1. #761
    Hey I was wondering if its possible to make a macro that:

    Does Outbreak when its available, else it does Plague Strike. But also displays the cooldown of Outbreak when its as Plague Strike?


  2. #762
    it casts great but throws an error on line 6 about concantanation
    Quote Originally Posted by Treeston View Post
    local a = CreateFrame("Frame")
    a:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
        local arg = {...}
        self.pguid = self.pguid or UnitGUID("player")
        if arg[2] == "SPELL_CAST_START" and arg[3] == self.pguid and arg[10] == "Redemption" then
            SendChatMessage("Resurrection on: "..arg[7], GetNumRaidMembers()>0 and "RAID" or GetNumPartyMembers()>0 and "PARTY" or "SAY")
    How to use. Untested. Report back with feedback.

    Use this macro:
    /use [@party1, dead][@party2, dead][@party3, dead][@party4, dead][@party5, dead]Redemption

    didnt mean to post 2 times
    Last edited by glovhizzle; 2010-12-23 at 03:16 AM.

  3. #763
    Hmm, line 6 is the "add target name" part.
    Can you add an
    right before the SendChatMessage line?

  4. #764

    Macro for Guild mass Uninviting

    Hey there

    Earlier I saw a macro wich was automatically uninviting people on your guild regarding their level.

    I wanted to know if this was possible using the Last Online info?

    I would like to kick every person on the guild wich where afk 7 days or more, how can I do that apart doing it manually?


  5. #765
    /run if not CanGuildRemove() then return end for m=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(m) if y then if y>0 or m>0 or d>7 then GuildUninvite(GetGuildRosterInfo(m)) end end end

  6. #766
    Since Treeston beat me... this is along the same lines, but slightly different such that arbitrary times are expressed in hours.

    Also untested, but ought not break

    /run if not CanGuildRemove() then return; end for n=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d,h=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(n); local t=(((y*12)+m)*30+d)*24+h; if(t>168) then GuildUninvite(GetGuildRosterInfo(n)); end end
    Note, 168 is the number of hours in 7 days... adjust as per your preference.

  7. #767
    Hey guys
    Thanks for your answers, unfortunately, this code does not do anything in game

  8. #768
    Any LUA errors thrown?

  9. #769
    No, just.. nothing ^^"

  10. #770
    Oh. I used "m" for member, and then "m" for months.

    /run if not CanGuildRemove() then return end for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) if y then if y>0 or m>0 or d>7 then GuildUninvite(GetGuildRosterInfo(i)) end end end
    Try this :P

  11. #771
    Still nothing happening :/

    Now I don't have anyone afk for 7 days here, I tried replacing the d>7 by d>6 to test it out on 6 days afk people, and nothing happens

  12. #772
    /run if not CanGuildRemove() then return end for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) if y then if y>0 or m>0 or d>7 then GuildUninvite(GetGuildRosterInfo(i)) end end end
    Should print name, years, months, days for each player scanned.

  13. #773
    Yep, I launched it 2 times :

    1) It printed out names and kicked a lot of people, don't know if they where right people to kick because I still have 7 day AFK people on the guild.

    2) It printed out names of people afk for 3 to 7 days

  14. #774
    Is there any reason why this priest macro to selfcast penance on yourself without dropping your current target isn't working anymore?

    #showtooltip Penance
    /cast [noharm][target=player] Penance

  15. #775
    That macro says self cast if your current target is an enemy, and for that it should work.

  16. #776
    Quote Originally Posted by pVVn3c| View Post
    Is there any reason why this priest macro to selfcast penance on yourself without dropping your current target isn't working anymore?

    #showtooltip Penance
    /cast [noharm][target=player] Penance
    You're putting [noharm] and [target=player] as two different conditionals. It's unclear whether or not this is your intention. Your macro will attempt to cast Penance on a friendly target, and if your target isn't friendly cast it on yourself.

  17. #777
    I've seen some great macros in this thread and i think somebody can help me with my problem.

    I'm trying to make a macro to cast prowl feral charge and ravage in succesion. I now have.

    /cast prowl
    /cast feral charge(cat)
    /cast ravage

    This works fine but if i am out of range to cast feral charge and press it again when i am in range it will take me out of stealth. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks in advance

  18. #778
    /cast [nostealth] prowl
    /cast feral charge(cat)
    /cast ravage
    /cast !prowl
    /cast feral charge(cat)
    /cast ravage

    Quote Originally Posted by Lich King
    "You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of fear."

  19. #779
    /cast [nostealth]Prowl
    /cast Feral Charge(Cat)
    /cast Ravage
    EDIT: Meh, beaten to it.

  20. #780
    thanx for the quick replies it works!!!

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