k warlock! jk. again.. thanks alot for the input.

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