1. #1

    Need Help as a Raid Leader

    Hi. i need advice on how do i lead a raid. Because every week when i want to do a raid, i find that my guild suffers from the lack of skilled players and i have no intention to leave my guild but how do i make my players more motivated to be better like for example not standing in shit u arent supposed to stand on and etc.

    My guild is a Casual Raiding guild but my Progression is 0/12 sadly. For the first few weeks of cata we were plagued with attendance problems and lack of 85s because like i said we are a Casual raiding guild but then i found out recently that my guild has really alot of very Bad players.

    For example when doing Baradin Hold for the first time as guild. Retards wont stack with the group they were assigned to because the reason they gave me is that If i move around the felfirestorm How do i maintain my dps?.

    Then when i was attempting Magmaw and omnotron defense system for the first time. i also found that people didnt have the basic addons like DBM or Ventrilo. these guys are the same people i raided ICC10 during WOTLK and now during raiding they can tell me that they dont even have DBM at all.

    I am very infuriated with my guild but due to personal reasons i am deciding to stay with my guild for awhile but how do i improve myself to make my guildmates not fail terribly
    Last edited by Nautyless; 2011-01-26 at 06:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Basically, you can talk to them and explain the raiding basics...
    Or you can bench them and invite more skilled players until the next raiding tier is out and they can gear up to trivialize the content.

    Though, whatever you do, you will not gain points with them.
    People that played a game for 3-4 years and suddenly get told how they should play it, tend to react really bad.

    Since you don't want to leave the guild you can either try to raid with another guild (so, no guild achieves for you) or the only thing left is to have patience with your problem childs.

  3. #3
    The Patient Larcissa's Avatar
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    Are they even willing to adapt and change, you need to tell them this isn't Wrath anymore, you can't expect anyone to spoonfeed you purple items, either they work hard for it or they can remain content till the next patch, outgear content and do the raids then.
    I like being asian :3

  4. #4
    If you figure it out let me know... I feel your pain... oh how I feel it. I'm basically in the same boat. My guild is comprised of good people who I enjoy playing with, some are even real life friends. As players go though they leave a lot to be desired. You basically have to decide what you want more. hard core raiding or playing with people you like to play with.

  5. #5
    How to rule crowd

    First. Your situation is grim just because you people don't respect you - why ? As raid leader you must prove youself to the raid - read tactics for bosses that you going to kill - look around for movies, hint's etc - before pull you should make plan - explain role of every raid member in this plan - explain overall event mechanics to everyone etc - prove yourself worthly. After you earn some respect as leader and success on few bosses go to next step.

    Carrot and stick, if you have even 11 man for 10 raid slots just explain everyone - why one man goes raid not another, implement council loot as you tool to encourage good players then you going to kill something - describe you decision. Some players are out of control - kick them asap, don't waste your time, and most important, time of others who raid with you. You must control your raid, for example if i want special build or gliph combination or addon etc from one of my raid players - i MUST explain why i need it and it MUST be done immidiately or punishment will be fast, RO guys - everyone send beam of hate to John - tomorrow we continue with more raid friendly person, or just summon Billy from his attractive heroic run to help us. Maintain at least 3 players for replacement in your guild - explain to people: bad performance in raid = you ticket to replacement bench - forever, if competitor show good skill and attendance.

    As you guild reach level 5++ invite everyone - people will come for exp bonuses and friendly green chat etc - state in gmotd - everyone who get 85 and 346+ can pretend for raid slot as replacement player - lack of fresh blood ruin alot of very impressive guilds.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    High Overlord imagine's Avatar
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    try and have a talk with those people, sit down and explain them what is needed.

    Show that you are the bigger person and that you are willing to help out where it is needed, its real tough work running a guild/raid leading.

    i am one of the raid leader's for my current guild i found myself in this situation lately but we picked up the slack killed 3 bosses more and its running perfectly now people got the good moods and confidence in that we can kill stuff now.

    Overall be a positive guy when you raid lead, some people don't learn as quick as others.

    Be patient help out where you can and in the end you might get some very loyal raiders and they might even become a good friend of yours, but in the end if it doesnt work then just replace them.

  7. #7
    High Overlord flick86's Avatar
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    First and foremost you need to talk with your guildies and get a sense of how they feel about raiding. You guys don't have a 30% perma buff anymore making purples rain. Raiding can very challenging for some. Your fellow raiders have to want to get better, trying to nag them into doing something a certain way won't work if they aren't willing to work on it. If they do want to get better thats where it gets easier:

    1) Make sure people have the very basic addons for raiding like dbm, omen, and vent. I'm sure others could add pages to this list, but those are some of the very basics. It can be very rough if tanks and healers don't have mics sometimes because they need to be able to quickly communicate.

    2) Have each set of classes go out to forums like EJ and research their classes as far as specs, glyphs, rotations go. Can't kill anything if you don't know what your job in the raid is and how to attempt to do it the correct way. The key here is not just copying specs, it really is important that they understand WHY they are speccing certain ways and which talents can be played with, same goes for glyphs.

    3) There are exceptions here, but they are rare. Make sure no one is keyboard turning, back pedaling, or clicking. Yes, it can be annoying to break these habits, but they truly do add up in a raid setting. I will admit myself i do click some of my spells, but only ones i very rarely use.

    4) Watch videos and learn boss strats before you go into a raid or you are just wasting peoples time and gold dying/wiping.

    5) Make sure people show up prepared with flasks, food, and potions. You are insulting your fellow raiders if you aren't attempting to give it your all each pull. Knowing strats could fall under this as well.

    6) Most importantly make sure you guys are having fun. A disgruntled raider won't be around that long.

    I would highly recommend having others pvp. I find this makes your typical raider much more aware of his/her surroundings and not tunnel vision as hard(standing in fire is bad). This won't be easy to do and will be frustrating, but the key is to stay positive. Have a steady few raid leaders people respect and will actually listen to is pretty key as well. Make sure all loot rules are clear whatever system you go by to avoid any purple drama. Help each other out in heroics to gear up for raids. I feel like at this point i'm rambling on and hope this might help. Remember this won't go anywhere unless people want to get better. Best of luck

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nautyless View Post
    Hi. i need advice on how do i lead a raid. Because every week when i want to do a raid, i find that my guild suffers from the lack of skilled players and i have no intention to leave my guild but how do i make my players more motivated to be better like for example not standing in shit u arent supposed to stand on and etc.
    This is a situation you often can't raid lead your way out of, I've found. People play the way they do. Whatever it is the people that stand in fire do, like watch TV or stare themselves blind at recount, it is something -they- do. Getting new people is usually the only reliable option. To be perfectly honest, though, I think you should find another guild. What you say implies strongly that you want something different than they do in terms of raiding, and you cannot expect them to change radically. Essentially, if people (Who aren't newbs) are bad, they're most likely going to stay bad.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nautyless View Post
    For example when doing Baradin Hold for the first time as guild. Retards wont stack with the group they were assigned to because the reason they gave me is that If i move around the felfirestorm How do i maintain my dps?.

    Then when i was attempting Magmaw and omnotron defense system for the first time. i also found that people didnt have the basic addons like DBM or Ventrilo. these guys are the same people i raided ICC10 during WOTLK and now during raiding they can tell me that they dont even have DBM at all.
    For the first part of the quote.
    Ask them how they plan to maintain their DPS when they die which they will if they don't move from fel firestorm.

    Secondly, DBM is not required to down content even for a casual guild, it sure helps but in no way required, what is required however is to put your brain in "on" mode and not believe that this is wotlk where your healers will save you if you cba to move from something you shouldn't stand in.

    Overall it sounds like quite a few of your guild members are the types of players who complain that heroics needs to be nerfed because they are way to hard for them, so either you need to help them get better or just accept the fact that many of them will never be the raiders you want them to be and either switch guild or invite a few new players that can play the way you want.

  10. #10
    If people die to Argaloth's flames-drop-from-air-and-are-easy-to-avoid they should be benched until they can prove derp isn't too strong in them anymore. If people can't avoid a mechanic with 1. clear visual cue 2. very predictable timing they really aren't raiding material. I mean, how will they survive for example slime bombs on Omnotron? Or about anything in Atramedes?

    I mean, I raid with people I know or people who someone I know knows so there's not a lot of room to kick anyone, but if someone was THAT terrible I'd seriously either not invite them to raids or leave guild. Human errors are acceptable, sure, but repeated failures to the easiest mechanics is terrible.
    Last edited by mmoc4515b91cb7; 2011-01-26 at 09:19 AM.

  11. #11
    The Patient Larcissa's Avatar
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    I think the thing you have to decide now is,

    1) Are you going to be the one that slowly helps these people? (If they are willing to learn that is)
    2) If they don't learn, are you going to put up with it for personal reasons? Because content isn't going down unless people move out of the fire
    3) If you're not going to put up with them, will you consider replacing them with new recruits?
    4) If you're not going to replace them, are you going to look for a new guild?
    I like being asian :3

  12. #12
    Do you call them retards in chat like you do on here?

    May be an issue for some...

  13. #13
    Some people love it, some people hate it, but give the addon EnsidiaFails a chance. It announces when people get hit by avoidable stuff, e.g. Magmaw parasites.
    Having your name announced in raid chat when failing at things like that motivates quite a bit.

  14. #14
    The Patient Larcissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucapa View Post
    Some people love it, some people hate it, but give the addon EnsidiaFails a chance. It announces when people get hit by avoidable stuff, e.g. Magmaw parasites.
    Having your name announced in raid chat when failing at things like that motivates quite a bit.
    I might just download that addon because the name is so awesome
    I like being asian :3

  15. #15
    Last edited by mmoc66337a3447; 2016-05-14 at 06:26 AM.

  16. #16
    If the players are as bad as you make it out to be, you're going to have to:
    -Explain the entire tactic yourself beforehand
    -Try and find a healer who knows what he's doing to make good and reliable assignments.
    -Tell them that without DBM / some kind of voice chat the boss simply won't go down.
    -You have to instil some kind of trust in the raiders (if you listen to me then this boss will go down, the tactics are almost written in stone by now, it isn't blind raiding any more and if you don't follow the tactics, the boss simply won't go down.)
    -Whilst progressing you might have to carry them a bit, for example, on Magmatron's Flamethrower ability you will call out 'XX Flamethrower, move out of the raid to a safe place', DBM is good for this situation as it calls out everybody who is targeted by an ability.
    -Sometimes you will have to be harsh, sometimes you won't.
    -Post the tankspot raiding tactic videos somewhere on your forum, there isn't anything clearer than that when it comes to reading / watching tactics.
    -Make sure you have the necessary buffs/debuffs to be able to have a good crack at the boss.

    I've never understood players who don't want to learn how to do a boss to be able to progress, they're wasting the 9 other people's time in the raid as much as they are wasting theirs, and that could be some kind of guilt trip you can use.
    Keeping all of these in mind, sometimes the best raid leader can't help the players if the players can't help themselves, it's a matter of if the players want to progress just as much as if you want to progress, if they refuse to listen to what you're saying / follow tactics, then you're stuck in a rut. You will have to come up with some way of getting progress under way because with a progress of 0/12, you will end up in a vicious circle with no applicants coming in.

  17. #17
    Well, u had a lot of good answers but tbh I don't think u have many chances to fix the problem with your guild in a short time,
    probably by the time u will succeed the game will be nerfed and a new Tier will be out.

    Btw u can also, level an alt, play that with antoher group and progress with that, gain respect and experience on fights.
    I know, I 've been lucky in finding a good group out of my guild to play with, but u could be also

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