1. #1

    Twilight Ascendant Council 25 man Probs

    Hey guys,

    At the moment we are having a crap load of trouble in phase 2. Phase 3 would not be an issue if we had people actually alive. Most of us are getting blasted by people from chain lightning who go for the buff or whatever it is they're doing. I am wondering if there is any specific placement that people have found to eliminate less than "quick witted" players from wiping the raid constantly. Any positioning tips that people have found to make this phase a bit easier? It just seems like total chaos for us. Thanks guys!

    (no dps probs what so ever)

  2. #2
    raid should stay in the middle all the time and ppl with debuff run out to the walls... they shouldnt care about buff if it will kill the raid.. they will be hit for a big numbers but it wont kill them so its not that big problem

  3. #3
    Yeah, people that are lighting rods must prio on running out to the side, rather then getting the right debuff.

    If you can get the debuff, that is of course great, but if you are unable to do it run to the side, ask to be topped off, and maybe blow a small defensive CD. (I usually use my dwarf racial)

  4. #4
    Alright I'll try that tomorrow for sure. I was also wondering if you guys have tried the strat where you simply have no one get the buffs after the first wind buff and just nuke? Was thinking about trying that also, since some people say it is pretty healable since dps is murdering the two bosses. Thanks again.

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