1. #3061
    Although most would argue its just a bigger dungeon with more people, UBRS for me, the waves event use to be a nightmare back in the day, even with ten.. And the waiting for the rogue class spell book to drop.... Took so long but finally got it.
    I however you mean so called proper raid, original ZG, since the you literally couldn't jump into higher raids due to resist gear and such

  2. #3062
    Brewmaster FrozenFlames's Avatar
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    Zul gurub - but that wasnt really serious. I believe that woudl also be the ONLY raid i've tried in classic (I was +/-13 back in the day). But I actually started raiding in Karazhan in BC.

  3. #3063
    Molten Core back in TBC when i started and when i finally dinged 70

  4. #3064
    UBRS /10char

  5. #3065
    First raid I ever stepped foot in? Karazhan. I was an Arms warrior with mostly welfare honor gear and my laptop was so shit that I could barely render the place so I never got to kill anything.

    First raid I ever actually completed? I don't remember exactly, but I I'm pretty sure it was High King Maulgar on a huntard (again in welfare honor gear). I think I was still a clicker back then and sucked balls, but I had more fun than I ever do in today's raids.

  6. #3066
    I believe I did Stratholme when it was still 10 man, but all I remember is the big ass Tauren, panic and a feeling of 'Why is this fun? This is not fun. I only see a Tauren. What am I doing here?'.

    First real raid was Kara. It was fun, for the first 5 times... Not so much for the next 50 times. I still to this day don't understand how people can do any raid (or dungeon) more then 2-5 times. It's absolutely boring killing the same thing every week. Even dailies seem fun compared to that

  7. #3067
    Joined just as TBC was released so the good old days of Kara, which lead to my promotion to RL sadly lol

  8. #3068
    I think it was either trying to get into Scarlet Monastery with 7 people (which didn't go well obviously ) or a raid on Astranaar while leveling, which back then was quite fun, though we were mostly owned by the lvl 50 guards.
    The first "real" raids then: UBRS > MC > Ony in that order.

  9. #3069
    Mechagnome Kivana's Avatar
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    Mid TBC for me and it was ofc the best raid ever, Kara. Got my first ever epic my first night in there

  10. #3070
    My first raid EVER was Lady Vox in EverQuest.

    First in WoW was Molten Core at 60. Ironically my first ever trip TO Molten Core was when I was in Ironforge and was asked by a guild member if I had the ancient leaf. I said no, they said they were going to summon me to give it to me since nobody needed it. I was very grateful and accepted the summon and got the leaf. Then they told me "oh, no, you're staying for Ragnaros too" and I was like O_O;

    After that, I continued raiding semi-regularly with them in Molten Core and subbed in Blackwing Lair.

    Didn't get more serious about raiding until TBC starting with Karazhan on my hunter, then a quick gear up on my paladin with a Karazhan raid on farm so they could use him as an off tank in SSC on through Black Temple. Those were good times.

  11. #3071
    First one i did was Naxx at level 80 >.>
    I'm a wrath baby. DON'T JUDGE ME!! x_x

  12. #3072
    Brewmaster DieFichte's Avatar
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    Scholomance or Stratholme, I don't really remember which we did first

  13. #3073
    15+ Year Old Account
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    San Francisco, CA
    Stratholme, we had about 15-20 people and it took several hours. It was never a 10 man instance, it was a 40 man instance then a 5 man instance, never in between.

    First "real" raid was 5 man molten core, before you could 40 man it. CCing giants ftw. We also killed Ragnaros like top 5 world, but oh well.

  14. #3074
    ahh the ppl who started post vanilla. They missed so much. Still feels weird when some1 says they started in idk like season 6 or whatever.
    Why cant we all be veterans of wow

  15. #3075
    UBRS and MC if I'm not mistaken.

  16. #3076
    Blackrock Spire for first raid dungeon. Crossroads pvp for first raid group (I think... it's been a while).

  17. #3077
    I'm really not sure, it was either Gruul, Karazhan or Magtheridon.

  18. #3078
    Quote Originally Posted by Knadra View Post
    Sunwell here
    ehm...whut? As FIRST raid? I dont think so

    btw, mc for me

  19. #3079
    Not sure if answered, but new Naxxramas 25-man.

  20. #3080
    Quote Originally Posted by kallekaka View Post
    ahh the ppl who started post vanilla. They missed so much. Still feels weird when some1 says they started in idk like season 6 or whatever.
    Why cant we all be veterans of wow
    You know, you could actually do the Vanilla content after expansions were released? Even though I started in TBC I went through all the old world quests, dungeons and raids. Did everything except Naxxramas, so what exactly did I miss apart from that?

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