1. #11081
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    Comparison is the thief of joy.

    If you want to do it, go for it. Everyone starts somewhere and at first everyones a noob. You practice, you get better.

    Likely Photoshop.
    Yeah this is kind of my problem, I haven't really done much where I did not have some sort of talent for.

    I guess photoshop is pretty versatile, should probably get that program installed on my pc someday.

  2. #11082

  3. #11083
    Quote Originally Posted by Godzilla View Post
    I was looking for a new hobby and I wanted something slightly relaxing, since I kinda lack those kind of hobbies. I thought I might as well check out this thread to get some inspiration. Well I think I just realized I will probably never be able to create such beautiful artwork, maybe I should just look for something else haha.

    Some of the artwork looks to be made on a computer, or at least the coloring of the images. What kind of program would one use for that?
    The number one thing that you have to realize before you take the plunge into art is that the magnificent pieces that you admire are not singular moments in time from virtuoso actors. They are not flukes that were produced by virtue of angels and inspiration. They are fruits of a long journey that many times started in the early teens and have continued ever since. They are the showpieces polished and neatly displayed rather than the hundreds and thousands of practice scrabble-scratch that came before it.

    I'm not saying this to make you feel overwhelmed or daunted by the journey ahead of you, if you decide to delve into it, but to remind you that it is perfectly okay to suck at first. Everyone sucks hard as they learn, as they break their personal barriers, as they get better.

    I've personally drawn 500 pages of content the last two years (none of it is WoW related so I'll spare y'all linking it), and I'm still learning things by the bucketload.

    Don't be afraid, don't judge yourself too hard. Find some time each day for you to just draw whatever you want, copy real life or fan-art you admire for practice.

    Settle yourself in for a wonderful journey.

  4. #11084
    Quote Originally Posted by Elderahn View Post
    The number one thing that you have to realize before you take the plunge into art is that the magnificent pieces that you admire are not singular moments in time from virtuoso actors. They are not flukes that were produced by virtue of angels and inspiration. They are fruits of a long journey that many times started in the early teens and have continued ever since. They are the showpieces polished and neatly displayed rather than the hundreds and thousands of practice scrabble-scratch that came before it.

    I'm not saying this to make you feel overwhelmed or daunted by the journey ahead of you, if you decide to delve into it, but to remind you that it is perfectly okay to suck at first. Everyone sucks hard as they learn, as they break their personal barriers, as they get better.
    All of this^

    There's that study that was popularized recently showing that it takes about 10,000 hours to 'master' a skill. That's what you're seeing. I'm 29 and been working at it since about 6 (lol damn you Lion King). It's just lots and lots and lots of practice.

    It's very hard not to compare myself to the people around me and see flaws in what I do - I recommend stepping back, taking a deep breath, and looking at the work academically - what do you like about it? Can you take the pieces you think are best and learn to do them? Because I promise you are capable, it's just a matter of learning and having fun while doing it

    (oh, and since it was asked, yes, it's Photoschop CS6 for the arrakoa - if PS is out of your price range consider Painter or SAI or Manga Studio - these are all still great to use and many professionals do)

    It's also worth noting that while art is a very competitive field, it's a very friendly one! There are millions of good tutorials online, and a lot of people are willing to take the time to answer your questions about technique if you ask nice
    Last edited by emilylorange; 2016-04-29 at 10:34 PM.

  5. #11085
    Oh and one more thing to add in the vein of resources to find online for help: Sycra 's Youtube channel is pretty much the perfect place to go for help/academically structured tutorials.

    He's a 'analytical' artist, which makes his method very in-depth and explainable. His channel is essentially the one thing I'll always point budding artists towards, extremely useful stuff.

  6. #11086
    Thanks for all the advice, If I get anywhere then I'll post some results on here ( if it's WoW related of course.)

  7. #11087

    Figured I'd at least post some of the work I'm more proud of (small scale, full image is 2500 X 2500). I have a few more like the bust above on the sketch pad that I need to scan and paint digitally.
    Last edited by RayenDark; 2016-05-10 at 02:50 AM.

  8. #11088
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Thought I'd share the world map I created for my upcoming WoW expansion concept 'Into the Void'.

    The Voidlands:

  9. #11089

  10. #11090

  11. #11091

  12. #11092
    High Overlord Lilena's Avatar
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    Been taking on free demon hunter requests for fun and sketching them up on twitch.

    And here's a few WIPs of a huge project im working on for a fb group im an admin for.

    Ps sorry for the ugly watermarks. I don't want ppl just cropping stuff and using it. =(

  13. #11093

  14. #11094

  15. #11095
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    I don't know how you produce so much so quickly emilylorange, but it's very impressive!

  16. #11096
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    I don't know how you produce so much so quickly emilylorange, but it's very impressive!
    They're intentionally small (I'm fitting four on a piece of 9X12 bristol). I'm out of practice with traditional media, so I'm trying to get one done a week to learn from mistakes fast The eventual plan is to get confident enough that I can do larger images.

    T13 - Necrotic Boneplate


    T3 - Dreamwalker
    T4 - Malorne

    T1- Giantstalker
    T7 - Cryptstalker

    T4 - Aldor

    T5 - Crystalforge
    T11 - Reinforced Sapphirium
    T13 - Radiant Glory

    T6 - Absolution
    T12 - Cleansing Flame

    T17 - Poisoner's

    T6 - Skyshatter

    T1 - Felheart
    t14 -Sha Skin

    T18 - Iron Wrath

    Arrakoa Pair

    My Drood
    Last edited by emilylorange; 2016-05-31 at 07:10 PM.

  17. #11097

  18. #11098

  19. #11099
    High Overlord Lilena's Avatar
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    Finished a few more of these =D

  20. #11100

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