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  1. #161
    Yay for the holy priest changes ^.^

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by stevethebeave View Post
    *Blizzard *you *bleed *effects *being *melee *look? *melee *damage *you *properly *don’t *you *with *doesn’t *which *gonna *berserker *immunity *remove *you *classes *either *dunno
    You just made me snort into my Cookie Crisp Cereal

  3. #163
    All the little pictures and colours made that post a real pain in the ass to read.

  4. #164
    I don't think Marksman Hunter problem is just plain numbers. Beast Master can be fixed with buffs to damage, because its skills can be controlled.
    Now Marksman is presently the Dance Dance Revolution specialization. You have to press the right sequence of buttons, in the time, following the rhythm, and any delay or wrong button decreases your score, and you start slow at every pull, gaining speed at middle of fights.

    Improved Steady Shot mechanics, Aimed Shot horrible procs, Marked for Death nerf, Mastery based on attack speed on a slow shotting spec.... MM is just SAD.

    All the low damage they are seeing is based on how demanding they did MM to link a whole chain of skills to be able to damage, and then made it nearly impossible to be done as intended. Improve the numbers will NOT fix it, since the skills will still be faulty.

  5. #165
    Field Marshal Cudy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yautja View Post
    oh dear, sometimes I think GC needs to take his paladin hate blindfolds off and smell the weather
    This is probably more a case of GC forgetting what is live and what is on an internal build "might" here is likely taking account of the changes to ret's mastery in mind... once all that stuff goes live ret MIGHT still be low, and if they are they will get their baseline numbers brought up a bit, he is saying might because it looks good on their internal builds, but they won't really know until the community gets a shot at it.

  6. #166
    well i can say for sure that the guildrep bugs arnt all out of the game i've been doing daily's and getting guild XP like crazy and i've been stuck on 4869/6000 guildrep (friendly) since 16/12/2010 i talked about it to 2 gm's the first one told me blizz is looking into it. the second one i contacted after reading this post and trying it out. he said that blizzard didn't even know there was something wrong with the guildrep. i know its christmas and all but if they didn't want to spend the holidays locked behind a pc getting bugs out of the system they should have brought cata out after the holidays.

  7. #167
    Feral going down the drain most likely, as always it's either overpowered or underpowered and these changes will bring us back to underpowered. Oh well just wish they could look into the facts and realize that we don't have snare immunity.

  8. #168
    With the proposed change to the priest Chakra spell to make the buff even longer, the State of Mind talent is becoming less and less useful. The very first version of Chakra had a 1 min cool down for a 30 second buff, thus to keep chakra up constantly you needed to make use of State of Mind. But a little while ago the cool down on Chakra was set to 30 sec, the same as the base duration of the buff, and since Chakra has no mana cost and doesn't have trigger global cool down there isn't really any reason to want to extend the buff at all at the moment. The only thing you are saving yourself is having to hit a button a little less frequently, which isn't much of a savings since there is a ui display when the buff expires, the State of Mind talent is pretty much useless. If they now want to make the chakra buff even longer by default State of Mind becomes even less useful. It would be nice if this talent were updated to have additional effect or have its effect changed so that it gives a stacking mana cost reduction for the spells associated with your current chakra buff, or a stacking effect increase for your spells associated with your chakra buff. But I guess I now get some talent points freed up from State of Mind that can be put towards other useful effects.

  9. #169
    Once again, can anyone explain to me why resilience is put into the game? My impression was that resilience was to balance PvP vs PvE for abilities used against players. If so, why change bleeds that affect both PvE (huge nerf) and PvP, but instead change bleed dmg modifiers based on stacked resilience so it only affects PvP.

  10. #170
    Hmmmmm.....lets see shaman's.........purge nerf, ok........anything else? Nope we still don't exist.

    Edit: Also how can you typo dunno? Lol it's not even a real word.
    Last edited by Kyserorz; 2010-12-28 at 07:21 PM.

  11. #171
    Quote Originally Posted by Naix View Post

    Why does Blizzard do this to Druids? Druids could never come close to dps numbers of a other classes. Now that Druids are doing decent dps they want to nurf us again....
    Awww...they reduce bleed damage and buff direct strikes. So you won't be OP in PvP, and will have the same damage in PvE.

    Got it ?

  12. #172
    Odd, I thought assasination rogues were on top
    Well now at least I know for sure that I'll be leveling hunter alt first and rogue one after

  13. #173
    There are a couple ret paladins in my guild who easily pull 20k-30k dps on single target.
    hahahaha. What a load.

    ---------- Post added 2010-12-28 at 11:40 AM ----------

    I would love to see logs. If that is not available, their names, guild and server would be nice. However, without proof through logs, those numbers I am very skeptical of.
    Exactly, this kid is completely making this up.

  14. #174
    Getting rid of Drain Mana for Warlock? Are you fucking retarded as dick or what, Blizzard...

  15. #175
    Pugging and LFD are not the same thing. With a PuG, you can still make sure you have CC. LFD? Maybe. If you're lucky. Oh look, here's your 4xWarr 1xPally group. Welcome to heroics, circa Burning Crusade.

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by indirect View Post
    Getting rid of Drain Mana for Warlock? Are you fucking retarded as dick or what, Blizzard...
    Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about

  17. #177
    Gotta love this new design team of Blizzard's nerfing iconic spells of classes. Just more proof that this is the B team bereft of any ideas.
    This is the laziest development seen by Blizzard developers. These guys no longer play the game they play the spreadsheets and then spout corporate bafflegab to justify their decisions. Keep repeating a turd is a diamond and eventually you''ll convince a portion of your player base that it is.

  18. #178
    The Patient Sal's Avatar
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    I'm glad to see Blizzard really working out some nice changes especially for PvP for once. Happy with a lot of these changes. Now onto some class specific.

    Unholy DKs doing a bit too much, I suppose I can see this. I ALWAYS stomp every single person in my random dungeons, but I just assumed that was because they're retarded (and they usually are). Mastery is bad for Unholy right now, so if they toned down damage a bit and changed mastery how they said they would, then they should scale much better from gear (mastery being almost useless), and be in a similar spot. I don't really have a problem with DW Unholy, but it's now how Blizzard wants you to play, so I can understand doing something about this. I say move endless winter or something else useful to all specs to tier 1 frost, and move nerves of cold steel down the tree a bit.
    Frost AOE is a bit too high? Well what do you think when you gave them the best aoe in the world? Herp derp. 2H Frost needs something (either attacks scale better with a 2H or buff to might of the frozen wastes) because it's really far behind the other specs. Saying Unholy is way above DW Frost isn't right at all, so I don't see where Unholy really beats it out.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by NaitFury View Post
    Feral going down the drain most likely, as always it's either overpowered or underpowered and these changes will bring us back to underpowered. Oh well just wish they could look into the facts and realize that we don't have snare immunity.
    Feral bleeds are stupid good right now in PVP, and waiting 20 secs to fear bomb, while I'm getting Rip-rolled, means I'm clicking "Release Spirit" every time. Removing the fear immunity is a welcome change, imo. Besides, they didn't say they were nerfing damage, they just said they "plan to shift some of that (bleed) damage back to main attacks."

    No one said you had snare immunity. In fact, maybe you're on to something, it would be much easier if they would just give all classes a snare removal that costs 5-8% of base mana, is instant cast, and has no cooldown.

    ---------- Post added 2010-12-28 at 03:57 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyserorz View Post

    Edit: Also how can you typo dunno? Lol it's not even a real word.
    Dunno, ask that guy.

  20. #180
    What they really need to do is remove Troll Dig sites from norhtrend. The NE are not of a high enough % but the troll is just nearly making Nerubian impossible. I have been in Northrend now for 5 hours and have gotten only 1 Nerubian Dig site. I'm L525 and have completed Troll and Vrykul. So far since leveling up to this point all I have completed in Nerubian is 3 Common.

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