Poll: Female Troll or Female Goblin?

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  1. #1

    Female Troll Rogue or Female Goblin Rogue?

    I'm looking for PvP Purposes mainly. Does the Female Troll seem huge and un rogue like?

  2. #2
    PVP purposes, goblin's are harder to target in a crowd, rocket boots for easy closing down/escape

    Trolls are easier to target, but great at burst through berserking and lesser duration on movement speed reducers.

    They are both good, but I would say goblin for BG and troll for serious arena play

  3. #3
    The troll racials are superior to goblins in my opinion. The 1% haste is great for PVE on goblins, but trolls are more suited for PVP.

  4. #4
    plus... goblin stealth > all other races. They do an awsome lil tip toe type walk.

  5. #5
    I'd never take one of those two ( simply dont like those green/blue'ish things with teeth like blades xP) but i'd take Goblin if i were you, since the jump is a nice gapcloser!

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